Topic: RhyDin File #33

Paige Connelly

Date: 2013-11-09 18:23 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

The Sky Is Falling!

Think we're kidding" A three thousand pound satellite may crash in your backyard Sunday night

A defunct satellite from an unknown agency the size of a fully grown dragon is set to plunge to RhyDin somewhere between Sunday night and Monday afternoon. Experts say there's no way to precisely determine where it will crash.

Matt Simon, a commanding officer of the Rhydin Air & Space Guard, is quoted as saying. "We are currently unaware of who placed the satellite into space, but suspect it may have been done a century ago."

"Does RASG have any idea what the satellites purpose was?"

"No. At this time, we can only speculate that it may have been used for surveillance and communications.?

So head for the bunkers if you must, RhyDinians. An ancient satellite may just ruin your backyard BBQ plans this weekend.