Topic: RhyDin Files #14

Paige Connelly

Date: 2011-03-02 02:46 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

RhyDin has a new danger in the form of a magically enhanced chainsaw. Wizard Zabar Gnolmewort in an effort to make cleaning his quarters easier, enchanted many items in his home. Unbeknownst to Mr. Gnolmewort, his cousin, Remel Gnolmewort, had left his chainsaw behind the mops and brooms when he had been over the week before clearing the backyard of trees.

Along with the brooms and mops, the chainsaw was also enchanted. Mr. Gnolmewort was in immediate danger as the chainsaw started to chase him through his home. In a bid to save his neck, Mr. Gnolmewort opened a window and dived through it, the chainsaw flew out the window and immediately started on the woods on the property. First, the chainsaw carved a duck, then a cow. A trail of wood animal statues were found heading towards RhyDin City. If you see the chainsaw, call the Watch immediately.