Topic: RhyDin Files #15

Paige Connelly

Date: 2011-03-14 21:33 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Fashion Week Inspired Vigilante

Reports have been flooding in about a thief roaming the streets of RhyDin and taking items of clothing from his victims. All the victims reported him saying the same thing before he runs away.

"This piece of fabric will be put out of its misery! You've been saved by the Fashion Police!"

No one know exactly what has prompted this fashion conscience thief to take such actions, but the citizens affected are in an uproar.

"He took a scarf my niece knitted for me!" Said Mrs. Kindlesnot. "It was very rude! He must be stopped!"

"He took my pants." another victim, who asked that he not be identified, said mournfully. "I should've listened to my mother about clean underwear."

If you spot the thief, call the watch immediately.