Topic: RhyDin Files #17

Paige Connelly

Date: 2011-04-05 21:15 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Suicide jumper pushed from RhyDin Bridge by annoyed old man.

Herman Dwindlemeyer was on the RhyDin bridge today, telling the Watch that if they came any closer he would jump when Ernest Puddleman made Herman's threat null and void. Mr. Puddleman, disgusted with the crowd that had gathered around Mr. Dwindlemeyer, pushed Mr. Dwindlemeyer over the edge and shouted.

"There! Now we can all get on with our day!" then he started to stroll off.

The Watch stopped Mr. Puddleman and are holding him on murder charges. Mr. Puddleman contends that since Mr. Dwindlemeyer was going to kill himself, his pushing him over the edge was merely the act of a good Samaritan.