Topic: RhyDin Files #23

Paige Connelly

Date: 2011-08-17 17:43 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Local Farmer Propels Himself Into the Stratosphere, Catches Lucky Ride Down With Skydiver

A local RhyDin farmer was using an old rocket shell to tamp down his newly planted seeds, when the handle came off.

So like all good self sufficient farmers would, he took the make shift farm implement to his work shop to weld the handle back on. He put the supposed dud shell in the vise and started to weld the handle back on when the heat from the welder set off the powder inside with a big bang which sent him into the atmosphere.

Luckily for him, there was a skydiver in the same area, who caught the surprised farmer and gave him a lift back down to the ground.