Topic: RhyDin Files #32

Paige Connelly

Date: 2013-11-07 00:25 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Spontaneous Dancing in the Marketplace

Over the past several weeks, there have been rumors of random acts of dancing taking place in the RhyDin Marketplace. While strange behavior is rarely cause for concern in RhyDin, as it is generally accepted as normal for the city, these random dance offs have caught the attention of researchers at the Dillon Research Center of Greater RhyDin.

"We'd like to uncover the reason that only certain people seem to be afflicted with this uncontrollable need to break out into sudden dance routines." Dr. Howie Didit said in a recent interview. "We do not believe anyone is in danger from the dancing, but if there is a genetic reason or outside influence at work here, we would like to uncover it."

If you or a loved one have recently broke into dance, please contact Dr. Didit at the Dillon Research Center.