Topic: RhyDin Files #5

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-12-05 03:40 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Have Home Will Travel

Economic circumstances in RhyDin change daily for all residents, something Wizard Silias H. Menkin knows very well.

The Bank Of RhyDin in the Dragon's Gate area, held the mortgage on Mr. Menkin's quaint cottage. When Mr. Silias Menkin fell behind on his mortgage, the bank moved to repossess it. The cottage sits on a valuable section of Dragon's Gate real estate.

In efforts to save his cottage, Mr. Menkin got a friend to put up the one hundred and seventy thousand platinum Mr. Menkin owed to the bank, but they declined the offer. Mr. Menkin, undaunted, marched straight back to his cottage and shrunk it.

The paperwork the bank has in its possession indicates it's the house alone and not the property it sat on that they own. So they reported the theft of the house to the city guard. To date, the house has not been located.