Topic: RhyDin Governor Declared Missing

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-10-20 11:47 EST Senior Columnist: Madu Adeniji

RhyDin Governor Declared Missing October 20, 2010

R.D., RHYDIN —- Mystery continues to surround the disappearance of RhyDin Governor Sheridan Driscol, whose office was reportedly left vacant over one week ago. The Governor was last seen publicly when he appeared for an interview with The RhyDin Times. According to sources, Driscol left no indication of his whereabouts, and thus far no close relatives have been able to be reached for information.

The RhyDin Watch commissioner issued the following statement this morning:

"While there are no obvious signs of foul play, we have decided to launch a small-scale search for Mr. Driscol and are compiling a report nonetheless. If anyone has any information on the Governor's whereabouts, they are urged to contact their local precinct."

Meanwhile, with the executive office left vacant, RhyDin citizens are questioning exactly who is in charge.

"It seems like awfully terrible timing for our government leader to go all M.I.A.," Bryan Qur'thott, owner and operator of "Something Wicca This Way Comes" in the Marketplace, said. "I didn't vote for him to go on vacation when we need him the most!"

It has been almost six months since the Governor was inaugurated. Driscol is most known for his controversial establishment of the RhyDin Council of Ministers - an institution, RhyDinians claim, that should be utilized in his absence.

"What else are we supposed to do' Leave the Governor's office empty?" argued Reagan Villereal, third-grade teacher at New Haven Elementary. "I say we promote one of the Ministers to the position A.S.A.P. The authority is there. It is reliable, and we should use it."

Villereal is not the only one calling for either the declaration of office abandonment or impeachment in abstentia of Driscol in favor of replacement.

"Before, I would have picked O'Rourke as the most logical choice to replace him," commented Freuda Wiscott, local attorney. "But going off experience and obvious capability, I would say that Wolvinator should be the one to take the reins."

Other RhyDinians yet are calling for a mid-term election.

"Do you honestly expect me to agree with having someone in office that I didn't vote for?" said Rheese Gur'garrinx, tavern employee. "Especially someone who didn't even run? No, if the position needs to be filled, then the folks of RhyDin need to be the ones who decide who fills it. Otherwise, I'd prefer a 'no confidence' term."

The Council of Ministers is currently in the process of being reached.
