Topic: Sixteen Question With Teagan Rielea

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-03-01 06:40 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

At nearly six feet tall, the current Baroness of Dragon's Gate, Teagan Rielea could put the models on fashion runways to shame. But do not mistake her for just a pretty face, she's one tough customer in the rings. We recently asked her sixteen questions, settle in and get to know Miss Teagan Rielea.

How long have you been in RhyDin"

I have lived here for about three years, but the first six months I never left my apartment. Those streets are kind of scary, you know" However, I eventually needed a job so I became an official in the Arena.

What is the one thing about life in RhyDin that you love"

I love the attention! I can go anywhere and find guys to give me things. Anything! Even some not so welcome things, but those ones probably do not realize who I am, aye"

Is there anything about RhyDin that you would change"

I would hang a slaver from every lamp post. I would also add a fountain of chocolate sauce to the market square.

You have been the Overlord. What made you want to be the Overlord"

I never imagined that I would ever be a duelist in the first place. Maria pointed out to me once that it is all either of us are good at, and she was right. I should have never been Overlady, by the way. I took last place in that tournament. I just want to be the best. I want to leave a legacy.

It's rumored you are starting a school for girls. What do you hope to see to consider it a successful school"

Fewer little girls growing up accepting that being taken advantage of is the way life is. Some of us learned the lesson the hard way, but that does not mean all of us have to. If even just one of them turn around and help another because of us, it will be worth it.

What do you think makes for a successful relationship"

I prefer fellationships to relationships but this one's easy! Honesty! Honesty and communication. Add in a little bit of excitement, randomness, forgiveness and understanding, dedication and loyalty. Also, make sure they take any medications they are supposed to be on. You never know how fast someone can turn on you when they're crazy.

Who do you think is fascinating to watch"

I think Sivanna is really pretty, but if you put a mirror in front of me, good luck getting my attention.

What is something most people don't know about you? What do they miss when meeting you?

People are usually too blinded by my chest to realize that I do, on occasion, have a functioning brain.

If you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island - what 5 things would you take with you?

Someone to cook for me. Joey. B.O.B. A blow up mattress. Chocolate syrup.

What do you admire most about your best friend"

Joey has way more empathy than I do. She knows how to make someone feel better when she wants to. There are not a lot of people I can say that about.

Who is your favorite bartender"

Emmerich always makes great drinks for me. He can get me drunk any night of the week if you know what I mean. Aye, you should be jealous. Joey fainted!

Do you like Jello"

Do I like what about Jello' Flavors or uses" I suppose strawberry would be my favorite flavor, but' flavor does not really matter for some uses.

Who is your favorite caller"

Imp! He really knows how to make a girl feel pretty' useful. If you know what I mean.

Have you ever been in love" What was your first experience"

Aye, I've been in love. My first was an emotionally abusive, alcoholic, psychopathic, needy cheater. That is all I am going to say about that.

How big is your tab at the Inn"

I have a clean tab at the Inn. Everything I order goes under Sartan's bill, but don't tell him.

What is your biggest regret"

I am fairly certain that if I answer this question, my biggest regret will immediately change. So let's not and say we did, aye"