Topic: Sixteen Question With Vincent Smith

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-01-26 14:56 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Vincent Smith. Five time Archmage. He has held the Opals; IceDancer, Pathfinder and he has also held a Diamond. Vinny is a powerhouse in the dueling rings and a rumored ladies man out of them.

Mr. Smith is also an entrepreneur and a scientist, he is an interesting man of varied talents.

In the elegant lobby of his Hotel Ritz, I asked him sixteen questions to see what else we could find out about the man known as Vincent Smith.

How long have you been in RhyDin" "I've been in town here about 12 years now. Almost half my life, I'd have to say. Could've left a few times, but I like it too much here."

What is the one thing about life in RhyDin that you love" "The best thing about RhyDin is that you can go out at any given time, and find something completely new and different. The landscape never stays the same for long."

Is there anything about RhyDin that you would change" "If I had to pick one thing to go in this city, it'd be slavers. Just on principle, I'm not a big fan of them."

It's rumored you are a flirt, do you find this flattering" "Rumored that I'm a flirt' I thought that was known to everyone by now. Yes, I am indeed a flirt. But I don't find it flattering. It simply is what I am and I try to enjoy every second of it."

In your opinion, what is the sexiest thing about a woman" "The sexiest thing about a woman....hmmmm. This may come as a surprise, but when a woman looks over her shoulder at me with those deep eyes, and does a little flip of her hair before walking away with a certain sway in her hips, it does more to me than anything else in the world."

Who do you think is fascinating to watch" "Tara is easily the most fascinating person in this town to watch. Both for her good looks, and her insanity. never know what?s going to happen with that woman next."

Have you ever gone troll tipping" "Nope. No troll tipping for me."

What is something most people don't know about you? What do they miss when meeting you? "One thing I don't think a lot of people know about me is that I'm actually quite the accomplished cook. Maurice, my head chef, has been giving me lessons on the side for a while now. I'm not as good as him yet, but my chowders, chilis, thai, and a few other things are coming close."

If you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island - what 5 things would you take with you? "5 things" That's way too many for me to figure out a way off of there. But, for the sake of simplicity, I'll take a bottle of wine, an umbrella, towel (can't forget your towel), astrological charts so I can map the stars, and finally, a good date to join me."

What do you admire most about your best friend" "Oh dear. How do I answer this without making it obvious who it is. Let's just say I'm very thankful for her putting up with my grief over the years, and for her just letting me be me."

Who is your favorite bartender" "Johnny. Hands down, he makes the best London sours in this town."

Do you like Jello" "Not plain, but with a little whipped cream' You bet."

Do you like to sing in the shower" "Of course! Who doesn't sing in the shower. I usually save particular songs for then. Something soft and sweet that will help me relax."

How do you feel about garden gnomes" "They all need to be smashed. Which is why I helped do so the other day."

How big is your tab at the Inn" "Panther sends me a bill at the end of the month. After a few parties, it got to the point that a check wouldn't cut it. He wanted coins, and it took a few saddlebags full to bring them over. If that's any indication."

Have you ever fed the stew" "Only met the stew last week, finally. And when I did, I gave him some of those gnome parts I had just smashed."