Topic: Sixteen Questions With Triple A

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-08-07 15:59 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Special Edition

You've seen them in the Inn and around the rings. Triple A. The cozy looking trio at the center table surrounded by a menagerie of family members. Maybe you only know them individually' Alper Ergin the Second, the Turkish business mogul and philanthropist, Antonio Falconne, the successful Multi-versal merchant and well loved bartender, or Maranya (Valkonan) Ergin-Falconne, the doctor, the duelist, and the Scientist. Once you put these impressive individuals together, you wind up with a hyphenate that sets eyebrows rising, tongues to wagging, and makes other power couples look like pretenders to the title.

1> How long have you been in RhyDin"

Like the true gentlemen they are, they let the lady answer first.

Maranya: "I have been in RhyDin for a little over eight years, now. As far as I am concerned, it is my home, and it always will be."

Alper: "I want to say somewhere around 2 or 3 years this summer. I think it's 3, now, but it feels like forever. I guess RhyDin's rubbing off on me." Looking slyly toward Anya he grins. "Much like my wife."

Antonio: "I came to RhyDin - let's see - some fourteen years ago now. Wow - it doesn't seem that long!"

2> What is the one thing about life in RhyDin that you love"

Maranya: "Mm, the one thing that I love about life here is that it is never, by any stretch of the word, boring."

Alper: "Hah! Never boring, that's for sure!" Chortles, slapping his knee. "Me, personally, I like the variety. But Anya's right, never a dull moment!"

Antonio: "As a merchant, the opportunities for trading, and for acquiring stock are absolutely unparalleled."

3> Is there anything about RhyDin that you would change"

Maranya: "What I would change." She pondered this question carefully. The fingertips of her left ring bearing hand tapped against her forehead. A frown touched her lips when she finally answered, "The presence of certain sadistic persons out there who believe that they have the right to indulge their capricious and malicious whims and make sentient beings their playthings without fear of repercussions, legal or otherwise. If I could change that, I would in a heartbeat."

Alper: His face darkened a little at Anya's words, and he echoed her sentiments with vehemence. "I agree with Anya; in a heartbeat."

Antonio: "I'd have to agree with Anya on this one. I cannot abide trafficking in people."

4> How did the three of you decide on this sort of relationship" Because there are some people that whisper about your triple marriage, so we'll just be blunt and ask. Is it about the sex"

Maranya: Laughter bubbled out of her upon hearing the questions. "If it was just about the sex, that can be had, excuse the pun, quite cheaply in this town." She shook her dark blond haired head, and a cryptic smile curved her lips. "Nyet, it is not about the sex. Though I will say that it is incredible, and leave it at that. How we decided on the line marriage is quite simple, really. I am very greedy." Impish merriment touched her hazels. "Seriously, I fell in love with Alper first. Antonio was a friend long before he became my love as well. I found myself in love with two men and I didn't know what to do. I am very fortunate that both men are wonderful enough to indulge my greed, and allow me to share my life with both of them."

Alper: "Like she said, I met her first, but I got kidnapped and dumped in a cave on one of my exploratory missions....So I was gone for a while. Words can't describe my surprise when I discovered she was seeing Antonio. But Maranya isn't the only greedy one; I wanted her and nothing was going to get in my way. If I had to take the whole package" Fine. I love her so much, that I would rather share her than not have her at all. Plus, 'Tonio is a great companion, we get along and we have our fun. So really, it was an added plus to the whole ordeal, and I can already tell Chryrie will make it just that much better."

Antonio: He smiled while answering. "A line marriage is a very wonderful device for meeting the larger societal purposes of a marriage - conserving capital for the family, dividing up workload, caring for the kids, and providing marriage 'benefits' for the spouses. If one of us died, for example, our children would always be cared for, and the family would go on. The only way for our future children to be orphaned would be for all of us to die at once."

5> How do you all juggle successful but demanding careers and your personal lives" Will this change with the rumored addition of a baby to your household"

Maranya: "With me, it is a matter of making time for the things and people that truly matter." Her soft smile reached her hazels at the mention of a baby, and her left ring bearing hand briefly rested on the bump slightly visible under her white cotton eyelet sundress. ?"Tonio was the one who suggested that Riverview Clinic add a daycare center for both the patients" families and the Clinic's employees, well before we all were engaged. Planning for the future is something that we all are very good at."

Alper: "Very, very carefully." Alper smiled. "I know most people think I'm nothing but a workaholic, but I swear I make up for my absences in the off-time. Like, for instance, right now, I'm grounded and making up for lost time with the family. When Blessing is born, though, I intend to be home more often, and with the recent hire of my youngest brother, I should be able to manage that." He goofily smiled when his wife rested her hand on the "bump".

Antonio: "My biggest personal flaw is that I am something of a workaholic. The fruits of my labor allow me to provide generously for my family, and for others, but I'm not home as much as I would like to be. Fortunately, Anya is exceptionally understanding. I will try to be home more once we have children, but sealing the deal is almost an addiction for me - merchanting isn't just a way to put food on the table - it's a heck of a lot of fun!" Antonio quietly grinned.

6> There is also talk going around of the three of you adding another person into your arrangement' Any truth to that'

Maranya: She smiled cryptically with these questions. "Da, it is pravilno....truth....that Chryrie Nightstar has done us the honor of accepting our proposal for joining us in our marriage. She is a wonderful person, and she will only add to the magic of our arrangement."

Alper: Looks between Anya and Antonio with a grin. "The cold, hard truth, baby. I'm rather excited for another addition, personally, because I always like to make sure that Anya is kept satisfied and happy, especially since I know I'm not home nearly as often as I'd like to be."

Antonio: "A line marriage doesn't have arbitrary limits on the number of spouses. Not that we're constantly shopping for new additions or any such thing, mind you. But if and when we all find someone who is compatible, and who feels the same way - who can accept this sort of marriage and all the benefits and drawbacks that come with it, then all the spouses can certainly consider adding another to the line. In this specific case however, I've been friends with, and loved, Chryrie for a long time - I can't say how pleased I am that she is willing to join us - we're exceptionally fortunate."

7> What do you think makes for a successful relationship"

Maranya: "Trust, a good sense of humor, and respect for the other persons involved."

Alper: "First and foremost, trust, but laughter, respect and appreciation go a long way, too."

Antonio: Antonio nods while Anya speaks, then chuckles. "Again, I agree with Anya. I also try to treat everyone the way I would like to be treated if I was in their shoes - which I feel is important for relationships. I think listening is absolutely critical. And honesty is key - a lie is a poor basis for a relationship."

8> What is something most people don't know about you? What do they miss when meeting you?

Maranya: "What most people do not know about me. An excellent question." She pondered the answer carefully. "What they do not know is that I make a wicked chicken paprikash. Although, I still have a problem with burning water if I am distracted. To answer the second question, there are those out there who see the blond hair and believe that I embody that stereotype." Her smile had a wicked edge to it. "I dearly love proving them wrong." The smile grew even sharper when she continued, "Especially in the Outback."

Alper: "Considering most people don't think I exist, probably everything aside from the fact I'm one of Anya's husbands." Looking to Anya with a smile. "They probably don't know I met her first, or that I'm really a big cuddly, playful bear. I think some people might think I'm too serious."

Antonio: "Not many people know that my first marriage lasted for about two minutes." Antonio looks wistful for a few moments, then continues. "Long story short, she was poisoned by a rival family, and the last stage of the poison was worked into the marriage ceremony. It was an arranged marriage, and we were both very young. That was a long time ago. As to what people miss when they first meet me?" He smirks now. "I'm actually quite the singer - haven't had much time for it lately though. Oh, and I have a passion for books - I love to read!"

9> Who do you think is fascinating to watch'

Maranya: "Aja when she has been given Nixies is quite amusing to watch. So is Galen, for that matter."

Alper: "I don't usually watch fascination, that is, but I have to agree that Aja is amusing when she's on the Drugs."

Antonio: "I enjoy watching Tara - I learn something new every time. Heck, I just like watching people, which is one of the reasons I still tend bar."

10> What do you admire most about your best friend"

Maranya: "This is a difficult question because I consider my current and pending spouses among my best friends. With them, I admire their leadership qualities, their capacity for loving, and their senses of humor. Actually, my other dear friends, Aja, Colleen, Darien, Neo, Thorne, Galen, Sivanna and Alec, also share those traits in varying degrees."

Alper: "She's beautiful, but most of all she's the most caring and trusting woman I've ever met. And that's what I love most about her, is her compassion for caring for those she holds dear." Alper replies, staring at Anya with a starry-eyed expression and a goofy smile.

Antonio: "The fact that she cares more than any one person should be capable of caring, and she turns that feeling into action." He smiles to Anya as he speaks.

11> Who is your favorite bartender"

Maranya: That easy laughter bubbled from her. "If I must choose someone other than "Tonio and his Passion, then I choose Colleen. I spent many happy hours in the Inn's Keep with her brownies and brandy a few years back."

Alper: "There's barkeeps?"

Antonio: He chuckled as Anya spoke. "I can't choose just one - I learn from each and every one of my colleagues. I will always have a soft spot for Zehpyr, if you remember her - she was one of the people who trained me many years ago."

12> Who is your favorite caller"

Maranya: Laughter colored her softly accented voice. "Tough choice, truly. I cannot think of many callers that I do not like on some level, at least. But I definitely enjoy being there when Imp, Wyh, Tass, Porthos, and Misty call matches." A faint frown touched her lips with the mention of the last name, but it cleared up as quickly as it started.

Alper: Stares blankly at the interviewer. "Um. I don't usually make it out to the duels, you know..."

Antonio: "I have to be honest - I never attended duels before I married Anya, so my knowledge of callers is limited at best. Wyh is an old friend, so I'd be remiss if I did not mention her."

13> Do you like sweets" What kinds of sweets are your favorites"

Maranya: "I am especially fond of chocolate, the darker the better, thanks to "Tonio." She tipped a fond smile to Antonio. "I am also quite fond of Turkish Delights. If you have not had them, I highly suggest that you do." She paused, and gave a saucy wink to Alper. "Nyet, I am not speaking of Alper, this time, although he did introduce me to them. The best way to describe the taste is that of a gummy bear, but so much smoother in texture. Rosewater flavored ones are our especial favorite."

Alper: Puffs his chest out all proud-like at Anya's comment, before his face falls slightly at the next comment. "Bah, anyone who knows me knows I love rosewater Turkish Delights more than my wife." Alper smiled then stuck his tongue out at his wife playfully. It was very cute to watch.

Antonio: He chuckled at the teasing between Maranya and Alper before answering. "Dark chocolate, first and foremost. I also enjoy Italian ices and some sweet drinks."

14> How do you feel about marshmallow"

Maranya: "Marshmallow has some....interesting applications." Her mischief laden smile spoke volumes.

Alper:: Alper seems at a complete loss for words after he hears what Maranya says about the marshmallow and given the blush he started to sport, I wisely left that question alone.

Antonio: "Marshmallows should never walk and talk, as a general rule." He nodded sagely.

15> How big is your tab at the Inn"

Maranya: "I do not have a tab at the Inn, as I from time to time settle it with a platinum coin or two. Nor do I have a tab at the dueling arenas, because I do the same there."

Alper: "What's a tab?" Wolfish grin.

Antonio: "No tab. In fact, I don't take a salary. Anything I make there is donated to the Rhydin Widow's and Orphan's Charity."

16> Have you ever fed the stew"

Maranya: "Nyet, I prefer to keep my distance from the Stew. I trust that it will do the same for me in return."

Alper: "The....Stew?" Makes a face. "I haven't had the pleasure."

Antonio: "One of my other mentors way back when was Robert Grail. I actually used to eat his stew, and rather enjoyed it. I know not how the current abominable form came to be, but I can neither confirm nor deny feeding it." He winks slyly.