Topic: Sixteen Questions With Vextirias

Paige Connelly

Date: 2010-07-26 02:02 EST Paige Connelly Staff Reporter

Have you ever seen a crimson dragon' The mere sight of Vextirias in her full dragon form will take your breath away.

Twenty feet tall, one hundred feet long and inspirers awe and even fear from those that see her. Most of the time, you will see her in a much smaller version of her magnificent form while hanging around the Inn or the rings.

Maybe you've been afraid to approach her" You are missing out on a very interesting being. Grab that cup of coffee and read on to learn more about Vextirias

1> How long have you been in RhyDin"

"Close to seven months now If memory serves me correctly, though it feels longer and not in a bad way."

2> What is the one thing about life in RhyDin that you love"

"The variety of both, races and new things. Even if I had been born and lived here all my life, I'm sure there would always be something new to witness or discover." Vex chuckled at this before continuing with the question. "As it is, the amount of technology to learn of is overwhelming. That is taking into effect that I have never been around much of this before coming to Rhy'din. But I'm slowly learning and picking up on information as I go."

3> Is there anything about RhyDin that you would change"

"Mrm....It's a dangerous place at times, especially for those who have only a few ways of defending themselves. I suppose I would like to see them safer somehow....Amusing coming from me you may think, but really, I'm not as bad as I may appear to be to others or yourself."

4> It was suggested by Bane that you have a reputation of being a child killer, that you eat them. Is there any truth to this rumor"

Vex grumbled the moment that question came up, and she looked very annoyed. "Slander! I may have been considered evil by many before I came to Rhy'din. But even if doing so had serious consequences against me, I did not harm children of any race and tried not to do so to their parents, I went to great lengths to insure that, even though it nearly killed me on one occasion. I may have been much like what one would expect from a red dragon back then, in some cases perhaps more so....But some things, even I refused to do."

5> You've been seen around RhyDin with Montgomery Scott, are you two an item'

"An item' Mrm, not sure of what you mean by that. But I would say we are close, I'm rather fond of him as well." The annoyance of the last question seemed to melt away with this one, Vex was smiling now. "It's one of those things that just happens in life and a it's good thing."

6> What do you think makes for a successful relationship" "Well," a brief chuckle. "I think being happy with and caring for one another is what it is all about, no' So that."

7> Who do you think is fascinating to watch'

"Well, that ones a bit complicated. There are many that I enjoy watching or being around, picking one would not be an easy task as I find them all fascinating in their own ways."

8> What is something most people don't know about you? What do they miss when meeting you?

"Mrm. It could be one of two things. It's that I'm not a rough as I let on to be, inside I've grown soft." Vex seemed amused by this. "A soft scale if you will, though....I wouldn't recommend using that to other dragons, it can be insulting to some. Or it could be about my past, I was not anything like I am now."

9> If you knew you were going to be stranded on a deserted island - what 5 things would you take with you?

"That's an interesting question." Vex laughed then contemplated for a spell before answering. "Myself and my wings" So I can simply fly away?" She has such a great grin!

10> What do you admire most about your best friend"

"I really try to keep all my friends just as close as the next, but if I had to pick one that is closer than the rest, obviously it would be Montgomery. His personality and sense of humor, that is what I admire the most about him."

11> Who is your favorite bartender"

"Well, they are all great individuals, but if I must....Amber tends to be one of my favorites. Not that I mean any offense to the others of course, you all are great as well as I stated."

12> Do you like sweets" What kinds of sweets are your favorites"

"Well, I would have to say chocolates with strong alcohol in them, namely whiskey."

13> Who is your favorite caller"

"You enjoy the tough questions don't you? They all deserve respect for the work they do obviously....But if I must....Mrmmmm." She tapped her claws against the ground while she considered this question carefully. "Porthos....I would say Porthos, I'm not sure if there is anyone else that can be amusing and confusing at the same time as he can be at times to me."

14> How do you feel about marshmallow"

Vex raised an eyeridge when I asked, as if she suspected someone specifically told me to ask her this question. "Curious question. I don't mind marshmallows....But I also don't much like it when a certain individual is throwing them at me, that is a bit annoying." I wonder if she is referring to the shape shifter Galen here. He is seen throwing those tiny marshmallows at people quite often.

15> How big is your tab at the Inn"

"Mrm, I try to keep it payed off often through placing the money into the till. Besides the till snake is always amusing to watch do its work."

16> Have you ever fed the stew"

"Well, if you count forcing it back into it's pot with fire, then yes, yes I have.? She laughed at that answer, as did I.

I hope you have enjoyed your time with Vextirias