Topic: Talinstaar: Yet Another Civilization for RhyDin to Deal With

Darien Fenner

Date: 2009-11-17 19:02 EST
Talinstaar: Yet Another Civilization for RhyDin to Deal With Senior Columnist: Darien Fenner

In August of 2009, I had the opportunity to interview the new ambassador from Talinstaar, Aelethil Auvreaneldth. The following is a transcript of the interview.

Darien Fenner: Ta for meeting with me, mate. Ya picked a good paper. The Post is getting a lot of, pardon the pun, publicity lately.

Aelethil: "What with your avid support of Proposition 37, I'm not surprised," Aelethil mused dismissively. "And the coverage of all the incidents revolving around it. Though I can't help but notice how all the public anger toward the Proposition is turned on you, interestingly enough."

Darien Fenner: ::his eyes slant as he gives his stubbled chin a nonchalant scratch:: I don't make the news, mate. I just write about it. ::the Aussie sets a portable recording device between the two of them:: Now. I'm obligated to tell you before we begin that once I hit this button, everything you say is permanently on record. D'ya have anything ya'd like to say off-the-record"

Aelethil: "I never said you did anything otherwise, just pointing it out is all," his eyes flicked down to the recording device, then back to Fenner. "Nothing that comes to mind at the moment. Please proceed."

Darien Fenner: Jump right in then, let's. ::grins, and punches the record button. He leans back in his chair, and tugs a pen out of his vestpocket, and puts it to a notepad:: Full name and occupation for the record, if ya please.

Aelethil: "Aelethil Rhuiviel Auvreaneldth, ambassador of the city of Talinstaar, also known as the ArcaneSigil."

Darien Fenner: ::nods to Icer and her squeeze as they head in, then turns back to Aelethil:: Flos Caeli is pretty far away, Ambassador. What brings ya all the way to RhyDin"

Aelethil: "After securing a stable means of inter planar and inter realm travel, the council decided to send ambassadors to several worlds we've had little to no contact with in the past to form alliances, learn about the different cultures, governments, etcetera. And possibly economic growth through trade agreements."

Darien Fenner: What kinds of trade agreements are those" Exactly what does Talinstaar have to offer RhyDin in the way of goods"

Aelethil: "The capital of Talinstaar specializes in arts and arcane items and equipment. Enchantments, if you will. But apart from those, we have strong fish market, with a variety of species native to the western coast of Leafanii, not to mention crops from the plains and various animals from the neighboring forests."

Darien Fenner: And how many acres of land are devoted to farmland, in a moderately- sized expanse of land such as Talinstaar" ::he wouldn't mention the bad timing on the ambassador's end when it came to wanting to import the arcane::

Aelethil: "The farms supplied and employed by the public sector total to an estimate of 600 million acres of land for crops alone. Most of the plains of Leafanii's western half are the property and territory of Talinstaar."

Darien Fenner: Six....hundred....million' ::he repeats incredulously:: That's....::clearly an exaggeration:: ....all right. Then how much land is set aside for real estate" Industrial expansion'

Aelethil: "Keep in mind Talinstaar is a country thaat takes up most of the continent it resides on. Not a city, not a state or province, but an independent nation," he replied cooly. "90 million. Then there is approximately 430 million for forest-use, 500 million in grassland, pasture, and range land, 300 million for special uses, and 200 millionfor miscellaneous uses."

Darien Fenner: Special uses?

Aelethil: "Special uses. Anything ranging from military investments to parks."

Continued on page twenty.

Darien Fenner

Date: 2009-11-17 19:08 EST
Continued from page nine.

Darien Fenner: Speaking of military, care to shed some light on yours"

Aelethil: "If you have any specific questions regarding Talinstaar's military, I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my ability."

Darien Fenner: All right, then. Not to beat around the bush— A Silvaer immigrant source has claimed that the Talinstaar military is tyrannical and criminally negligent. What d'ya have to say about that"

Aelethil: "That the Silvaer was likely a criminal who held grudged against the Talinstaar government. Our military is under the command of the council, the council is elected by the people, one member for each of the seven races for equal representation. Most military actions are decided on a majority vote. The people who hold office are chosen by the group they represent the most, and together they represent Talinstaar as a whole. Our military is no more tyrannical than any other military. Our military serves the purpose of protecting us from attack in times of conflict, for defending our allies, and for the safety and security of the people. Any who would say otherwise, likely have met the few bad soldiers, for no army is without them, is a criminal, or a member of another nation that has battled with ours before."

Darien Fenner: Are ya willing to disclose the size of your military in contrast to the general population distribution"

Aelethil: "I'm afraid not. We are a solely voluntary military though, there is no drafting involved in our recruitment."

Darien Fenner: Understood. Well. Gilman said the first duty of a being is to assume the right functional relationship to society. What kinds of services have you or your people to offer RhyDin" D'ya hope to forge an alliance, or are ya here for purely acquisitive purposes"

Aelethil: "Our goals are to establish a mutually beneficial agreement between Talinstaar and Rhy'Din. But, Rhy'Din has no real established government, thus making such a thing more difficult than we had anticipated," he paused thoughtfully. "We can offer services including, but not limited to, craftsmen, carpenters, security to the city in the way of law enforcement officers, and a variety of public workers who would be more than willing to take the violence that seems to be running rampant due to misinterpretation of the infamous Proposition 37, and calm the city into a relative state of peace and civility once more."

Darien Fenner: Begging your pardon, but did it occur to you that the institution of foreign enforcement could, and will, be seen as an act of war"

Aelethil: "Hence the willing. We are not going to in any way force our authority onto any others. We have law enforcement officers who would be willing to transfer under the control of Rhy'Din's 'government' making them under their authority, not ours. We're talking police and guards, not soldiers trained in armies here, we're talking law enforcement under the control of Rhy'Din's government and people, not our own. We would never, in a thousand years, dream of trying to enforce our own authority where we have none. I am hoping to speak with the governor about this soon. At this stage, it's all theory and suggestion. And keep in mind, Mr. Fenner, that I am merely an ambassador. These ideas and suggestions come from higher up. You report the news, you do not make it. I do something similar in regards to my country. It is ultimately the decision of your government and my council, regarding what will and will not be done."

Darien Fenner: That's pretty generous, Ambassador, for a pair of nations that have yet to establish foreign relations. Let's change gears and discuss the repercussions of the interdimensional travel Flos Caeli constructed. What have you to say about the Brazen Blighters terrorist organization here in RhyDin, responsible for no fewer than six public bombings, and said to have had its start in Talinstaar"

Aelethil: Aelethil's eyes narrowed fleetingly."Considering we know next to nothing about Rhy'Din back in Talinstaar, and interdimensional travel is something that is strictly regulated at the moment in Talinstaar, with very few citizens being allowed access to the portals, I would say that the rumors regarding the terrorist organization are false. They can't have come from Talinstaar, we have so far, only allowed three people access to Rhy'Din. Myself, a paladin, and a well known and respected merchant."

Darien Fenner: You're absolutely certain" No doubt in your mind whatsoever"

Aelethil: "None whatsoever. But I cannot speak for the other nations of Flos Caeli. I personally know the two other men who arrived here from Talinstaar, neither of which have the capacity, reason, or will for such bombings."

Darien Fenner: Ah. Other nations. Hmm. What about the rumors circulating of Orik Maelstraugh's alleged rendezvous with a Ferritovan subordinate without the authority of the Sigil"

Aelethil: "Councilman Maelstraugh can meet with whomever he pleases, so long as he does not try and enforce any laws or ideas that arose as a result of that meeting without the rest of the council's approval. Should he attempt to undercut the authority of the council as a whole, a trial will be held in which the council will discuss, with a randomly selected group of citizens to help pass the judgment in the end, whether or not Councilman Maelstraugh will continue serving on the council. If things are unfortunate enough to where he is stripped of his office, then a new councilman will be elected in his stead.?

Darien Fenner

Date: 2009-11-17 19:13 EST
Darien Fenner: A trial by jury. Who would have thought. ::amused.:: And who elects that new councilman"

Aelethil: "Since Councilman Maelstraugh is dwarven, the dwarven sector will choose who to nominate first. Once chosen, the rest of the districts, if so inclined, will nominate their own candidate. Then it's an electoral process from there. Whoever the nation as a whole would rather see on the council is who makes it onto the council."

Darien Fenner: ::nods, and studies his notes some more, then looks back at the Ambassador:: Well, that about does it for our interview for now, Ambassador. Is there anything you'd like to add on the record"

Aelethil: "Only that we hope Talinstaar's relationship with Rhy'Din becomes a mutually beneficial one."

Darien Fenner: I'm sure RhyDinians agree, Ambassador. ::writes that last statement down verbatim, then closes his notebook and hits the stop button on his recording device::

End Interview.


Well, ladies and gents, that just about says it all, doesn't it' As George Orwell said, "Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind." Personally, we here at the Post don't buy the oblivious front— not from an Ambassador. Do you?