Topic: Tour de RhyDin Fists Match: Karos vs. Drasinia

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-02-03 00:43 EST
RhyDin Sports Sports Columnist: Peter Pham

Tour de RhyDin Fists Match: Karos vs. Drasinia, February 1. February 2, 2010

Attention RhyDin:

Recorded copies of a showcase Fists match between Anubis Karos and Kheldar Drasinia are now available for purchase at the RhyDin Post for fifteen dollars or eighteen copper. Package includes stickers for both teams, as well as a limited edition still shot of both Tour de RhyDin competitors. Please make check or money orders payable to the Post, and include your name and mailing address on the request form. Footage is available in dvd or holodisk form, and includes commentary by everyone's favorite Sports Guy Peter Pham, and retired dueler Chris Reed. Shipping and handling fees not included in price of purchase.

Darien Fenner

Date: 2010-02-03 00:50 EST
- The RhyDin Post's black and gold logo flashes with an epic, orchestrated introduction theme. The logo spirals off the screen, and displays a high-tech news studio with flat screen television sets, and a massive, glossy black desk. Two men sit behind the desk. To the left (Peter Pham) is in his early thirties, of Asian ethnicity, has gelled black hair, and is in a pinstripe gray suit. To the right (Chris Reed) is of Caucasian ethnicity with dark brown hair, is in his late thirties, is wearing a charcoal suit, and has a vertical scar running down one side of his face. Both men, equipped with headsets, smile at the camera. -

Peter: How's it going, RhyDin" I'm Peter Pham, sports columnist!

Chris: And I'm Chris Reed, former dueler and unofficial CrushBob public representative.

Peter: Chris. You literally are just a geeky fan. You have no ties to that team whatsoever.

Chris: I will once the governor sees how quickly those CrushBob pogs and matchbooks are flying off the shelves!

Peter: Matchbooks now"

Chris: Yeah, man! It's a play on words! Because the Tour de RhyDin consists of matches, right"! - Uproarious laughter. -

Peter: Riiiiiiiight. Let's leave CrushBob alone for once, shall we" Tonight we're going to focus on another two spectacular teams for the Tour. From team Wrecking Crew, we have Kheldar Drasinia. And from team Great of Strength, we have former Overlord, Anubis Karos.

Chris: No wonder the Egyptian's so lethal in the rings, Pete. He combines the finesse of swords with brute strength from fists. That's a truly deadly combination.

Peter: He wasn't Overlord for no reason, Chris. But I do hear Drasinia is quite the challenge, too. I understand they're both of Emerald rank when it comes to fists.

Chris: All that aside" just take a look at the ring they've chosen to compete in, Pete.

- Roll footage of a vacant Styx. The ring features a platform of crisscrossed wooden beams suspended fifteen feet above the floor, with mats below. -

Peter: That is the infamous ring Styx, is it not"

Chris: It is, Pete. I only had the opportunity to duel once in it, and believe me" if you haven't got a proper sense of balance or a feel for your own body, you are completely screwed.

Peter: Let's see how these two competitors pan out then, shall we"

- Roll footage Round 1. JB/FaDO 1-0 Drasinia. -

Karos: Organic columns of thew arranged themselves like a vaulted arch of flesh upon parallel girders as he sought balance, the trajectory of a coppery fist perhaps compromised by that. The riposte struck at his abdomen, inciting lithe frame to slightly tilt forward.

Chris: For such a big guy, I have to say Karos is surprisingly agile.

Peter: I agree, Chris. He just doesn't seem bulky at all. That being said, the hit from Drasinia didn't even faze him. He's built like a machine.

- End footage Round 1. Roll footage, Round 2. FaAB/FaJK 2-0 Drasinia. -

Drasinia: Fakes the flying knee, kicking back and throwing a big overhand right to double his lead.

- Slow motion. Zoom in on Kheldar's fist connecting with the Egyptian's jaw. -

Chris: Oh a beautiful example of feinting here, Pete! Watch Drasinia come in high, catching Karos off-guard. He ducks, readying himself to sustain that blow, and BOOM! Clocked right in the chin!

Peter: That's excellent perception on Drasinia's part, Chris. He utilized that feint to create a glorious opening. This is advanced dueling, right here.

Chris: Take notes, RhyDin. That is how it's done!

- End footage Round 2. Roll footage, Round 3. JB/LS 2-1 Drasinia. -

Karos: A slight mass of discoloration began to formulate on his jawline in the wake of the strike's ebbing pain, gaunt lips pursed as a right cross shot inwards to return the favor.

Drasinia: And there goes his first misstep as he changes to a more direct tactic" He's briefly seeing stars for the change.

Chris: And Karos in on the board with an equally b-e-a-utiful use of rapid observation. You can see that as Drasinia's preparing for what looks like a sweep, he's dipping. Karos takes advantage of this with a hard swing at arm-level. Gorgeous connection, Pete. Let's have a look at that in slow motion.

- Slow motion, action replay of the Egyptian's fist connection. Rewind. Replay. -

Peter: If I didn't know any better, I'd say Drasinia is getting a little too eager to get those points on the board. He wasn't even paying attention to the former Overlord's upper half!

Chris: It's a matter of lower body strength, Pete! They're barely hanging on, while still trying to balance on those beams. After a while, your legs start shaking from the strain. I'm guessing he wants to get in and out as soon as possible!

- End footage Round 3. Roll footage, Round 4. FaDU/JB 2 All. -

Peter: Ahhh. Too rushed. He's too rushed. Drasinia needs to lay off the offensive for a minute.

Chris: Like I said, Pete. He's keeping his cool, but I imagine he's beginning to feel the pressure. Styx is tough as hell. Get it' Because the River Styx is in"

Peter: We get it, Chris.

Chris: Well, because not everyone is as well-versed in mythology as"

Peter: You only know that because your daughter made you sit down and watch "Hercules" with her.

Chris: Say what you will, but those Terran movies are educational!

- End footage Round 4. Roll footage, Round 5. FaDO/FaAB 2 All. -

Karos: A brisk side-leap saw the Egyptian Master gingerly find purchase upon a neighboring girder, antimony trills of kohl augmenting the intensity of his steely gaze.

Peter: This guy doesn't blink for one second, does he"

Chris: Except when he's getting nailed in the face.

Peter: Careful, Chris. I have a feeling Karos doesn't take lightly to being mocked.

Chris: Who's mocking" It's a reflexive action!

Peter: Looks to me like Drasinia's getting overly wary, though.

Chris: Think the pressure is getting to him"

Peter: Could very well be.

- End footage Round 5. Roll footage, Round 6. SpK/JB 3-2 Drasinia. -

Drasinia: Throws the left, aimed again for the area he'd hit earlier.

Karos: Fortunately, the momentum of a spinning kick managed to draw Kheldar's fist towards his left shoulder.

Peter: This is impressive speed on Drasinia's part, here. He's taking advantage of the windup needed for Karos's kick, and getting in close. Good timing!

Chris: Very good. I'm a little disappointed, though. For all his finesse and agility, Karos didn't see that coming" Come on, now!

Peter: Keep pushing it, Chris.

- End footage Round 6. Roll footage, Round 7. SnK/FL 3 All. -

Chris: And he ties it up again with a very nice work of leg. Let's have a look at that again, shall we"

- Slow motion, action replay of the smooth kick to Kheldar's abdomen, and the Egyptian's lightness of foot on the beams. -

Chris: He goes in for a grab, and Karos just says, "No way!"

Peter: By depriving the man's lungs of oxygen.

Chris: You know any better way to keep someone from getting all grabby"

- End footage Round 7. Roll footage, Rounds 8 and 9. FaDU/FaAB 3 All; JB/JB 4 All. -

Chris: Lovely. Absolutely lovely. After a quite pleasant stare-down competition - GAG - we finally get some action!

Peter: A double hit' Something is telling me these two are feeling a little aggressive!

Chris: I get what you mean, Pete. I feel like they've got some kind of history. This fight ain't just about the Tour, that's for certain!

- End footage, Round 9. Roll footage, Round 10. LS/LS 5 All. -

Karos: A foreleg shot forward at an angle, it's intent to strike at Kheldar's kneecap foiled by a collision of shins.

Chris: Ouuuuch. Man, are these two going to have bruises to wake up to!

Peter: Neither of them will be walking right after that blow, I think. Both went in with an intent to knock the other off the beams.

Chris: I'm surprised they've lasted this long, actually! And trying to sweep fifteen feet above the ground" They've got guts. These kinds of matches certainly aren't for the faint of heart!

Peter: And we're all tied up at five. This one is going to be close.

- End footage Round 10. Roll footage, Round 11. FaDU/FeUC 6-5 Drasinia. -

Drasinia: Previously he'd faked the knee and then threw a punch. The inverse working here as he started the punch to set up throwing the knee.

Chris: Oh beautiful! Beaaaaautiful! As Karos ducks down to avoid that punch - which isn't there, mind you! - Drasinia NAILS him right in the gut! Perfect use of calculation and assumption!

- Camera pans back to the studio, where both men are having a discussion. -

Peter: They've both been around a while. I imagine they're both very well acquainted with logical human instinct. You see a fist coming for your face, you recoil.

Chris: Or you throw your arms up, which would have worked much better here.

Peter: I don't think so, Chris. Drasinia is fast. Even if Karos had put his arms up, he'd still have the knee to deal with.

Chris: True, but it would have softened the blow. In all honesty, though, I am stunned that Karos is still standing on the beams after that. He doesn't let one thing faze him!

Peter: Absolutely not. You show weakness, your opponent exploits it. Karos is the epitome of poker-faced.

Chris: Drasinia too, man. He hardly batted an eyelash when his moves failed. No wonder he's made it so high up!

Peter: Uh-oh. You thinking of defecting over to the Wrecking Crew, Chris?

Chris: Oh hell no. CrushBob is still going to pulverize everyone.

Peter: We'll just see about that. Now unless I'm mistaken, that's four nobles for team Wrecking Crew.

Chris: Very well won, and very well fought. I have to admit, I'm eager to see what else Wrecking Crew has got to offer.

Peter: I personally would like to see more people take advantage of the specialty rings. That was pretty riveting!

Chris: Terrifying is the word you're looking for, Pete. - Laughter. -

Peter: That too! As always, RhyDin, I'm Peter Pham.

Chris: And I'm Chris Reed!

Peter: Thanks for tuning into our continuing coverage of the Tour! Stay sporty, RhyDin!

- End tape. -