Topic: A Diary (mature content, 18+ only please)


Date: 2010-01-17 19:25 EST
And thus I start my 17th diary. It is the second of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I missed Rās al-Sanah, the first of the year, which was yesterday. I was so very busy I had no time to write. However, I do get to start on Eid al-Masjid, the first Yawm Al-Jumu'ah of the year.

Which, I sigh as I write, has proven nothing with which to gladden my heart. For it is Yawm Al-Jumu'ah, Friday as it is called here. Yet the Masīḥīn insist it is Yawm Al-Aḥad, and their day of prayer. And all day, the cursed jarasūn have made their clamorous banging. And every Masjid in this cursed town treats it as "Sunday"! The gall, the effrontery of the Masīḥīn in stealing the true holy day! The spinelessness of the Khāṭibīn that allow this!

Ah, but why do I get so upset' It is not as if I were any longer at one with the Itaqu. I am not one with a strong Imān, for I have seen the errors and foolishness in the Dīn. Further, I have seen how our glorious nobility ignore the Dīn when it suits them, and see no reason to be strong in faith.

Indeed, I shall fall even further from "right practice", now that I have the money, the power, and most importantly the tool to enjoy the pleasures the Dīn calls evil. "Kufrul-Istihlāl" they will call me, if they ever find out how I shall live here, in this cursed yet voluptuous city. But I shall see to it that I shall keep them from knowing. In Madīna al-Ṭābah, and in my estates, I shall be the good little Muslīmah. Here though, I shall do as I wish.

Only a few servants shall I bring here. And they shall, one and all, be women, women who know the ages-old belly dance. I shall have none that shall shrink at the thought of openly taking pleasure, whatsomever kind of pleasure they do wish.

As well, I shall make sure they are women who will follow my commands. From fear if it needs to be so, from admiration and respect to the degree I can inspire it, from subjugating desire in all of them. For what I have bought, and paid so dear a price for, shall insure their loss of independence to the lust only I can inspire, and the profuse and intense hizzah al-jimāʻātun that only I can make them achieve.

The hour grows late. Sunset is soon, and with it a new day. Yawm As-Sabt is nearly upon me. I must prepare to return to the dimension of my origin, and join the others of my household in Maghrib. I must keep up appearances, after all.

For awhile.


Date: 2010-01-19 19:37 EST
Today is the fourth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I made no diary entry for yesterday. That is two misses out of four days. That is not a good way to start a new diary. I intend to do much better in the days to come, of this I make an intention and declaration.

The evening following my last entry, following Maghrib, a brief meal, and then Isha'a, I spoke to a few of the women who are servants at my favored estate, to sound them out as to how they would react to moving to RhyDin.

Yarah will go if I wish it, for she is fully and happily under my control. She will do ought I ask, so long as she "achieves" again and again in my arms.

Hana' was very favorable, but then she has "an itching foot" as the saying has it. There is a possibility she might leave for further fields if the chance presented itself, so I shall have to bind her most tightly to myself.

Nahid is somewhat scared at leaving lands she's always known, but she is a stay-at-home and slightly cowardly. She will go if I push her to it, though, for she is nearly as hungry for "achievement" as Yarah.

The Old One will go with me, for we have been together so very long. And as I am now the richer, I shall support her and support her well.

Thus far, these are the only servants I am sure I can take with me and not be betrayed by. There are others I wish to take, for their beauty, and their skill in the dance or in "private matters", but who I am not yet sure of the loyalty of.

'Ablah continues obdurate in her pretense that the bliss I give her is something she can "take it or leave it alone." She does not fool me. She achieves, with me, beyond what she can find anywhere else. Her hunger shows every time I so little as touch her. In time she shall break. As well, she is not one to betray one who has given material goods to her, in favor of those who promise only "spiritual wealth."

Buthaynah is one of the most abandoned dancers I have ever seen, yet speaks and (outside the dance) acts like a pious Muslīmah. I suspect it is naught but an act, and she would embrace pleasure if she knew she would not be taken before a qadi for it. I shall have to go carefully with her though.

Of my other dancers, only Ma'isah, Atyaf, Sulafah, Wajd, Husna, and Zaynah are acceptable. For only the best shall be part of my "new estate," the household I shall found in a land where anything goes, and none report "transgressions" to the qadi.

There are a few other women in my households that are acceptable as ordinary servants. I shall speak further with The Old One aboiut which to take, howbeit this is a minor matter.

Again, it is late, and I shall need to return to my favored estate for Maghrib and the rest of the prayers. But tomorrow I shall return to RhyDin, to look for a suitable abode.


Date: 2010-01-20 22:59 EST
This entry is for the fifth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven. It is written after Isha'a, on the sixth.

I stayed at my favored estate this day, going not unto RhyDin, for there is much to do in preparation. Bedding, clothing, food, and other goods must be bundled up and readied for transportation. All to be done quietly, so as to attract as little notice, as few prying eyes, as it may be. For though there is no hiding all, I can hope that all think I arrange but for a small place, to be visited infrequently.

Oh! If only it could be that I could hide utterly my travels unto RhyDin. But as this cannot be, then I shall strive to hide the extent and frequency of my travels. I shall strive to make it seem a passing fancy, a toy sometimes picked up, as often dropped. None but those few I take with me are to know how much time I shall spend here.

Least ways, not until I am well set up within RhyDin. Not until I can sever all ties to my dimension of origin, if such I wish. Or such becomes necessary.

I spoke with Sulafah then Atyaf today, to sound them out. Sulafah seems indifferent to the idea of travel and of being out from under the power of the Khalīfah's government. However, I hear tales she is a secret wanton, so I shall talk to her again later.

Atyaf has proven a danger! She told one of my guards what we had talked of, and asked his help in reporting it all to a local Bārūn, one who is also a Qadi.

The guard was smart. After all, am I not a Mushir" Does not this Bārūn hold his lands from me" Even accused, I could strike and strike hard. Thus the guard reasoned, thus he came to me for reward. Thus it is, my "estate" on RhyDin will have a male after all. For this guard, this Da'ud ibn Mohammad al-Wā'ir, deserves reward and yet could be a danger to me if his tongue wags. However, with him in RhyDin, and the passage between there and here in my control, he shall not be a danger.

As for Atyaf, I have had her bound and gagged. This was done publicly, for such is my prerogative. I gave no reason, though I "let slip" that I was taking her to Madīna al-Ṭābah for a judgment only a Qadi of the capital can give.

The truth though is that I shall have Da'ud al-Wā'ir carry her as I take them both to RhyDin, and then have him find a slave dealer and sell her. Thus he will be in RhyDin, as well as implicated in the crime of selling her. This will tie his hands should he think of blackmail. I will be sure to give him enough money, from out the amount gained by Atyaf's sale, that he will be able to pay for lodgings for three days. I must remember to carry along food as well, so that he will have enough to live on.

This, however, means I must quicken my efforts to find a place fitting to live in.

Too, this day's events mean I must be even more careful which of my female servants I speak to, and how much I say. A salutary lesson, for all it means I must move slowly just when I most long to rush forward.


Date: 2010-01-22 19:42 EST
It is the sixth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Directly after Fajr and a quick breakfast, I had Da'ud ibn Mohammad al-Wā'ir carry Atyaf, and we went to RhyDin. I thought it would be a matter of great ease to sell this traitor off. Events proved otherwise.

There are no few slavers within this pit of Iblis, but near all do care but to sell. Buy' Why should they, when they can rapt a woman from some small woodlands town, and sell her in this city' Thus it seems, at times.

Dhuhr came, and Da'ud and I found an untenanted spot to pray. After, we searched more, before I found a slaver willing to purchase Atyaf. Thanks be to Allah he paid a reasonable price! I had feared that this "buyers market" would mean I would have to settle for a few paltry coins.

I then gave to Da'ud al-Wā'ir the sack I carried, and a sufficiency of coin. He balked, at first, saying he wished to return with me. I informed him I needed someone in RhyDin, full time, to keep watch and learn. I applied sufficient "butter" to convince him I trusted few or none other to do this. He preened, the fool man, and told me he would happily stay, to do me great service. The only service he can do I wish for is to keep his mouth shut.

The length of time I was away from my favored estate proved a boon, as it made accurate "back timing" possible. To those on the estate, I was gone but the fifth part of an hour.

I went to The Old One and gave myself to her command, as I wished to practice The Dance. She declared that in this practice, I must achieve as many times as possible. So, I dressed for the task, she took up her drums, and we went to the studio.

Whereat she surprised me. Always before, the command to achieve was accompanied by music set so as to take me out of the mood, to disrupt my concentration. This time, howsoever, was the opposite. The music, the beat, the moves directed, were such as to bring me unto the bliss of achievement rapidly and repeatedly. All I was required to do was to remain with the beat as I achieved. This was easy at first—-have I not practiced the doing of such since long ago' But as time went on, as my newly won physique achieved again and again, my control started to slip. By the time three hours had gone by, and I had achieved eleven times, my body moved to its own beat.

I thought The Old One would punish me rigorously, but she just smiled. This practice was but to remind me how extreme my fire is, how powerful my body has become, how the endurance, agility, and strength I now command can come to command me, should control slip.

Full of thought, I showered and then sought out some of the women of my household. I spoke to Ma'isah today, then Husna. I had planned to be most circumspect with Ma'isah, for she is a tongue wagging gossip of the worst sort. The Old One, however, has said she can lock her lips if need be, and with this reassurance I had sought out Ma'isah.

To my utter surprise, Ma'isah grasped my intent before I had said much, and confessed the idea of being out of the view, out of reach of the qadis, is something she greatly desires. So I now count her as one who will accompany me to RhyDin.

Husna, on the contrary, is clearly happy here. She loves this land, this place my favored estate is on. As well, while no saint, she is content within the confines of the Dīn.

The afternoon was filled with the petty details managing an Mushir's estates entail. Boring, boring, boring. I shall not fill the pages of this, my diary, with such minutiae.


Date: 2010-01-22 19:44 EST
It is the seventh of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

There was much to do, dealing with my many estates. All of it boring enough to be painful.

It was not until well past Dhuhr that I was able to get away, to go unto RhyDin. I found al-Wā'ir in good spirits, full of pride that he had found a place to stay whereat the money I gave him for three days stay was enough for a week. I had to rein in my anger and act pleased he had managed this. I had wanted him on a short leash, so this news was unwelcome.

More welcome was that he'd found no place to buy food that was halal beyond question. As he has already eaten more than half of what I gave him, which was meant to last three days, the leash is not so long as all that. As he is such a fool as to forget that vegetables are halal, as is fish, he whines there is no source of halal food in RhyDin. So, I must supply him, as he knows of no other way to acquire halal food.

I left al-Wā'ir after giving him instructions on what sort of housing to look for. I doubt he will be of the slightest use, but he needs to be kept busy. I looked, myself, around town and have seen a few places that would suit. I am confident I can get the current residents to leave, as I can flash enough silver before their faces to induce them to go.

I returned to the estate, gave orders to prepare the jet, then attended Asr. I then boarded the jet and told the pilot to set course for al-Fīnīq. I am grateful my jet has room to spare, as we shall have to say Maghrib as soon as we land.

Once in al-Fīnīq, there are a plethora of goods to buy. I have brought both my account-card and some cash. It shall be quite a spree, and most enjoyable. The need to attend Isha'a at the Jāmiʿ Masjid shall not be enjoyable, but I must keep up appearances.

Yarah, who I brought with me as my "personal maid," and I, shall fill the hours after Isha'a with pleasure and achievement. That will compensate for the unpleasantness of pretended devotion.


Date: 2010-01-26 19:04 EST
It is the eighth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven, written at al-Fīnīq.

Much shopping today. I confess to being "girly" enough to have enjoyed it immensely. It was enormous fun going from one fabric shop to another, making a few impulsive buys and having a scribe note down prices of silks and satins, for later comparison and decision. Linen and cotten too, of course, but they are merely utilitarian. It is the silks and satins and others of the sort that are for enjoyment.

I also went through the food markets and ordered a good deal of fruit and meat and bread and....Ah, the pleasures of the table!

Then to furnature makers, to order the making of a few choice pieces. They are meant for RhyDin, but I mentioned this not to anyone.

A few matters of business regarding my estates found me out. Regretable, but they did need to be dealt with.

A busy day, and an enjoyable one. But I shall be most glad to return to my favored estate in the morning.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the ninth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Fajr said at the Jāmiʿ Masjid in al-Fīnīq. Immediately afterwards, packed and boarded the jet. We managed to return to the estate before Dhuhr.

After that was deal with, I packed a bag with halal meats, and went to RhyDin. Da'ud ibn Mohammad proved difficult to find. I located him at last, as he was exiting a bordello. While he did show true embarasment, his penetince was sham. I made pretense of naught but exasperation, and did tell him if he wished to go into dirty Masīḥīn that I would let him not so much as touch any of the beautious Muslīmahīn that I shall bring here.

He appologized profusely, yet just as I was about to "forgive" him, he added that the women in the place he was just at seemed not to be Masīḥīn and did bath regularly. This astonished me, and I let it show. "Not Masīḥīn" Then of what belief are they?" I did say. "I know not," he said, and added "Perhaps of none."

"Dahri or Masīḥī, what matter?"

"I was made to bathe." As if that were excuse enough. Still, there is naught to be done about such men. I thus waved the matter off, and gave him the sack of food. He was grateful, as well he should be.

He told me he had found some places he thought might suit, and wished to show them unto me. I allowed him to. Most were poor, and would barely be acceptable. Two, however, were quite good. I explained the deficiencies of the majority, that he might better know what to look for.

I "back timed" to my favored estate, and dealt with various business matters. There is nothing else worth relating for this day, save that it is Yawm Al-Jumu'ah, and the proper observances were seen to.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the tenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I spoke to Buthaynah some more, and she finally admitted that the abandonment she shows in the dance comes from her deepest core. She wishes to be as sensual in all her deeds. I told her therefore of my plans for RhyDin, and she gave herself totally to the idea. Which she followed by giving herself totally to me. Many achievements followed, though needs be we curtailed whenas Dhuhr approached.

Between Dhuhr and Asr I spoke quickly with Nahid to be sure she will go with me to RhyDin. I had to use my tongue most dextrously to insure her cooperation.

After Asr I gave myself to the command of the Old One. She decided that I must practice restraint. I held myself from achieving, even as The Old One used the most sensuous beats and had me take the most inflaming moves, for over an hour. She let me know that was most satisfactory, and ended the practice. Naturally, as I showered I released all restraint.

After a longer time in the shower than the practice had been, I reined myself back in. Dried and dressed, I proceeded to deal with more business. It will be Maghrib shortly, and then, with sunset, the start of a new day.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the eleventh of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I spoke with Wajd this morning, by luck most circumspectly. It is clear she is a good little Muslīmah, and a tale-bearer, too. So she shall not be among those I take to RhyDin.

This afternoon I again gave The Old One command over me, as again she had me achieve as often as possible, and again the beat and the moves were designed to help me achieve. This time I better kept control, though before five hours were up, I no longer remained with the beat of the drum. Eighteen achievements had shredded my control

This time, The Old One did punish me, though lightly, as I was already exhausted. Seventy sit-ups without pause left even my abdominal muscles aching.

In the evening, I spoke to 'Ablah of RhyDin, pretending disgust at things I had seen there. She pretended to be shocked. Yet as I spoke, I let the fire that is at my core show in my eyes. She let the answering fire show in her eyes, and indeed her breath quickened and deepened. I know how I shall spend this night.


Date: 2010-01-30 19:56 EST
It is the twelfth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I had Isha'a said as early and as quickly as could be excused, then took 'Ablah to my bed. I made her to achieve as much as she could stand, and took from her my own achievements. It was as total a display of my power as could be imagined, and though she fained otherwise, I know 'Ablah has come more under my power than before.

Yet there is a stubborn streak to her that would deny my power. This, however, will change.

Fajr over, and breakfast eaten, I travelled to Rhydin, to give Da'ud more food. He pointed out he must pay his rent tomorrow. I gave him money wherewith to do so.

He said he had found but one other place that might suit. I was reluctant to follow him, as I had much to do "back home." However, he was as insistant, though showing me proper deference. I decided to humor him, and followed as he lead.

I am glad I did so! The place is large, well kept, with a room quite easily adapted to the needs of dancers. Most importantly, it is for sale! I gave Da'ud a little extra money as a "thank you? gift.

Tomorrow I will seek out the owner and bargain over the price. Howbeit, I am determined to buy this house.


Date: 2010-01-30 19:57 EST
It is the thirteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I returned to RhyDin as early as I could escape my duties. This, agrevatingly, meant not until after dhuhr! I nearly started tearing out my hair over the parade of petty foolishness I had to attend to!

But get away I did. I met up with Da'ud al-Wā'ir as I had arranged to yesterday. We went to the house he had found, so as to see if the owner dwelt there. It seemed not, as the house was locked and barred completely. Enquiries among the neighbors led to the owner's current location.

We travelled the length of RhyDin to her (for the house is owned by a woman, a widow in sooth) new home. I talked to her. Her husband left substantial debts, such that she must sell her former home for what she can get.

She bemoaned her lot, crying out that she is destitute. Nonsense! She is better of than I was in the before time. I had no sympathy for her, as she is greedy, sly, and selfish.

I insisted on seeing the inside before discussing terms. She gave the key to one of her servants, and sent us three away. I looked over the place thoroughly, noting everything that was less than perfect, then returned to the woman.

I bargained hard, and forced her down to a much better price than she had asked. In the end, the prospect of immediate payment in good silver was the telling point. We agreed on the price, and I promised to have the money to her on the morrow.

I then went back to my favored estate, and sent messages to various estates to bring the needed silver. I also commanded my servents to pack and prepare various necessities.

Tomorrow will be the day.


Date: 2010-01-30 19:58 EST
This is written for the fourteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven, and written the night of the fifteenth.

I had much ado to get the silver to the owner of the house I am purchasing. Many trips back and forth, and many lies told about why I made so many trips. I do not want the tale spread abroad that I moved much good silver to RhyDin—-there are those who might adduce why.

It was not until halfway betwixt dhuhr and asr that payment was rendered in full. After, the proper forms were signed and the keys handed over unto me.

Then came the work of transporting my needed goods unto the new house. It was not until well into the night that enough had been moved to make it possible for me to spend the night in a matter acceptable to my station. I am about to go to my bed, and write in haste. I am tired, but happy. Happier than in a dozen years.


Date: 2010-01-30 19:58 EST
It is the fifteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

This is a day of great joy! It the day of my nativity! Moreover, there are other matters that bring me joy this day.

I spoke again with Sulafah, and at last she confided in me how much she wishes to be openly as wanton as she is in secret. I spoke openly, therefore, and she is utterly in favor of moving to RhyDin. I have, therefore, six women whom I know I shall take with me to RhyDin. Only 'Ablah remains a question within my mind.

With the help of Yarah, Buthaynah, Nahid, Hana', Sulafah, Ma'isah, and a couple of lesser servants (whom I may trust to keep silent), I was able to move everything needed for my new "estate" to my house. The Old One, of course, came along, but there is little she can carry.

This took the entire day, so we all trooped back for maghrib and isha'a. I decided we will spend the morrow here in my (once upon a time) favored estate, as tomorrow is Yawm Al-Jumu'ah, and I do not wish my first day of inhabiting my new estate to be spent listing to the jarasūn of the Masīḥīn. So, tomorrow we will all be good little Muslīmīnah at the Masjid here on this estate.

Yawm As-Sabt, however, I and my "ladies in waiting" shall depart. They shall not return save in some unforseeable emergency. I shall return as little as I may.

Perhaps someday will be the last day of my return. That shall depend on what income I may generate in RhyDin.

Still, I shall leave the future for the future to decide. I shall live in the present, and cast aside care!


Date: 2010-02-01 20:29 EST
It is the sixteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Much business of various sorts, all boring. A few prized possessions gathered together, readied for to leave unto RhyDin.

Nothing else worth noting.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the seventeenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I wrote yesterday's diary entry too soon! For it was but barely after Isha'a was finished that 'Ablah came unto me, eyes flashing, wickedly wanton smile flitting over her lips. Nothing loath, I took her unto me. Many achievements later, she still in pretense, I changed my tactics.

I feigned surrender, pretending to beg for her control. This I did, thinking to take her by surprise when she thought herself most powerful. The result, howsoever, was full opposite of me expectations. She, of a sudden, sobbed and threw herself down unto the floor, crying out scarcely understandably.

I had much ado to comprehend her. At last she calmed sufficient for speech. There was much confused talk, needing that I make her retrace herself. In the end, all came out. A most grim story, that I will not sully these pages with. I listened long, making proper sounds of commiseration and kindness. After no few hours, she, having unburdened herself, sank into a slumber. Which I did allow for a pair of hours, before rousing her, in both senses of that word.

The full and the end of it all is, that by kindness and understanding I disarmed her. She no more will resist my power. In truth, she is glad to have opened unto me, and is happy under my control. Such and such, she shall journey to RhyDin.

I had but little sleep, but I have that which makes such lack of little account. From Fajr to Dhuhr I and my "troupe" conveyed boxes and bales to RhyDin. None other were allowed to assist. Dhuhr spent at the estate's Masjid, then back to the work needed to make my RhyDin "estate" perfect in every detail.

We were not done by Asr, so there was a delay as we prayed at the estate's Masjid. That done, once more to work. We finally finished but an hour before sunset. I take now a few moments, while all rest, to write within this my diary. Soon the sun shall set, and I shall lead us all in Maghrib, the first Salat said here in my new home. After, we shall have a private hafla, and all save The Old One shall dance as we would not dare dance "back there." I anticipate much joy, and many achievements whilst dancing.

As for Da'ud ibn Mohammad al-Wā'ir, I have set him to spy upon one who is of no interest to me, though the fool male believes I am most concerned. That shall keep him out of the house all this night. I needs must think further on what to do with him.

But that is for the morrow! Tonight is for joy and dancing and pleasure!


Date: 2010-02-03 23:01 EST
It is the eighteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Ah, the night! The night! I am near delirious at the memory!

All night long, we danced, we writhed! As needed, the others napped, only to awaken more desirous than when they went unto sleep!

I had no need of sleep, thanks to what I have gained. Therefore I danced and achieved all the night through, my "troupe" vigorously seeing to it I was sent unto the limit near constantly. Ah, how I sweated, how I twisted, how I panted and gasped, how I moved!! Some did achieve just by watching me. All are now under my spell, and wish for naught else.

Come the morning, all my ladies were lying about, exhausted and contented. I did smile upon them, and then showed just what I can do, with what I have paid so dearly for. I did dance, and thrice achieved, staying in control and upon the beat with ease, in despite of all the hours already past. They were, one and all, in awe of me. I ended with light, enticing, mocking laughter, and went unto the shower, where I achieved thrice more again.

Then unto the work of this day. We set to arranging all within my new house, to make sure all was as nigh to perfect as could be. I and Yarah and Buthaynah and Da'ud went out in search to hire those lesser servants that shall be needed. We found a cook and a general-purpose maid, but no-one fit to keep a lady's room, nor one to wash clothes. We shall need another maid as well. Howbeit, it is a start. As well, we are all capable of washing our own clothes, for a time.

I made a quick visit "back there" for Asr, and to fetch here some cloth and other goods. Luckily Sulafah is a good seamstress, and delights in such work. Thus I need not hire a seamstress.

After two nights with scarce any sleep, I shall slumber deeply tonight. After all, my reserves are not utterly limitless.


Date: 2010-02-03 23:04 EST
It is the nineteenth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

After talking with my ladies, I have decided on a name for this my newest, and best, house.

Dar al-Lahībiyyah it shall be called. I shall have it painted above the gates; shall look most beauteous.

"House of the Ladies of Fire" is most appropriate, as the night before last proved. Though last night was not without fire! I had thought I would sleep like unto a log the whole night through, but such was not to be.

Somewhat ere dawn all my ladies did slip into my room and awaken me with soft kisses and stokes, so that I was already utterly on fire when I came to full consciousness. What followed was every bit as wild and heated as the night before.

I "punished" their presumption by making them practice the dance for much of the day. Especially I did stress the ways to achieve in the dance, whilst keeping control. This did, of necessity, mean much one-on-one teaching, with all watching. As well, I did demonstrate repeatedly. I anticipate much pleasure this night!


Date: 2010-02-04 16:50 EST
It is the twentieth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven. Last night was a pleasurable as I did anticipate. Many achievements by all of us.

Save for The Old One, of course. Not only is she too aged of body for such, but the last few days have worn her much. Oh! if only I could gift her with what I have! But it is not only a matter of money, but of position. And for all that I am a Mushir, there is not any way to give this gift to a "commoner."

Indeed, so worn is The Old One that she has caught a cold. It is a severe one, and I determined to take her back to our dimension of origin, to be well treated. I needed help, and chose Yarah as I do know she is the one most totally under my command of all my ladies.

I write this early, as I spend all the rest of this day seeing to it The Old One is well treated.


Date: 2010-02-08 23:29 EST
This entry is for the twenty-first of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven. It is written on the twenty-second.

The Old One very sick all day. The doctor fears it is influenza. I pray it is not, even as I admit to myself there are two reasons I hope the doctor is wrong.

The first, of course, is I wish The Old One to be healthy. The second is that, if it is influenza, it must be reported to the Khalīfah's medical authorities. And that report must give all information about how and where the infection may have occurred. Thus, such a report would require me to either lie outright, or reveal what I most wish to conceal.

It is of good luck that this doctor disdains "folk remedies". Thus I may be able to improve The Old One's health sufficiently to make the seeming of "merely" a bad cold. I shall do ought I can.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the twenty-second of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I did make a trip of the quickest unto RhyDin. I took me some good silver money, so that any thing needed for my estate thereat may be attended to. I also took Yarah, and left her there. She adores me, but that is not what I know stand most in need of.

I brought Hana' with me when I returned to our dimension of origin. She has no small experience with sick elders, so she can best take care of The Old One.

The Old One continues as heretofore. She is no better, but she is no worse. That is a good word in illness of one so aged.

I have spent nigh all the day by her side. The Old One, fretful as is to be expected, requested I spend not the night with her. I shall do as she asks, for I owe her more than can be repaid. I hope she is better upon the morrow.

I must away to RhyDin, to make sure all goes as it should.


Date: 2010-02-08 23:30 EST
It is the twenty-third of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

It is Yawm Al-Jumu'ah. I am stuck at what once was my favored estate. Thus, I by necessity went unto the Masjid.

Yet how could I not be here, when the health―――nay, I shall be honest!―――the life! of The Old One hangs in the balance.

For she is worse today than yesterday. Howbeit, it looks more and more like a cold. It isn't influenza. So the doctor has pronounced, and so he shall certify.

Hana' has proven of the greatest help. She is patient with fretfulnesses, gentle with old bones, unfazed by anything that happens. I would be a wreckage of tears and confusion without her.

The Old One has admitted she wishes she hadn't driven me away, and wishes me to stay this night. I shall, though I shall need to make a quick journey unto RhyDin.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the twenty-fourth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One is improved. She is still most ill, but "the corner has been turned". She will get well. I am relieved beyond words' saying.

I made a journey to RhyDin. This one was not as quick as I had hoped, for I needs must deal with the hiring of some more servants.

Buthaynah found one she did think fit to keep ladies' rooms in order. I spoke to this one. I found her behavior all that could be wished, but her knowledge insufficient. She knows near nothing of cosmetics. She knows too little of caring for clothes, most particularly how to care for silks, fine cottons, and the like.

However, she is not adverse to hard work. Thus and thus, I engaged her as a general-purpose maid.

Buthaynah is embarrassed her choice was made poorly. I reassured Buthaynah that no harm was done.

I then spoke to three whom 'Ablah and Ma'isah, working in consort, had found who might serve as clothes washers. Naturally, I spoke to each separately. I am not full pleased with any. None seemed aware enough of how to wash and care for fine clothes.

In the end, I engaged one. I did so on the understanding this is but to make a trial. I have promised her a week's pay, even if I let her go ere the week be out.

That done, I went back, to be by The Old One's side this night. She is now asleep, Hana' by her side. I can but pray for health and healing.


Date: 2010-02-10 23:42 EST
It is the twenty-fifth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One's improvement continues. Yet she is still very unwell. Howbeit, it is certain she will recover.

Hana' deserved rest, so I did bring Nahid from RhyDin to watch The Old One and help her. Nahid is one of The Old One's favorites, and for that reason I chose her.

Hana' I took to RhyDin. There Yarah and I massaged her unto full relaxation. We then did comfort her. We insured Hana' had towering, repeated achievements. This reward she was most grateful for.

I then directed that Hana' be allowed to sleep her fill. When she awoke, I saw to it she showered and ate well. Then I back-timed a few hours, taking her to The Old One's side. She was glad to see Hana' again—-Nahid is a loving soul, but not the most useful nurse.

That done, I went to RhyDin. There I did cause Yarah, Buthaynah, 'Ablah, and myself to practice our special group dance. There were many achievements, yet we all did stay on the beat. Not a single entanglement or collision! This group dance proceeds well. I hope it will be ready for "private parties" ere long.


Date: 2010-02-14 18:43 EST
It is the twenty-sixth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One continues to improve. Howbeit, she is still quite sick. She will remain under medical supervision for a week or so.

My ladies are happy in RhyDin, sad only that I do not stay with them more of the time.

My estates on my dimension of origin do well, though they take more of my time than I do wish.

Nothing else worth mentioning.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the twenty-eighth of Murharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

There was nothing worth writing about yesterday. It was the very echo of the day before. For the which reason I did not write.

Today is another echo. There was only one thing worth noting, but that well worth the noting.

As I did leave the room The Old One is in, thereby to let her sleep, the Nabīlah Jasīm bint Najis approached me so as to petition me. As she is one who holds her lands of me, she did have the right. It was ill done howsoever.

The favor she did ask put me in a bind. For she did ask that I, and whomever else it pleased me, would put on a "private dance"! However did she learn of this" I asked her. She showed unto me a letter describing what I did upon an occasion. The writer was the Shaffīl Namma.

Ah, that ever that wag-tongue saw my "private dance"! And he omitted not one detail. That girly little lūṭīy!

I did hesitate at Jasīm's request unsure what path to take. Whereat she did speak of money. The cow!

Still, I did realize I dared not refuse. Who knows what she might do if balked. She might even inform upon me! I agreed, with as great a condescension as I could. She noticed it not. And to think that she was born to the nobility and I not.

This is a problem. I must make a good presentation, yet the many of the best of my dancers are in RhyDin. Do I dare let them return to "home?" Will they keep their tongues behind their teeth' How do I prevent knowledge of what is afoot from spreading? I must think long and hard upon this.

By good luck, Jasīm sets no date, but will wait until I say I am ready. With The Old One in the hospital, it need not be soon.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the twenty-ninth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I wished to keep from The Old One the problem Jasīm has presented. She divined however that something was amiss with my thoughts. I can not lie to her. I begged her to let it be for another time. She, fretful in her illness, would not let it be.

It is good I talked to her. Ever subtle, she hatched a plan. I must needs flesh it out to fullness, yet the bones are there.

Simply, I will bring to wheresoever the dancing will be those dancers that I left here. I will have each of the dancers in RhyDin ready. When it is time, I will drop tricksters' flash powder, "pop over" to RhyDin, and bring each woman to the place the dance is held in.

Then when the dancing is done, I will take my favored women straight back to RhyDin. At no time will any of them be in the dressing room. Not to prepare—-that will be done in RhyDin. Not to change—-none will use more than one costume. I can carry that much weight in one "pop". It is difficult, but I can.

I think mayhap I can so arrange things that I may take one or two back to RhyDin before all of the dancing is done. This I will think upon.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the thirtieth of Muharram, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One is much improved. She and I talked over the problem of the upcoming dance. She had a wealth of suggestions. Some contravened others, but such is the way to think when first planning. Come up with all possible ideas, then winnow them down.

She did admit that while Hana' is most kind and helpful, she is not a great thinker. The Old One said she felt as though her mind was swaddled in cotton puffs. The Old One needs mental stimulation. I should have thought upon that. Ma'isah is the most lively-minded. I did bring her from RhyDin. To give Hana' a rest, I did give as reason.

In the afternoon, I led the ladies at Dar al-Lahībiyyah in practice. I have not spoken of the dance we are engaged for. I did, howsoever, state that I thought we would soon dance before others. I stressed that we must be full ready. We must be able to achieve as little or as much as the occasion called for. I did have them practice holding back. We then practiced pushing to achieve quickly.

After leading all in practice, I kept Yarah, Buthaynah, 'Ablah. They and I practiced our special group dance. The others got to look on. After all this, all were sweating freely. Thus we did need showers. These were taken together, two or three in each "stall."

Thus to early bed went all. I to The Old One's side for a talk of an hour or so. After, I back-timed to RhyDin. I missed none of the pleasure my ladies shared! Some hours later they all went to sleep. I shall soon join them.


Date: 2010-02-16 22:49 EST
It is the first of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

I have brought The Old One to my estate in RhyDin. She is well enough. I and my ladies can see unto her care in better wise here.

She is yet too ill for to do much ought but rest. She talks at whiles, eats lightly but well, and sleeps.

My estates on my dimension of origin do well. Though, they take more of my time than I do wish.

There is nothing else worth the report.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the second of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One is much improved foreby she is now at what she does now well consider her home.

My ladies are joyous that I do now spend near all my time with them. Even 'Ablah is now under my spell. She once thought of herself that she could "take me or leave me alone." The joy over the release that RhyDin provides adds unto my spell.

I too find this place most welcome. It is unlawful and full of danger and no friend to al-ummah. Despite the which, I do love the freedom it offers.

I have told my household in full of the "offer" of the Nabīlah Jasīm bint Najis. They did quite grasp the difficulty a refusal would have put me in. I was relieved when Buthaynah pointed out the danger of gossip. She did suggest that all bind themselves by oaths not to speak. Ma'isah then did point out that to not speak would cause as much gossip as speaking would. Many did say that such gossip would cause less harm to us here-gathered than the truth.

I had to point out that idea was wrong. There are many rumors that could be made up. Some would be worse than the truth. Others would be close to the truth. In fact, mere guesswork might hit upon the truth!

This caused great consternation. All did ask each the other what might be done. A multitude of proposals were put forth, each more ludicrous than its predecessor.

I let them jabber. I did wish them worked up and fearful. Finally I called for silence. I told them that I and The Old One had thought hard and talked long upon this. I then announced that all of these here would dress here, be taken unto the place of dancing, would dance their turn or turns, and then brought straight back to RhyDin. Thus, only such dancers of my household whom were not allowed in RhyDin would even know what happened. They, I swore, would be warned straightly against gossip.

All approved in a clamor. Smiles and soft laughs of release abounded. All this out of tremendous relief. If they had thought calmly, they would not have been so approving. After all, this plan does assume they could not in consort tell a convincing lie. It will someday occur to them the plan is something slight of an insult. But I will NOT take any risk. Not while we are here still so dependent on my estates in the "elsewhere."


Date: 2010-02-17 22:47 EST
It is the third of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Last night I had to make a swift journey unto my dimension of origin. Upon my return I did not appear in the Dar al-Lahībiyyah as I thought to, but in the RhyDin Inn. By luck, I had with me what was to be a fur blanket for The Old One. It served as a cloak whenas I did leave. The which I did only after taking from the Inn a bottle of a single-malt scotch. Naturally, not wishing to harm my ladies, I did sample it beforehand. Or so I did say when I got to the Dar. The which statement was received with all the seriousness due it.

I made sure no-one got drunk, but there was somewhat of merriment. The which took us all to bed.

The Old One is quite comfortable. All my ladies dote upon her, fulfilling her every whim—-save one. That one would tax her strength unduly. The old lech still tries to get that particular satisfaction. I can but smile and chuckle.

I have increased the length and frequency of our practices. All of us must be utterly perfect. Most especially we must be able to achieve according to a precise schedule. This is all the more important in when two—-or more!—-dance together.

Truly, the dance I share with Yarah, Buthaynah, and 'Ablah is the most difficult of the group dances. The move I created, the "Quivering Flower," is the central problem. In theory, it is simple enough. Four women stand as if upon the sides of a square. Each slides her right leg out to the side, balancing her weight thereon. The body, held upright, continues the rightward movement until centered at the hip of the woman to her right. She then straddles the left leg of the woman to her right. Arms are held out to the side. Each woman grasps the arms of the woman to each side. Then all lean outward, supported by the grasp of their neighbors. Each woman "rides" the leg of the woman to her right. Slight hip shimmies, deep belly-rolls and hard quivers, and the slow dip and rise pressed upon a thigh soon excite all.

That all shall achieve is a given. That all shall achieve simultaneously is not. Ah! but when we do! Such a display of eroticism is beautiful and enticing. So therefore we practice. I will have every possible effort made, every possible chance gained, that we shall achieve in unison.

Yet still Buthaynah is oft too quick. At least 'Ablah seldom lags. More work is needed.

As well the rest of my ladies practices diligently, both solo dances and group. I am proud to see how well they do, and how well they cooperate. Each assists all the others! Ah! they become truly a troupe, a body of dancers united.


Date: 2010-02-23 23:11 EST
It is the fourth of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One no longer improves as rapidly as she did during the first few days after I did bring her "home." The change of scenery and the welcome she did receive did her much good. Yet there is but so much such things can do. The rest of her cure shall take time and good care. Of the latter there is no lack.

Time, howsoever, is not limitless. Of a surety, none but she shall drum at my troupe's performance. I cannot forever put off Jasīm bint Najis. Much as I would wish to...

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the fifth of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

No small time spent in practice. The various dances improve rapidly. Mostly we did work upon holding back our achievements. There was some pleasurable time spent in the showers afterward of the practice.

The Old One is but a little improved. She is fretful that she is not by now completely well. Hana' and I both had much ado to keep her mind at ease.

I did make a quick trip "back there" + - * - + for such I do already think of it as + - * - + to supervise the running of my estates.

Naught else of note.

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

It is the sixth of Safar, the year one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

The Old One is only a little improved. Perhaps improved by nothing at all.

My ladies are somewhat anxious. They worry over whether they shall be full ready in time.

I too am overwrought with concern. I have so very much to coordinate.

Thus I have declared that in no wise shall the "private dance" be performed any earlier than the twenty-second of Safar. That is two days more than a full two weeks. Such a length of time is enough that all (myself included) shall feel much the less pressured. Yet it is soon enough that we need not fear to "over-sharpen the blade."

+ - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - + - * - +

((I-the-player shall be very busy the next little while. There will likely be no posts for two to two-and-one-half weeks.))