Topic: A Dragon younglings tail(tale)!


Date: 2008-12-26 15:47 EST
Remaining dorment inside an egg for over 300yrs. Not planning on to hatch any time soon. The one formally known as Aericonose stumbles into the frost dragons hatchery. Only an average size of a human. The body scales a light and saphireblue. His wings tucked in tighlty. Looks about inside the hatchery calmly. Notices the egg, that could be said, did not seem to be right. Aero, being a guard none the less. Takes the egg into his clutches. Looks at all over, scanning it to the full extent. Easily casts a resize spell on the egg. It shrunk greatly. Looks around a bit. Sticking the egg on his side poutch.

Remaining slilently as possible. Aero Walked around the hatchery. Trying to remain hidden. When a feminen dragon walked in. The care taker it happened to be. The wings a deep forest green. The golden lizard gleeming in the small amount of light there was. Her body greatly a sight to see. With the tail lightly flicking in the air. Her wings tucked to her back. As she wondered around. Aero moved from the shadows. Aproaching her, with a gentle smile on his face. The other half dragon eyes looked deeply at him. Aero grinned. They said something through their minds. Then Aero was gone. As the care taker lurked about making shure the remaining eggs were alright....