Topic: A Hard landing

Master Chief

Date: 2008-04-03 11:35 EST
He awoke with a shock. He pushed his way out of the cryotube and looked around. He grabbed his Rifle and was worried. Something didnt seem right.

"Cortana...where the hell are we?"

A light flashed right beside him as a pixeled woman. She looked to be 28 by her face and body tones. She sighed then chuckled in what seemed to be amazment combined with fear.

"Uh Chief...I cant tell you where we are.....Nothing seems familiar."

He sighed and looked to Cortana. He shook his head as he typed on the side of the panel. Her chip was getting ready to be pulled. The drive popped open with a odd sound.

Cortana took one last look around the ship and sighed. She didnt like the half a ship they had but. It had becme home in the time they had been adrift.

He yanked her then moved to put her chip in his helmet. ONce that was done a beeping then a boop came from his helmet.

"Oh Chief..Its been awhile hasnt it?"

She was mischevious. Oh how she missed being in his head. Chief shook his head and sighed.

"Now Cortana dont get any funy Ideas..."

He walked down to the Armory and geared up. A MA5B Rifle ad M60 pistol. He didnt bther with grenades. Soemthing told him he wouldnt need them.

Walking out of the bulking mass of what was left of The Dawn. It was hidden enough...surronded on all sides by woods...Just perfect....He didnt have to blow up his only housing and weapons area.

Master Chief

Date: 2008-04-15 23:26 EST
Not even a week. Maybe two. He was sitting at the computer. Seeing the message. It apears ONI knew he was alive. Since they figured only he or Cortans could drop a beacon.

Just perfect/ He was instructed by ONI, that if the need arose. If engaged in combat. Master Chief was to take command. Perfect. Just like Halo.

Only Difference was this time he had a second Spartan that ONI didnt know about. And be in the dark still on him.

Master Chief

Date: 2008-04-16 19:36 EST
He compiled a list of things he had seen and things he needed. ONI wasnt gunna be able to get to him in a while. But if they could send one of the ONI slip freighters with extra supplies. It would go a long way to getting the Forward unto Dawn back in one peice.

Good thing was thanks to the probe he could talk to ONI head officials and UNSC command. Lord Hood changed the Memorial...And gave a publiuc announcement SPARTAN - 117 had survived the Ark and was fighting on.

He sent back a recording on the...first contact with the Dak Leriti...And the Ark Vesuvius...Something about them didnt sit right with him. Were they like the Forerunner.

He incuded all scans Cortana made. Somehting idnt add up. A Colonel and a Admiral was here....Did the UNSC lose them long ago"...And how was it they didnt seem to know about the UNSC"

Master Chief

Date: 2008-04-20 22:24 EST
He didnt like this.

"Cortana...I need an estimate...How long before ONI starts comming down on us with the time to fix the Forward unto Dawn?"

"Chief....I cannot Honestly give you a time estimate..."

He let out an aggrivated sigh.

" up that Unit...We may need the added help of the Dak Leriti...Especially if we want to make it through the week..."

"Chief I KNOW your not seriously gunna have that thing repa-"

"Yes I am..."

He looked to the ariel trackers. Three UNSC ships on inbound. All three were Frigates.

He kenw he would also need two major hands...Tom and Sam...Boy would they come in handy when everything was fixed...


Date: 2008-05-18 02:33 EST
He walked out from the hanger bay. He did notice he had just hopped out of a crytube. Where in the name of God was he. Chief left him froze. for what reason.

He saw where the data read out said injured. But recovered. WEll time to kick some ass and thank Chief later.

Master Chief

Date: 2008-05-25 14:47 EST
He had Cortana keeping track of things. He however. Well. Chief was doing what Chief did best.

Trying to find a way off this planet was harder then it seemed. He only found enough metal to build 3/4ths of the ship again. No way to fully repair it. why in the name of god was it so hard to find even trace metals.

Cortana was wondering where that one robot was. The HX thingy. Well. Whenever it would show up it could be of great help in fixing the ship.

Nothing from Oni. Suprisingly. Chief hadnt heard anything from Iceman or Maverick. Something was wrong. He should have heard from them by now...


Date: 2008-05-25 15:16 EST
Appo was busy laying out defensive traps. Mines. Auto turrets. Such as that. Even placed the M41 machinegun from the back of the Warthog in a strategic place.

He had his MA5B with him at the moment. He wouldnt need it. There was a ton of mines in the cargo hold. He had enough to lace enough of the ship to make it go nova. But he wouldnt do that.

Chief said sooner or later they would be able to get out of here. Appo however was smarter then that. Johnson told him that once before. But look at what happened to him. Dead.

It was bad enough he was froze healed. He hated being froze in them Cryotubes. They sucked.