Topic: A Hunting We Will Go


Date: 2009-03-02 18:41 EST
((OOC Note: This SL is open for any werewolves, lycans, or other lupine shapeshifters to join in on. Batosai is on a warpath, attacking and interrogating any of the above species he comes across in his nightly hunts in the city!))

The predator used the rooftops to travel the city, stalking new prey. This was not a Hunt to satisfy the Hunger. No, this was a hunt of emotion, of revenge. Two weeks ago, someone had taken his Suri, his mate. She had managed to escape her attacker, but she had not gotten a good look, and so the abductor's identity was still hidden. Batosai had recently learned that there was a pack of Lycans in the city abducting females to forcibly mate with. Perhaps it was one of these who had taken Suri, perhaps it was not. Either way, tonight any Lycan or other werewolf Batosai came across was going to answer a few way or another.

Another jump carried him across the gap in the rooftops, landing with practiced ease and nearly silent footfalls. He was on the trail of a Lycan that had just killed a vampire, who had herself been feeding on an elf. The scents were fresh as Batosai left the bodies behind, following the trail of the lupine. For almost a half hour he followed behind, the smell growing steadily stronger. Finally he found his quarrey as the Lycan stopped to drink from a rain barrel. Batosai landed lightly upon the rooftop roughly a block down, unslinging a bow from his back. As he drew a short shafted arrow, the Lycan's ears twitched and he looked up to scent the air. Batosai had approached from downwind, and it would take longer for the Lycan to catch the feline's scent. In that time the predator drew the bow back, and after sighting on the Lycan's left hind leg, let the arrow fly with a shriek and Shii'Koh enhanced speed.

The Lycan's eyes finally made out Batosai, right as the arrow slammed into his leg, the impact sending him sprawling across the alleyway with a yelp. The arrow burned like nothing the Lycan had ever felt, almost like silver! The strange feline was already in motion, dropping to the ground and running towards him. Rolling to his feet, the Lycan tried to pull the arrow free, which only broguht more burning pain. A snarl, then he left the arrow where it was and crouched low, growling as Batosai approached.

The bow was slung again as Batosai dropped to ground level, moving at an easy lope as he drew a small shortsword from a scabbard on his lower back. Shakti tentacles spread wide beside him, their talons unfolding and clacking together now and then. By the time the feline reached the Lycan, he'd managed to stand, but not pull the arrow free. As predator slowed his approach, the lycan suddenly lunged, trying to open Batosai's belly with his long claws. Batosai answered by stepping to the side and twisting on one foot, carrying his midsection a hair's width from the razor-sharp claws. In the same motion he drew the length of his sword up across the lycan's forearm, drawing blood and another yelp of pain from the lycan. Batosai's sword was coated in something that stung and burned in the wound, causing the flowing blood to bubble slightly. The Lycan drew back even further, trying to circle his strange opponent. Batosai simply turned as well, following the lupine with his eyes. Another lunge from the lycan was dodged with another spin, only this time Batosai brought his leg up and raked his foot talons across the lycan's face, gouging out one of his eyes.

The predator did not stop or let up there, following up by extending his keshna boneblade in his left arm and plunging the tip into the lupine's neck, injecting his venom into the wolf, then leaping backwards. The wolf yelped and whined in pain, then slumped over at the stab to his neck. The paralytic toxin worked rapidly in his accelerated metabolism, and soon he was loosing feeling in his extremities, finally falling to the ground to gasp and whine pathetically. Batosai sheathed his sword and walked to the lycan's side, stabbing him again with the keshna and administering another larger dose of toxin. Certain that the wolf was incapacitated, at least for a time. Grabbing the lycan by the jaw and lifting his head up roughly, Batosai growled out his words. "Now beast, you and I are going to talk....Where is your pack?"