Topic: A Life More Ordinary


Date: 2009-10-03 12:31 EST
"So let me get this straight. You want to be mortal?" Zeus sat on his throne in Mount Olympus looking bemused with one of his most ingenius creations. No matter how any of the Gods and Goddesses came to be, he liked to consider them all as part of his master plan. Even when they weren't planned for. Eris, such a work of sheer art. The Goddess capable of flaming the fires of those with pompous and self-righteous attitudes and behaviors until they finally let it all out and act out their true vile desires. She gets blamed for causing a lot of things that humans themselves have willfully and gleefully created. The world must have a fall guy, or gal, afterall. Seems his little prodigy grew weary of chaos, strife and discord after awhile.

"I thought it would be nice to go into a bar without causing a fight. Or to a futball game without inciting a riot. Wedding without the bride or groom running off." Tossing her hands up. She could go on and on and on. Was nothing she could do without her natural energies drawing out the most unbecoming reactions from anyone in the area. Everyone has a darkside. She was very good at coaxing people into opening Pandora's box.

Couldn't really blame her. Even he liked to walk amongst the mortals now and again. Romp among the mortals was more like it. Human females were so much sweeter than some of the vicious, femme fatales who lingered in Olympus. "And just how long do you think to stay on this adventure you seek?"

Shrugging her shoulders. Really didn't think he'd entertain the idea for a second. "Oh a year, two..a human lifetime perhaps" You being the boss, I figured you'd be laying down the rules. But if you want me to.."

"No, no, no. I can see fit to put some ground rules down. Wasn't expecting this sort of request from you. Give me a minute." Which could be an hour or more. He didn't like to be rushed. But in this case, Zeus made an exception. "Alright, I'll give you mortality. For as long as you can stay alive. For you will be powerless. You will be a mere human. You will be vulnerable to sickness, hunger, random acts of violence as any other human. Though without the Goddess to cause trouble, things may go quietly. Will take a few days for your power to fade. You die and you return to normal. Got it?"

"Deal. When does it start?"

"Oh, about now." Grinning at her. Was fun to have so much ultimate power.

"Really' I feel like I always did."

"Just try popping in and out like you usually do. Won't work. You'll be walking now. Won't that be fun" Hope you have a good pair of shoes." Dismissing her with the wave of his hand. "Well go on. Go start this ordinary life you wanted. Shoo! I have important things to do."

Arching a brow. "Io or Semele?"

"Shhhhhhhhh...we don't say those names here!" Said in a hushed voice. " You know who might be listening in." The all powerful Zeus was henpecked by Hera. Everyone knew it. Eris seemed to be taking way too much satisfaction about it. "Get out of my sight before I change my mind." With a flick of his hand, she was gone. Rhydin bound for a life more ordinary.


Date: 2009-10-04 13:10 EST
Wow, she'd been on a date! Well maybe not a date, date. But it felt like a date! One where nobody lost a finger or died! Nobody got into a fight! After entering the small apartment currently serving as home, Eris flopped down in the middle of the king sized bed and let out a satisfied sigh of pure pleasure while snuggling with the pillow.

"Oh my, are we in love already? Here I brought a whole arsenal of arrows to use on you. Couldn't let such a rare opportunity pass me by." Eros perched cross legged in the air just over her head looking disappointed. His arrows would never have worked on Eris before. Now they would. She wasn't suppose to go beating him to the punch.

"For a minute or two, when he sang to me, I think I was." Couldn't be too sure what love felt like. When Aaron had started playing his guitar, her heart fluttered, she'd got all tingly. Felt like the time she'd ate way too much cotton candy and suffered a major sugar high. "He kissed me. I kissed him. I think it went well."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't need all the gooey details. Very familiar on the arts of like, love and lust you know. Can't believe you'd dare set off on your own without the Love Guru by your side. So who is he" More importantly, where is he" I want to help this along."

Eris flew up, tossing the pillow at his head. "NO! You stay away from him!"

"Him who' Do tell me all about lover boy." Making kissing noises on the back of his hand.

"He's none of your business. Eros, you leave him alone!"

"If I don't' What can you do about it' Not much as I see it. Mortal and all." Plucking an arrow from his quiver, piercing the tip of his own finger on the soft point to check for sharpness. Was so much fun to finally have something to hold over her.

Her dark brown eyes grew jet black with rage. Voice booming into Eros' head with the full power fire and brimstone found in the bowels of Haphaestus' forge. "Do so much as bat an eyelash his direction, Eros, and I will see that you suffer humiliation and pain beyond anything your measly mind can imagine. I will not be mortal forever."

Eh, she wasn't entirely mortal now. Zeus lied. He hadn't stripped her completely bare of powers. Guess it took an idiot's stupidity to find that out. Evidently she didn't realize it. Which was to his benefit. The God of Love wasn't completely insane. There were plenty in the pantheon who should not be teased and taunted. Eris was one of them. Unlike others, her fury was not short lived. She could turn every living, breathing creature in the vacinity against anyone who earned her wrath. Including other Gods. "Oh, is that Artemis calling" I'll be right there!" Poofing out of existence as quickly as he'd appeared.

The silence left behind was deafening. Whether he knew it or not, Eros had struck a blow to her psyche. Now Eris mind was reliving every moment spent here. Had Eros already shot Aaron with one of those damned arrows" Was that why he was so friendly' Was that why he volunteered to do anything she wanted for a whole day' Why he'd given her so much attention' All these human emotions were overwhelming at times. Fear, hurt, jealousy. She'd never had trouble with self confidence before. "Damn you Eros!" Casting a cloud of doubt over what had been a very good day. Didn't matter anyway. Her time was up with Aaron. He'd given her a set number of hours which had expired. Nice while it lasted.


Date: 2009-10-13 12:59 EST
"Eris, you are a bad, bad, naughty, naughty girl. I know what you did. More importantly who you did. I can't believe you." There he was again. Eros popping in out of nowhere to stand behind her as she sat reading a book. "And since when do you read" It's so..wrong."

In fact he appeared so suddenly, she swatted him with the book. "God! Why do you always do that! I have a door!"

"Ow! Geesh woman, easy on the goods! I bruise like a peach. Have that soft, fuzzy complexion too. Feel my cheeks. Go on, touch me. You know you want to." Leaning over her shoulder so they were almost cheek to cheek.

"Go away! Look, this whole babysitting think you're doing, I don't need it." Slamming the book closed as a new idea came into view. "You're spying on me aren't you?"

"No! Maybe. I don't know. I do what I'm told, Eris. Wait, this isn't about me. It's about you...being very, very, naughty, naughty." Finger shake.

Eris literally bit his finger. "ME" I didn't do anything wrong. So what if I slept with Aaron' Big deal. I'm a grown woman. I can do what I want." She was here to experience what it was like to be human afterall. Relationships are part of it.

"Holy..bloody...fuc..!!" Shaking his injured finger while launching out explicatives in a high pitched voice only a dog could hear. "Oh yeah it's fine if you're screwing the guy." Sucking his finger to make the pain go away then examining it to mutter. "You left teeth marks! ..mean bitch..shiite. I'm trying to help you!"

"Help me by what? Driving me crazy?"

"Newsflash, you're already crazy. And no, what I'm trying to tell you. IF YOU'D STOP INFLICTING BODILY HARM ON ME! Is that Zeus is ok with you screwing every living male ..and even the this area if you want. But don't go getting attached. YOU, my little lovely, are attached to nerd boy. Do you have any ice" I think it's going to swell."

"He's not a nerd! Nor do I want to screw anyone else. " Rising to grab Eros by the ear. "And if you think that finger is swelling, wait until you see what I can do to other parts."

"Now, now, now, no need to go all Xena Warrior Princess. I'm just passing on some sage advice." Trying to pry her fingers loose to extricate his ear before losing it. "Think about it, Eris. Has he ever been good with letting his people have a long term relationship with mortals" Not really. He'll get pissed and fry your boy's balls on a whim."

"Zeus said he'd leave me alone. I expect him to keep to his word. Or else." Letting go of the ear to thump Eros right between the eyes.

"Gaaaaaaaawd you're pissy today! I should get hazard pay for this." Rubbing his head while eyeing her curiously. "Or else what?"

"We both know I can make his life a living hell." Smirks, resuming her seat to open the book again.

"You wouldn't. Those are very dark, treacherous water's you're treading. Dangerous indeed. I won't be mentioning a word on that. I do love to live." Zeus would obliterate him, bring him back and do it again out of spite. "Think on what I said."


Date: 2009-11-03 17:54 EST
"What did you think was going to happen Eris" Did you think you could taunt the big man and he'd allow it' No! I warned you! I told you so!" Eros fluttered back and forth across the room staring down at the body currently huddled under a blanket. He knew she was there. But she wouldn't answer.

"So what happened eh' Did he give you two heads" Oh did he do another Medusa" Hmmm' Come on, talk to me. He didn't kill you did he" That was forbidden wasn't it' Eris" ERIS!" Floating closer to poke at the blanket, which earned him a swift kick in the hoverous buttholis.

"It's none of your concern."

"She speaks! So he did not snatch you away to cut out your tongue. Yet. Do you have leprosy' Did he give you scales" Something hideous isn't it' Oh let me see." Taping his chin in thought. "Club feet' buck teeth, pizza face, allergy to sunlight..profuse sweating?"

"Please, just go away." Lacking the fire of normal. Rolling over on her side to bury her face in the pillow.

Now he was worried. She never said please. "Eris..whatever it is, everything will be fine. What's his name" Eh..Arnold..Arvin. If he really likes you, won't matter what you look like."


"Yes, him. I'm gonna go. You take care. Don't go pissing him off again."

Once Eros was gone, she'd emerge from safety of her blanket cocoon and head for the bathroom mirror. A raw, jagged scar trailed from just above her left eye all the way down her cheek. For one created to be perfect, it was a damaging blow. Not done by Zeus himself but a mortal he'd paid. As Zeus had agreed not to interfere with her mortal existence. There was always a loophole. He knew how to find them.


Date: 2009-12-01 17:17 EST
Aaron had given her much to think on. In this world, Zeus was nothing, a nobody, a crazed neanderthal who had limited powers. No reason to be scared of him. Could find a child in Rhydin more powerful than he. Provided some comfort during the long, hours of the night when she couldn't sleep. Paybacks could be hell. She was plotting.

"Now, now Eris, don't go scheming revenge. You know whatever you do here will come back to bite you in the butt later. The big man doesn't forget. Got the memory of an elephant."

"And the arse of one too.." Arching a devilish brow at Cupid while plucking petals off a poor, yellow rose she'd bought at the market.

"The things that come out of your mouth. Shame on you! He's your father."

Shaking her head, two more petals ripped away from the bud. "Technically no."

"But in the grand scheme of things..YES."

"Genetically no."

"There's something clinically suicidal about you. Do you know that' Crazy loco in the head."

"Why' Because I know who my parent's are and neither one of them is the gray, haired has been who won't go away?"

Slapping a hand over her mouth. "ARE YOU INSANE" I don't know what?s gotten into you lately. ..this..this..guy you've been seeing I'm thinking. Has to be all his fault. When you die and Zeus gets his claws in you again, pergatory will sound like heaven."

Peeling his fingers from her mouth one by one, then rising to point Cupid towards the door. "I don't plan on dying anytime soon. When I do, I'll be sure to leave you everything in my living will. Since I'll still be living but won't be able to use it all."

"The flat screen tv"...the PS3?" Blubbering exitedly as he was shoved out the door.

"Everything in my apartments. There and here. Unless you help kill me. Then you get nothing but a hard time. You know I'm good at that."

"I need to keep you alive so you can acquire more cool stuff!"

Slamming the door in his wake, standing with her back to the door yanking the final petals from the rose. "he loves me..he loves me not..he..."


Date: 2009-12-17 17:42 EST
Somewhere, somehow, someway, she'd gotten used to Eros hovering around the little apartment she called home. In fact, he was no longer dodging the first item she could throw at him everytime he appeared. By all accounts, the girl has grown quite docile in her human state.

"So I ran into Achilles last night. You should see his hair. He's gone all Rastafarian. Looks like Bob Marley or something."

Was even speaking to him as if he belonged now. From where Eros was sitting, her new behavior scared the bejesus out of him. "Oh really' What's he doing here of all places" Did he try to kill you?"

Eris was sprawled out on the bed, tummy down with a Cosmo magazine, flipping through the pages of pretty people. "Why do people read this smack" Look at this...Fifteen Ways to Excite Your Man in Bed. Pthhhhht..a strong wind and men get excited. Who is this written for" Idiots" Were you saying something?" Barely glancing his way.

Typical Eris. Ignoring him. That's more like it. "Well not all people have as much practice as Nuns, they write it for nuns who leave the faith and decide to get married." Oh god, a knife was sure to appear out of thin air and slice his throat. "I was asking about Achilles."

A brow lifted at his accusation. "You calling me a slut' Cupid..who's used many an arrow for his own advantage...would dare point a finger at me" You know if we were to do the math, years lived versus people slept with, there'd only be one whore in this room. Guess who it wouldn't be?"

"It's my job to sample the merchandise! How can I match people properly if I don't know their skill level" Besides, they never remember it was me. I'm doing them a service really. Don't hate the player. Hate the game."

"It's you who's been serviced. ..don't hate the?" Tossing the magazine at his head. Not a day passes he doesn't dodge something she'd sent airborn. "Quit watching late night tv. Are you here for a reason?"

The magazine hit one of those tiny wings, causing a few feathers to fall off. "Oh look, you stress me so much I'm molting! ..I was asking about know. Sexy soldier dude. Smoldering eyes, muscles in all the right places. Lordy, I'm a guy but I've gotta fan myself." Fluttering a hand in front of his face.

"Didn't notice."

"How can you NOT notice THAT" You've been struck blind. Honey, I've seen this Aaron guy. He's hardly a morsel when compared to that hunk of meat. Tell me you didn't want to stroke his washboard abs."

"Nope. Didn't notice." Having moved to People magazine, Eros was proving to be of little interest again. "He's here to find a little wife and have some little kids. Says he struck some kind of deal with Zeus. Better be a good one is all I had to say."

"Achilles" Married" Oh bless the Gods, look what you've gone and done. They all want to be domesticated now. Like cattle only not as edible. Just makes my job harder." *poof* He was gone.

"I hate it when he does that." Perusing the 100 sexiest men section. "Johnny Depp. Grrr.."


Date: 2009-12-31 17:18 EST
A high pitched whistle pierced the air. One of the few times someone managed to scare Eris to death.

"What are you doing here" Get out!" Hissing angrily in a soft whisper while covering her partially clad form with a towel. Stupid Cupid! "Go away!"

Eros laughed, hiding partially behind the shower curtain. Not keeping his voice down in the least. "Good god girl, you lookin' hawt in that nurse outfit. I'm think I'm having a heart attack. Will you tend to me" Please, please..pleaaaaaaaaaase." Batting those lashes over baby blue eyes as he clutched his chest then dropped to lay in the floor. Which just so happened to give him a good view up her skirt.

"No! Take your fluttering butt out of here before he hears you." Seeing where those eyes were gawking, she'd use that towel and pop him right on the nose. "You perv. I have company. Go away."

"OW! Everytime I come here!"

"You should learn to stop coming without an invitation then!"

"Was he invited?"

"Yes, he's injured. I'm taking care of him."

"Oh, he's injured. Severely' So much so you took the time to change clothes, put on a halloween costume, put your hair up in a bun and apply a touch of lipstick. Wait..what?s this?" Sniffs the air. "Beautiful perfume as well" Mhmm..Aaron's injured but he's still gonna be taking your temperature with his...YOW!!!."

*Zing..POP!* "LEAVE! You're ruining the mood."

This time he was popped in the WRONG area and had to spend some time holding the poor jewels. Face turning a bit blue from holding his breath as it hurt so very, very muuuuuuuuch. "Eriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis....gaaaaaaaaaaawd. Fine, I'll go. Need to find someone to kiss it and make it better."

She was already winding the towel to pop him again. He disappeared just in time.

"Now where was I?"


Date: 2010-01-20 10:21 EST
"So Prince Charming broke up with you eh?" Eros was loving this. When that juicy tidbit of information landed in his lap, the boy practically salivated all the way over to throw the grenade in Eris face. Had to admit the lack of an explosion was disappointing.

"Was mutual." Spitting toothpaste out in the process of talking. Cupid never came at a convenient time.

"Mutual" were crazy about nerd boy. Everyone knew it."

She'd flick the wet toothbrush his direction, sending a spray of water towards his face. "Everyone was wrong. I'm not crazy about anyone. Especially you. I'm Eris. Goddess of Discord and Chaos. Love does not become me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed. Zeus needs me in five minutes. I plan on taking ten." Grinning devilishly.

"You're back working for him again? What happened to the human til I die thing?" The Devil would be a good match for her come to think of it. Eros still wasn't buying the tough girl unaffected act she had going on. "And how can you walk away from the boy toy so easily?"

"Zeus made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Besides.." Lifting her hair to put into a ponytail. "I find being too human boring." A swath of red lipstick and she was done. "and boy toy has plenty of other options. He doesn't need me."

" you realize women seem to outnumber men here ten to one. That's lumping in the married and gay ones as well. So competition is at a premium. You let a perfectly good single man go! You won't ever find another."

"What's this" You like him now? Maybe you should date him then. Look, the fact of the matter is that I don't have the time. He needs a woman he can BE with. Every night. Not just once in awhile. If there's truly ten women for every man, then he'll replace me..tonight. Probably last night. Not like we were planning on getting married. Friends with benefits. That's all we were." Walking out the door to do whatever dastardly deed her boss had in store.

Eros watched her, shaking his head. "I'm not buying it at all.." Eris had always been very good at hiding her feelings. Now was no different. Parting ways with Aaron might have been mutual but it wasn't what she'd really wanted. But he also knew she'd never say another word about it. The past is the past. Was always her policy.


Date: 2010-01-20 10:21 EST
"So Prince Charming broke up with you eh?" Eros was loving this. When that juicy tidbit of information landed in his lap, the boy practically salivated all the way over to throw the grenade in Eris face. Had to admit the lack of an explosion was disappointing.

"Was mutual." Spitting toothpaste out in the process of talking. Cupid never came at a convenient time.

"Mutual" were crazy about nerd boy. Everyone knew it."

She'd flick the wet toothbrush his direction, sending a spray of water towards his face. "Everyone was wrong. I'm not crazy about anyone. Especially you. I'm Eris. Goddess of Discord and Chaos. Love does not become me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get dressed. Zeus needs me in five minutes. I plan on taking ten." Grinning devilishly.

"You're back working for him again? What happened to the human til I die thing?" The Devil would be a good match for her come to think of it. Eros still wasn't buying the tough girl unaffected act she had going on. "And how can you walk away from the boy toy so easily?"

"Zeus made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Besides.." Lifting her hair to put into a ponytail. "I find being too human boring." A swath of red lipstick and she was done. "and boy toy has plenty of other options. He doesn't need me."

" you realize women seem to outnumber men here ten to one. That's lumping in the married and gay ones as well. So competition is at a premium. You let a perfectly good single man go! You won't ever find another."

"What's this" You like him now? Maybe you should date him then. Look, the fact of the matter is that I don't have the time. He needs a woman he can BE with. Every night. Not just once in awhile. If there's truly ten women for every man, then he'll replace me..tonight. Probably last night. Not like we were planning on getting married. Friends with benefits. That's all we were." Walking out the door to do whatever dastardly deed her boss had in store.

Eros watched her, shaking his head. "I'm not buying it at all.." Eris had always been very good at hiding her feelings. Now was no different. Parting ways with Aaron might have been mutual but it wasn't what she'd really wanted. But he also knew she'd never say another word about it. The past is the past. Was always her policy.