Topic: A Sluagh and its newest Soul


Date: 2007-08-01 22:24 EST
A piece of glass that stung like salt in an open wound jarred the creature from its peaceful indulgence of the task it enjoyed above all others: the consumption of a human soul. Lilac flesh only beginning to turn back to its more typical shade of slightly soiled white slammed roughly into the brick wall of the Arcanum Academy inner sanctum. Beady black eyes were immediately narrowed in on the attacking druid and the creature hissed in irritation.

The ice dragoness, infinitely stupid in its over-protective ways, had finally abandoned the sluagh. Selfish thing. For all she cared the dragoness could rot in her rapidly-approaching grave. The glistening strands of only barely tangible life essence was clung to in dire concern. Bolts of divine magic hurled towards the twisted creature as she attempted to clutch the soul of the recently departed woman. Erica. The sluagh had not known her name, but souls could speak of their lives whenever properly motivated.

Hunched over, the sluagh scurried through the window with spells and jinxes of all kinds in hot pursuit. A team of witches and wizards, undoubtedly the staff of the Academy, were leaning over the body of the recently deceased with all kinds of medical equipment. A set of paddles was over the woman's chest and currents of energy were being forced in some vain and pointless effort to restart a heart quite done beating.

Grotesque fingers clung desperately to the freshly caught soul. The sluagh's dark mouth was partially opened and fully set on devouring the pure essence. Still, as the creature ran across the grounds of the school with stings of magic plaguing her at every turn, all she could think about was that stubborn dragoness.

Foolish creatures. Greedy creatures! Do they not know that a greater good lies out there in the world.

At its core the sluagh was, in fact, evil and wicked. The only thing that kept this creature safe from the onslaught of holy incantations was its lot in life. The sluagh was destined to an eternity of servitude. It was rejected both from heaven and hell and was cursed to spend its life (a term used loosely) harvesting souls to serve the will of the glamour.

The souls the Tarrtchluna sluagh collected would be turned into magic with the assistance of a dragon's touch. The fae, both Seelie and Unseelie, thrived on the flow of magic through their veins. When the gates to Arcadia were closed it ended the free flow of glamour. Faeries of all kinds were turned into scavengers.

The sluagh, hideous creatures beneath beautiful shells, were cursed with the inability to harvest glamour from experiences and manipulation. They were forced to steal souls from their paths to Heaven or Hell and turn them into a viable source of glamour.

It was, however, also in their ability to recycle the souls for a different purpose.

Now, as the naked abomination raced through the sidestreets towards some sort of safe-haven, it formed a plan for the fate of Erica's soul. This girl would not be pure glamour. She would become something more useful. A dragon, perhaps. Or a fellow dark-fae. The sluagh despised the Sidhe, but it knew that they could have their purpose when needed. Still, it would take time and some pondering. For now the sluagh swallowed the girl's essence and held it safe in her belly.

As the sluagh wandered back towards the Inn to retrieve its shell a plot began to form in its twisted mind. Much fun was to be had in the days to come.