Topic: A story of love

Tiamatus Silverwing

Date: 2009-03-13 15:26 EST
::Tiamatus lay curled around his sleeping mate, watching her slumber with a small smile upon upon his muzzle, draping his wing over his mate. He spoke quietly to himself as he gazed upon his love.::

"I remember, even now. It seems so very long ago, but it is as vivid as if I had lived it yesterday. When I saw you for the first time, sitting upon the cliff's edge. You looked so very sad and lonely, looking up at the stars. You stole my heart, even then, though you did not know it. And then came that faithful day where the wyvern attacked you........All I could think about was getting to you, to catch you and keep you from harm. I didn't want to see you get hurt. I loved you then, and now, over time, our love has grown every day. ::He smiled warmly, tracing her lower jaw lightly with a single talon.:: Back then, I would have given anything just to kiss you and feel your lips against mine........You call me a poet, but I am not. I am just a normal dragon with a large heart, and it belongs to you."