Topic: A Strange Land, A Strange Time

Samir Rostam

Date: 2010-04-03 23:25 EST
The initial ride to Rhy'Dinn had gone by rather...Uneventful. A simple shuttlecraft, just large enough to fit him, his gear, and a few boxes of life essentials. He was planning on sticking around for a while, scoping the place out, and determining where best his new charge should be kept. Not that he knew who she was, other than a name, and a note from whoever had hired him. All secretive and hush hush. He was used to it.

With the arrival of the shuttle to the Port of Rhy'Dinn, he made sure to have a few things with him - Namely, a sidearm and some extra clips. It was best to always be prepared...Especially when entering unknown territory. Training and experience had taught him this.

A pair of red-tinted sunglasses were put on, a cigarette lit and placed between his lips, then he strolled down the ramp as service men came to unload the cargo. The sun was out, with a few clouds here and there...Clouds, and a blue sky. That was something different - The planet Sidhre had been amber colored skies with few clouds and almost no water. It was beautiful in it's own way, once you got passed the dryness and emptiness. Most of the Sidhre people lived below ground, in cooled subterranean cities.

He himself, Samir Rostam, came from what was known as the 'Sidhre Core'; the Capital of the Sidhre Empire. A body guard, trained as part of the third party group known as the Jango Mercenaries. Between his affiliation with the group, and where he lived, it only made sense once he thought about it that it would be him chosen to become the ambassador's body guard.

After determining the port was as safe as a public place could be, he went from scanning every inch of what he could see to pulling out that letter he had recieved that detailed his new orders. He bumped up the glasses so he could see the writing better, and re-read the letter for the umpteenth time to ensure he was clear on the details.

Master Rostam,

We have chosen you, among the many others of the Jango Mercenaries, to perform a very important task for the Sidhre Empire. You are not to disclose any details found in this letter to anyone, not even your charge.

He skimmed through most of the letter, then came to the part he'd been looking for.

Your charge is Ambassador Moir Revenant. Attached to this letter is a photograph, from which you will identify her once you deem it safe for her to arrive. When you arrive at Rhy'Dinn, you are to immediately find housing that you deem sufficient, as well as integrate yourself into the community. During this time the Ambassador will be held in a highly secured, undisclosed location. For the sake of her sanity, and yours once she arrives, we suggest having this done within a week.

There had been no real need to rereading this - He had the entire letter, as well as the photograph, memorized by now. A serviceman came to him to inform him his cargo was unloaded and awaiting a new destination, and he pulled the sunglasses back over his eyes. To the security panel he went, and spent the next few hours being questioned about the abundant amount of weaponry that had been unloaded...

A waste of time in his opinion. His credentials clearly stated he was a registered Sidhre body guard and was authorized to have such weaponry within use at all times. After the...Extended delay, he began his week-long survey of the town.

The whole thing had gone rather uneventful, just as the ride had. He didn't seem to find anything he would consider a threat roaming the city streets, and had even found a house that was perfect for the job. It wasn't anything fancy or high class, but with the addition of a few cameras, motion sensors, sound sensors and the like...It could become impenetrable. It was this he worked on now, installing the equipment in the boxes he had brought with him.

A week after his initial arrival he deemed it ready for the Ambassador's arrival, and he sent word to the Empire.

Now he need simply wait for a response, and to await the Ambassador's arrival...