Topic: A time for all to play

Britania Grey

Date: 2011-05-02 12:25 EST
It had been a good week; one without flaw to give pause to the assessment. Her run up the coast had been smooth and profitable, the weather had been exceptional and her men were in high spirits.

She had secured for her squire a grant of challenge, a rare opportunity. It was her hope that if she proved that the position was one that would provide real bonuses that when Dyarhk was done his training, as she had no doubts he would, that another candidate would be waiting.

Then there were the festivities. Her men had been given leave, so long as they rotated a guard back at the Cardinal and the Black Dragon, to find food, drink and fun in the glen. A majority of them took up the offer and she saw them as she wandered through the booths and around the flickering fires.

The first night was a short one for her as she was obliged to head to the Arena and pay for the grant by testing the now undead Warlord's blade. Her performance was adequate and she proved a sufficient barrier against two undead, first the Baron and then his minion. It was a fair trade, she thought, for the grant given.

On the second night of festivities, for the lighting of the bonfires, she volunteered her time to assist Anya at her kissing booth. As she did a visual inspection of her ship, climbing high in the rigging so that she could bask in the early afternoon sun, the thought of it brought a smile to her lips. None of her crew dared approach the booth, she made no secret that she did not believe in physical entanglements with the men she employed.

Ah, but she did not employ Dyarhk. Whether it was that he had not known her long enough to be cowed by her or he had a greater fortitude than she had suspected at first he did not seem to hesitate to approach and make a donation. He was a pleasing partner, not that she doubted he need be to satisfy the fiery Sieri, but was an unexpected bonus to the evening.

"Capt"n! The Lord approaches." One of her men shouted up to her and she put thoughts of other men, no matter how pleasing, aside and quickly descended to the deck.

"Tell him to meet me in my cabin, Nathan." To the crewman as she made for the door that would lead her there. "Also, tell the men that they may attend the masquerade ball this evening if they dress appropriately and keep watch. There are some outfits at the Cardinal for any that wish to give it a try."

Nathan bobbed his head in acknowledgement, and smiled, "Aye, Capt"n! Sounds like fun!" He sounded enthused about the matter, few of the men had been to anything so grand as a ball. He moved to the rail to watch for Camui and deliver the message, shifting restlessly with a pent up desire to spread his Captains words to the rest of the crew.