Topic: A Walk in the Park

Ricky the Gun

Date: 2009-12-22 20:10 EST

If you are not too busy and may be feeling up to it some fine evening - say, this Saturday, for instance - it would be my very great pleasure to take you out with me for a turn about the town, as they used to say where I am from. I hear the marketplace is a sight to see this time of the year, and I promise it'll be just you and me, no jockeying for seats at the bar or crowded Inn to contend with. Oh, and Cyrus will be there as well, but I promise he will be well behaved - he seems to like you. And if we end up getting too cold, I hear there is this charming little tea shop there where we can warm ourselves up.

If you accept, be waiting here at around 4 in the evening, and Cyrus and I will be here to pick you up.

Sincerely yours,



He frowns at the letter, shaking his head with a sigh. It's been a while since the last time he managed to see her at the Inn, and for all he knows she may have gone and found another man that has more free time to spare, thinking perhaps he had forgotten about her and moved off to who knows where.

Well, he has been a little busy. The work he does calls a man to strange places, after all, but he'd like to think there was something more than a mere flirtation there.

A shame the letter sounds so formal. It's like something he might have written to a girl a long time ago, back when he was still...well, young. Now he only looks young, in reality far older than his looks or behavior let on.

But still with that old-fashioned streak. It shows in damn near every letter of the note. Formal tones, the very thing he might have written if he had taken a fancy to any young lady back when he was still...well, normal, for lack of a better term.

Hopefully, it'll do. He had told her he had that tendency towards old-fashioned behavior. With a sigh, he folds it over and inscribes on it the name, "Dr. Harper Lacey."

The note is slipped under the door of the clinic she works in twenty minutes later, folded in a very old-fashioned style and sealed with earthen-brown wax.

Harper Lacey

Date: 2009-12-25 10:08 EST
It took a few days for the letter to be given into Harper's hands. The Christmas season was a busy one, no matter where you were it seemed, and she had been working graveyard shifts for seven nights. On the last morning, however, the receptionist handed over the letter, and the weary Doctor Lacey read it as she walked home.

It brought a smile to her face. To be completely honest, she had thought Ricky might have forgotten her. She hadn't had the energy to get to the Inn, even when she had time, recently, and the thought had crossed her mind more than once that he might have found some other woman to spend his time more profitably on.

4 in the evening on Saturday ....yes, she could do that. Her shift at the clinic ended at around 2, but there was always the paperwork to catch up on. She seemed to spend half her working life on paperwork, necessary though it was.

Always at this time of year, her thoughts turned to her parents and siblings, who would be enjoying the season together somewhere she couldn't go. Not just yet, anyway. But Ricky's letter had given her something to smile about. Yes, there was someone here she could share her love of this season with.

She composed a short reply at the Courier's Offices on her way home, taking her time to try and get the same beautifully formal tone he seemed to have managed so effortlessly. It was given to one of the couriers, who would deliver it into Ricky's hands if at all possible.



I would be very happy to take a turn with you on Saturday. It's been so long since we've seen one another, and your letter brought a smile to my face as I read it.

I'll be waiting by the clinic at 4 on Saturday, probably bundled up to the eyebrows against the cold. And very much looking forward to a little time in your company again.

Thank you, and Happy Christmas, Harper

Ricky the Gun

Date: 2010-01-07 19:03 EST
For a miracle, the courier managed to find him the day before. Whoever she was using is pretty good - he isn't exactly listed in the phone book here, after all.

Reading the letter brought a smile to his face, a fine Christmas present, the only one he'd received. A consequence of not only his lifestyle but his life since that one fateful day, so long turns out to be a thing of the past.

Even though he has Cyrus, it is a lonely existence. The horse had been his loyal friend and companion for countless years, but even so, he wasn't much of a conversationalist. And for a miracle, Cyrus seemed to like Harper, which was rare enough that it makes him take notice.

The Saturday afternoon finds him riding to the clinic, sitting high atop Cyrus as the horse and he make their way through town. Curious glances from the numerous townsfolk bring a grin to his face. No doubt they're wondering why he's dressed in jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, leather jacket, cowboy hat and boots - light clothing for this cold.

He feels the cold, but like so many things, it doesn't have the sway on him that it did so long ago. Still, he thinks, it might be a good idea to get into the tea shop he'd heard about as soon as possible. Bundled up or not, he can't imagine a walk around the marketplace being very romantic in this biting cold.

The pair of them arrive a few minutes early, and for the first time since he can remember, he feels that giddy, warming rush of nerves and anticipation.

Harper Lacey

Date: 2010-01-08 02:15 EST
Work that Saturday seemed to fly by, with colleagues commenting on her glowing smile in particular. After all, it's not everyday that a girl gets asked to take a turn around the town, now, is it' Even her paperwork, which she had been sadly neglecting, was easier to catch up on than she had expected, leaving her time to chat with the receptionist before she heard the tell-tale jingle of harness, and the clack-clop of hooves on frozen cobblestones.

Grabbing her coat took barely more than a minute or so, and with butterflies brimming up in her tummy, Harper made for the main doors to the clinic, tucking her fingers into her woollen gloves as she did so. Unlike Ricky, she was more than dressed for the weather, all but lost in a thick rainbow-coloured scarf and hat, and gloves to match. Even her wellington boots were brightly coloured, a stark contrast to the severity of her black woollen coat and dark jeans.

Her face lit up in a bright smile as she stepped out into the frosty sunlight, her eyes falling on Ricky and Cyrus almost immediately, despite the watering that came from the chill of the wind. A fine sight she must have made to them - the only skin visible being her face, and that already touched with cold, red nose and cheeks against pale skin.

And the smile, of course. She'd been looking forward to this meeting almost more than she could remember having anticipated anything before, feeling the butterflies growing more tumultuous in her belly as she moved to greet him.

"Good afternoon, cowboy," she grinned, each word becoming a small puff of steam in the chilled air. "Looking for someone in particular?"