Topic: A Wonder of Science and Magecraft (18+)


Date: 2017-10-06 02:36 EST
Mr.....Sit....sorry....Tests sh.....cancer.

The consciousness was foggy at best when the dwindling echoes that bounced around began to assault it. Each word a distant memory and discarded thought on a plain of emptiness that belonged to the floating mind.

Where a.....Going"!

Some of the thoughts brought an unknown pain to the existence as the wronged and shrill fragments of voices began to grow louder then die away.

That's....That's all...Yo......Say' Just le....Then!

There was a hard clap in the darkness and the existence felt a sharp sting. Whatever it was stirred a heavy sinking feeling it couldn't understand.


The much higher and desperate fragment made the existence begin to run across the darkness and empty void begin to thrash. The clarity it had begun to feel began to wane then and it lost whatever that feeling was as even the small voice that echoed incoherently sounded foreign and ignored. Piece by piece the entity that existed everywhere in the darkness was losing who and what it had once been.

The final voice that came across the darkness was one that was unbroken and clear but the thoughts and even being of whatever had been was completely broken against the dark.

It's hard to watch him lay there....Basically dead. I wish mom would come up here. I mean....I have a life too, you know" He's just going to waste away anyway. He doesn't even know I'm here so what does it matter" Huh"....Yeah! I'd love to, let me get my stuff and I'll meet you outside! Remember; Savis Hospice over on Gordon! It has the red roof!

The voice though clear and without interruption was still unnoticed and left to fade out into the darkness of this plane. The only sign it was acknowledged was the echo of the voice that bounded off the infinite nothingness.

The darkness remained still and silent for what seemed like an eternity after the voices subsided. There was no life, no light and no form only inky black darkness extending in all directions. A plane of nothingness devoid of all, the most literal translation of hell none would ever come to know of. The darkness of a lifeless emptiness.

An eternity, that darkness continued for an eternity....

Or it should have.

The darkness was broken by a loud crash and the sound of excited unintelligible voices. Laughter could be heard as could the echo of cheering. Something about success finally. Someone whooping as the other began to cheer at the loud barking sound. The darkness stirred as a sense of being came to whatever it was that inhabited it began to slowly become aware of the darkness.

Something jerked, outside the darkness, then twitched wildly and constantly. The whooping went silent as did the cheering and instead was replaced with the quiet whispers of sharp hisses and low rumbling sounds. There was a frustration about the darkness and the spewing sound of bubbles that became suddenly far too loud. A snatch and twitch occurred on the opposite side of the prior. It was similar to being shocked.

All of it came to a stop when the introduction of a clicking sound echoed over the darkness.

Our first success....Friends, we have done the impossible!

There was another twitch.

Look! It's moving!

Something led the thing that called that darkness home to have an impulse suddenly. The darkness without warning was cleaved in half horizontally. A blinding flash of white that carved into the creature in the darkness and caused it to thrash limply.

Come see this! Come see, it's opening its' eyes!

Even with the blistering burn the light continued to grow from a tiny slice as thin as paper that then grew into one the size of a pencil, then a car and finally all that was there was light. Blinding bright white. From side to side the entity thrashed as it floated though it was little more than small twitches.

Look at how it moves....Fascinating!

Doctor, I can't believe we finally did it! We're finally free!

It's cute how it glows...

With the months it took to make this thing, I don't care if its' ugly or beautiful...

Shhhhhhhhhh, look.....Its' starting to adapt.

The darkness had given way to a blistering white light and slowly the white light was giving way to a dirty mixture of gold and moving blobs of black.

This hurt, everything hurt. It hurt so bad and the creature that had once called the darkness home thrashed from side to side churning bubbles with so much force they must have been gases escaping whatever this thing was.

The world is always changing according to nothing more than the point of view it is seen from.

Staring wide at the large six foot tall and eight round incubation chamber the gaggle of men and women in green splash proof coveralls and red thick rubber gloves stood quietly on a hinged breath waiting on the man at the front to say something. All tagged and wearing matching uniforms it took little more than a glance to tell these men and women worked for the same institute.

The bald old man standing only inches from the chamber's glass tube and golden water inside stared down at the tiny maybe ten inch creature held afloat by black tubing. His hand came out and touched the glass as his reflection showed relief and pride on his weeping face.

He spoke just under a breath back to the others gathered behind him, "We really did it....I had lost faith so long ago." He leaned in and pressed his forehead to the glass, his eyes coming to a close and a sigh rocking his body as it rolled free. "We created life from nothing....A high materia infusion.....And it's showing motor skills and is growing at a healthy status....We did it."

He opened his eyes and looked into the center of the chamber then. His eyes resting at the little creature that couldn't seem to focus its' rolling underdeveloped eyes.

The creature inside the chamber looked similar to an ultrasound picture without the sonar waves around the creature. Pink and slightly transparent skin was pulled tight around the unsettling human like creature. Curled into a loose ball the little creature twitched, it looked like a kick, and ticked its' head to the right then left as the bubbles from the bottom of the chamber rocked it.

Tubes ran down the two open hole at the front of what looked like the nose, another going into the skull from the top of the chamber. A large black tube that was ribbed the same way as a vent duct would be ran down and connected to what must have been an umbilical cord. The beeping and clicking of what must be a heartbeat and brainwave monitor could be heard droning in the back ground of their momentous step for science.

The chest of the creature was bulging and under the surface was a by comparison large grey and black orb, tiny tubes of the same glowing grey and black running in all direction like nerves extending the entire body under countless stitches and clear pink skin until they all reconnected to the orb in the creature's chest.

A grey thick and gooey fluid had already formed shortly after the creature opened its' eyes. The limply rolling orbs of milky white flopping from side to side as the head rocked almost like they would fall out at any moment.

This whole thing looked painful, gruesomely painful. The creature in the chamber understood only one thing as it existed and existed alone, pain. This pain continued for an entire six days.

In six days the scientist were surprised when they came to find the creature in the chamber had doubled in size and was what seemed to be the size and appearance of a newborn infant. After testing they could conclude this was indeed an infant of only a week at the most.

In a week they returned to what must have been almost two years old.

This was their success, they made a living weapon just as they were told. The Farram church stepped in for the subject at the end of that same week.


Date: 2017-10-06 04:22 EST
The orb of light that hovered over the steel and gleaming copper wire construct glowed in a bright and waving stream of azure lights. The man that sat in front of it stroked the short bush of a white goatee as he gazed at the dancing blue waves moving across his lap and pale skin. He was so deep in thought that when he reached to touch the floating orb he did it absently and with any forethought.

The orb moved in an odd vortex of wobbling curves and spitting flashes of light. The spasm the orb thrashed in was treated absently as the man slid his hand down from his short facial hair to the regal thick folds and edges of a noble's black coat. He was an old man told by the deep thoughtful creases of his pocked wrinkles and dark spotted bald head. His shriveled and bony hand moved to his ascot then as he stroked the vibrant royal blue fabric with the palm of his dry and brittle palm.

There was a whirling groan from the orb that began to pick up and grow more intense with each passing second. The glow grew brighter as the orb picked up speed and the old man glanced up from his pondering. One pop. A second pop. And finally the final third pop that gave way to the grainy sound of recorded audio of a deep graveled voice.

"Log #0017, First success in prototype testing: September 12th AL 3006. Time; 1300."

The old man nodded slowly with lips pressed in a thin line while brows pulled into a knot over the bridge of his nose.

"Specimen #0016 was unresponsive when we sent electrical pulses into the dish this morning. It seems removing the membrane around the egg only allowed the high raise to overproduce cell mass until it fractured the dish. We've decided to move on to specimen #0017. Doctor Klein will have to be called in seeing as we conducted the fertilization earlier in the experiment."

The old man sighed and grabbed a notebook from the large wooden desk in front of him to place on the book stand beside him.

"The egg is a healthy specimen this time. Unlike the membrane stripping we attempted on experiment 0016 we tried a surrogate approach. Doctor Klein volunteered herself and now after two months of gestation from the donor cells the specimen has grown into a functioning organism."

The old man nodded once again and began to jot notes out on a note pad that rested on a book stand.

"If this was a different test with more humane variables our names would probably go down in the church's history. We have created the first child without sperm. Germinating the cells of the egg with a foreign DNA has successfully created a child without the need for intercourse. We've considered the chance attempting to use a higher grade materia on this specimen, perhaps one of the high black magics. My only fear is this could burn out the subject's nervous system and leave us with a vegetable as it did when we implanted the holy materia in the hell hound....Then this would all be a waste of millions and the funding we desperately need. We need to find a bypass before implantation. The more we fail....The more these lives are sacrificed. May the gods ha-"

Placing his hand on the orb as it spun he sighed and brought the orb to a screeching halt. He paused his note taking as he looked to the ceiling and gave a glare of scrutiny. He was overwhelmed and it was getting harder to stay afloat. No matter how many times he listened to his notes he never felt like he was getting closer to a success.

Reclining back with parted lips he sighed against the frustration of looming failure. When would this nightmare of an experiment be over?