Topic: Adventures in Dragon sitting


Date: 2008-01-12 14:26 EST
One day Kit kit decides to visit her freind icer in the moutains overlooking the glen. Comming nose to snout with her exiting. The dragon soon pounces and begins tongue bathing the poor kitsune who giggled and pushed iccer's head away. " Hi icer-chan!" She beamed with a smile. "Icer got off her and spoke softly. " Hey watch the nurseey for abit while i go talk to darky at the inn." Kit agreed and moved inside the cave to the nursery where the many colors of the rainbow of dragons lay sleeping. " This will be easier then i thought." The kitsune said to herself. Taking up a seat. Jug of sake pulled from that magical kimono of hers. As soon as the stopper was pulled with a pop. The dragon hatchlings woke up. Severeal pairs of eyes then land upon kit and one by one they begin to swarm her. She took a quick gulp of sake. Re stopped it only to have it snatched by one of them, and it tore off down one of the tunnels. Has soon as she got up another pounced her and attacked the tail! :: Jaws wrapping around the puffy appendage and tugging which caused her to squeal. Tugging it out of the things mouth while losing a patch of fur. Running after the sake thief with a whole flight close on her tail. ?" Come back. that is not for baby dragons!" Corering the hatchling she grineed and pounced at the hatchling. The hatchling jumped as she landed, but dropped his prize which kit grabbed with two hands. Holding onto it for dear life. The hatchlings now dog piling her. Tugging at her ears and what ever else they could get thier jaws around. Quick thinkink the kitsune poofed in a puff of smoke. The dragon hoard looking around bewildered. Kit now a fly on the wall had a chance to really think of what she could do to keep these hatchlings in line without upsetting them. So poof! she assumed the form of icer . Landing before the group. Though that just excited them more, and tey pounced. The illusion broken and the dragons were back to tugging at her tail,hair and ears. when all seemed lost icer came back with a sizeable wyvern in her maw. Setting it down she roared and the hoard of hatchlings ran to her and began to feast. Kit now soaked with dragon slobber, and her tail fraid and ears soar from pinching shakingly lifted her sake and took a swig. Giving icer a wave and wandering off. Next time she would bring freinds when she visits the dragons.