Topic: Age of Innocence

Fields of Violet

Date: 2017-04-01 21:25 EST
Farian's Revenge

April 1, 2017

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Farian climbed down from one of the trees in the yard and landed lightly on her feet in the grass. Her nose wrinkled at the smell wafting down from the branches and leaves, which were now dotted liberally with dog droppings. Every time the breeze sifted past the boughs, it carried the distinct scent farther from the scene of the crime. She doubted it would permeate the air near the Inn itself, but anyone walking too close to the trees might get a whiff. The real purpose was to have a certain someone land right on a pile, feet or butt first, and suffer the indignity of the smell as long as possible.

It was April Fool's, after all, the perfect time to teach someone a lesson.

By the following afternoon, all traces (and smells) of the poo would be gone.

Carrion Hearted

Date: 2017-04-03 13:20 EST
The Beak Strikes Back (With Cack)

April 2, 2017

It was just after midnight when a shadow separated itself from the darkness of the night sky and plunged into the top of a specific tree standing upon the Inn's lawn. As was usual for this particular shadow, the descent and subsequent landing were almost entirely soundless.

But the silence did not last.

Moments after the shadow had disappeared into the boughs of the tree, a great squawking arose, and then the limbs began to shake. New leaves whispered together as though afraid.

The sound and motion rippled down through the tree until, at the very bottom, Dove dropped to the ground and rolled between its roots. Growling to himself, he squirmed and ground his body against the newly-budded grass, trying to be rid of the excrement clinging to his solidifying clothes. After several seconds of this, he finally sat up, spat out some grass, and unleashed an ear-piercing howl of rage toward the sky.

Some naughty little girl was going to be very sorry.


April 3, 2017

The following afternoon, or whenever she should happen to decide to again use her car, Farian would find the Gremlin covered, from headlight to tail light, in broad white-and-black splotches of bird crap. Either an entire flock of some sort had passed over it during the night, or one very dedicated avian personality had dive-bombed her multiple times.

If that were not enough, once she got past the shock of that, she would find, situated on the driver's seat, a little purple toy car. Its plastic front fender was cracked as though the car had been rammed repeatedly into a wall, as was its rear bumper. Behind the wheel sat a blond-haired blue-eyed Barbie doll dressed in what appeared to be a hand-made nun's habit.

The message of the toys should be quite clear, especially with the 'signature? coating the outside of the Gremlin.

Fields of Violet

Date: 2017-04-30 18:38 EST
April 30, 2017

She'll Teach Him a Lesson Yet

The old Gremlin chugged along the street, put-putting along at a rapid speed of ten miles an hour. Farian sat forward, fingers clutching the wheel, peering out the windshield like an eighty-year old grandma. She turned too soon and nudged the curb, missing the entrance to the driveway completely. No bother. She left the back end sticking out, cut the engine, and disembarked the car. It was spotless, all the layers of birdsh*t meticulously wiped away.

Light drizzle was no deterrent for her plan. She opened the hatch in the back and pulled out a medium sized, paisley printed bag. Because the weather was a bit chilly today, she wore jeans tucked into knee high boots, along with an ivory sweater and a dozen unique necklaces that swung from her throat. Closing the hatch, she headed in the direction of a specific tree.

She was not as tall as the lowest limb. Not nearly. Farian set a palm on the rough bark and glanced around the yard. The street. Every which way, even up to the rooftops. Checking for people. Luckily, it appeared no one was here, or they were all inside. Looking back at the tree, she murmured a thing or two, and set a boot against the base. Had that bump in the bark been there before" Sure it had. As had the next, and the next, giving her solid footholds to climb until she could curl an arm around a branch. She hoisted herself into new, green leaves, the bag swinging against her side.

Once she was fully immersed in greenery, perched against a thick branch, she pet the bark and whispered to the tree as if it were an old friend. She slung the bag to her knee and began removing very pretty flowers, all in a distinct shade of fuschia. Farian handled the blooms carefully as she began to attach them to smaller sprigs and branches. Despite the lack of roots, the blooms did not wilt, and would not for some time. She climbed higher, affixing more flowers in specific spots. Creating a perimeter from the edges of the tree inward.

The tree limbs and leaves shuffled, like a dog shaking its wet coat, then settled again. After Farian placed the last flower, she surveyed her handiwork. There was no way to escape the flora she'd added to the tree, especially if a person had a tendency to glide on down and into the tree's foliage quickly. Satisfied, smirking to herself, she began her equally careful descent.

She waited until a woman with a dog had passed by before easing out of the tree altogether. The bag was empty now, tucked under her arm for safe keeping.

Once her boots touched the ground, she panned another look around the yard. The porch. Didn't see anyone hanging around. Perfect. Farian hustled back to the Gremlin and climbed in. The engine turned over with a cough and a sputter.

Assuming her granny position, she maneuvered away from the curb and got going forward again. Slowly. The Gremlin puttered away from the scene of the crime.

Whenever a certain avian reappeared and entered the tree, he would undoubtedly see the feminine display she'd left him. So many flowers! So, so pink.

But that wasn't all.

The flowers were waiting. Had been waiting.

Once the certain avian entered the lair, the flowers emitted a feminine perfume into the air while at the same time, bellowing, "I am not a bad driver!" Loud enough, perhaps, to startle the bird into falling out of the tree.

That still wasn't all. Even as the flowers bellowed, and perfumed the air, glitter burst forth from their laden centers. Pink and silver, of course. So much glitter! Glitter that, once in the hair or on the clothes or skin, did not want to come off.

The glitter loved him.

Embrace the glitter.

"I am not a bad driver!?

Once more, for good measure, just so he would not forget.


Carrion Hearted

Date: 2017-07-20 17:55 EST
Late May 2017

It took nearly a month for Farian to get confirmation that her prank had finally seen its debut.

Late one evening when it the warm air reminded all that the season was tilting over from spring into summer, they came.

The birds.

Ravens, actually, if one were to be precise.

It began with one, which lit upon a branch near one of the windows in Farian's home. And then the second came, and the third. And then a pair, and another pair. A trio. And then they began to come in groups, alighting upon every branch and fence post and window sill they could reach. Some lit upon the roof of the house and upon the steps of the front porch. They surrounded the house until every view from every window yielded the same image: a rippling, black carpet made of living, winged things.

They waited, curiously silent, until she was brave enough to open up a window or a door and see about them. When she did, they did something most peculiar: every bird turned to orient itself upon her, ruffled its feathers, and took a breath.

Then they cleared their throats and began to sing.

"Like a virgin " hey! " drivin" for the very first time! Hey there, vir-ir-ir-ir-gin! Can you sta-ay between the lines?"

To call it unnerving was an understatement. All of those black birds, swaying mechanically and singing in their scratchy, wooden voices. The worst part was that they continued to sing this phrase over and over until Farian physically chased them off, and then they scattered, laughing their creepy, puppet-like laughs. Ha-ha, ha-ha.

Some called out, "You're a virgin who can't drive!? as they swooped upward into the sky.

If she looked closely, she might have seen a little glitter clinging to their feathers.

Fields of Violet

Date: 2017-10-13 13:55 EST
October, 2017

Hopelessly Devoted To Torturing You

It had taken Farian some time to recover from the horror of the raven invasion. She'd laid low, silently cursing her nemesis while avoiding black birds of all kinds. Months had gone by, time in which she hoped Dove had forgotten all about her. Time which she'd used to plan her next revenge.

She arrived via the foliage near the trees, sliding from the wilting greens and fading leaves, with something quite large tucked under her arm. Once she'd scanned the yard and deemed it safe, she lugged the cutout into the open. The hairy male body was about as atrocious as one could imagine, with a rather large beer belly and swirls of fur around each manboob. It was only a cutout, but even then, the image was easy enough to decipher. The head of the body, turned toward her and away from viewing eyes for the moment, appeared a little at odds, logistically speaking. No matter. She headed for the porch, the feet of the cutout dragging along the ground.

Farian didn't head for the stairs, but the sturdy post at the end of the porch. The manner in which she had to climb, lug and tug the cutout to the roof consisted of feminine grunts, her teeth hooked into cardboard, and the body dragging-bumping-scraping along behind her. But she managed. Falling onto her rump on the roof, she pulled the cutout the rest of the way up with her. One problem solved. Out of breath, she got to her feet and dragged the cutout to a prominent position so that it would greet all and sundry. People driving by in cars could even see the thing.

Farian arranged the cutout on its side, which was the pose of the body, with one elbow propped on the roof and the hand holding up the head.

Except this head was not the one that had originally come with the cutout.

This was Dove's head, in all its grumpy, frowning glory, brows drawn down over his eyes. Dove's mouth was an unpleasant slash, instead of a welcoming grin. To cover the manboobs and the hip area, Farian used one of her own bikinis—since Dove had such a passion for them—and covered the areas quite nicely.

Affixing the cutout from the back to the roof, to keep it in place, she stepped around front to get a good look at her handiwork. There was no way Dove would miss this during his next fly by. To make matters worse, she drew a small black device from the pocket of her sweater, and set it down next to the propped elbow.

Set to go off by motion detection only—meaning something had to pass within roof range of the device—the little recorder nonetheless worked like a charm. Should anything crawl, climb or fly near enough, the recorder erupted into Olivia Newton John's Hopelessly Devoted To You. Someone had dubbed in the word torturing between To and You, making it, Hopelessly Devoted To Torturing You. If the song sounded a bit squawky, well. It was well deserved.

After one final look at her handiwork, she backtracked to the porch post and began a much more fluid climb down to the ground. Once her boots touched the grass, she backed up to the middle of the yard and took in the view from that vantage point. Sigh. What a beautiful sight.

Farian sent a whisper into the wind, drawing forth a dragonfly from the underbrush. Zeus flitted around her once, then zipped up toward the cutout. Only after it reached a certain height did the music come on. "Hopelessly devoted to torturing yoooou." Farian clapped her hands with both satisfaction and delight, and recalled Zeus from his task.

Finished with her current round of torture, Farian escaped into the trees and the foliage. The only thing left of her visit besides the obnoxious cutout was the faint scent of ferns and earth and a touch of jasmine.

Other than that, she was gone.