Topic: An Honest Business


Date: 2010-09-10 11:25 EST
There were cages along the walls. It was like a dog kennel. They had solid metal floorings and roofs with thick, metal bars all around them. People sat in them. They were of various races and genders and shapes and sizes, anything you could think of. Several large wooden planks had been dropped across the tops of these cages and men walked along them, speaking with the various people who moved through the gaps between the cages surveying the items up for sale.

Each person, each slave, was dressed plainly. They had no shoes on. They were wearing plain breeches and shirts, which were clean and sturdy, meant to be long lasting. They were also clean, and they all stood rigidly straight in the center of their cells.

A man with dirty blonde hair walked through the aisles between cages. His eyes darted from slave to slave and he paused often outside cages, conversing with whoever lingered above whichever one he was at at the time. He examined a strong orc male, who could have made an excellent enforcer, then a shapely woman, whom he had far more sinful thoughts toward. Both stood tall, neither moved unless told to. They had long since learned what not to do when on display. Finally, he came to another man. This man had dark hair and was clean shaven, he was young, but strong and healthy and looked able to do more than his fair share of heavy lifting.

"This one, and those two over there." The man with the dirty blonde hair said, gesturing toward the orc and woman.

"Right this way." The man who stood atop the wooden walkway dropped down. His face was covered by a cloth and hood as a security precaution. He turned and guided the man off toward the stairwell.

The chamber was rather cavernous, with stonewalls and two metal gates leading to staircases that rose up. Along the north wall, near the top, the stone had been done away with and replaced by dark, tinted glass. On the other side of the class stood a man. He wore a great plumed hat and an eye patch over his left eye. His hands were behind his back and the single, piercing red eye looked down through the glass at the dealings below, his onyx fingers wiggling and tapping against one another to take up time.

The room he was in was much darker than the one below. The window took up one wall while the rest were all a muted grey and smooth, devoid of decoration. On the right was a door that opened into a stairwell, which went right down to the room he was watching.

There was a knocking on this door. Xonis turned slowly, walking over toward his desk, which was an old and well-polished wooden thing with a large, comfortable chair behind it. He took a seat, leaning back and waiting. Ten seconds passed and then the door opened, a man with dirty blonde hair stepping in.

"Hello." Xonis greeted with a smile. "How can I help you today"