Topic: Ancients' Demesne - Tales of Isha and Galen [Closed]

Isha Lore

Date: 2009-06-22 16:10 EST
The place called RhyDin had stood for as long as any of the Ancients could recall. Before the time of writing, before some of the mountains had risen out of the seas from the Breaking or the eclectic races had flooded into the realm until it had slowed to its present-day trickle.

Centuries passed and man and other races had claimed the lands as theirs in one way or another. Battles had bloodied the ground and grasses. They had felled the trees and quarried stone to build homes, great buildings, and places of utter leisure and pleasure.

Somewhere still at the dawning of influx of so many races and ways, came too those called Gargoyle. There were only a few at first, their images enough to spur carvings in stone along buildings to frighten the light-hearted or to encourage the straw-brained sons and daughters of Humans into thinking that they were mythical creatures that had come to do them harm if they were not pious enough to their religion or the cause of the majority.

But the Gargoyles were real, made very much of flesh and bone. Long ago, they were guardians and protectors not of rooftops of man and other creatures. But a rift had come between and wars had waged until the reasons for these things were forgotten. Sorcerers, creatures, and man themselves turned the tides against the 'evil beasts' called the Gargoyles and set to kill them.

All but a fraction of those thousands were killed all those centuries ago, and those that had been able to survive and escape from the bloodshed were cursed and put under the ways and spells of much stronger forces — to hinder them, to keep them alike, but to also kill off some of what they were.

For a great passage of time, those that existed at night and turned to stone by day. They were able to seek out dozens more thought slain. But their numbers had deminished. Some could not bear to be trapped in the stone for so long at a time and whithered in their existance until they could not turn from the stone anymore.

One of the youngest of these ancient ones was called Isha'valt, daughter of D'Loerai. In time, she would come to known as Isha Lore. The rooftops of where the Humans and others dwelts eventually became her walkways and the old cathedral was her perch with the dawn of each morning.

It came to pass that the strong, female gargoyle came into the inn of the place called the Red Dragon. She perched often in the rafters to watch the interaction of so many others in the great room below. One night in particular came one called Galen Dracos. His ways, his manners, and subtle strengths were enough to draw Isha from watching him to speaking with him and others he kept his company with.

Years more would pass, with tales of what and who they were to thrum along in the undercurrent of others' greater accomplishments and doings. It did not matter to these two, but here within these pages lay stories mundane and grand of two eternal souls that have known great strife and enduring love.

Isha Lore

Date: 2009-06-22 16:57 EST
Daughter Gargoyle

Her name was Isha'valt, daughter of D'Loerai. Isha"valt D"Loerai is a name that she has not used since her first year of memories. Known since that early times as Isha Lore, she was not a Human, Elf, or any of the other prominent races that course through the veins of the realm of RhyDin, but a of the rare one called Gargoyle.

She is now in these later years almost six feet tall and strong but she moves with great agility and rarely a sound. Black hair flows down her back and claws are where fingernails should be. A long tunic with split up the sides is belted about her waist. And in these later years, she has the morphatic capability to change into a Human in appearance that is more diminutive, slender and beautiful to the eyes; unlike her gargoyle form that is abhorred by other races.

But when she was younger, she was a child among her race and stood at half her height. She played with no other children, as it was within this realm and its great regions she was the only Younger of her kind. Feral ways on her part and within her nature would have led to the deaths of grown species of most races that she would one day oversee in their protection; removed from their knowledge and sight.

It was in the latter things that she was trained by her father, D"Loerai son of T"praen. Her father had not allowed his lover the chance for a child as he had witness most of their race die out from being killed by the hands of man and others, or by their own hands in various ways when their lives seemed pitiful and hopeless. D"Loerai's bitterness fueled further when his lover, S"nora had a child against his wishes and bore her into this land of strife and hatred. But he was one later to say, and say it often he did "My heart is not made of the stone we live within..". It meant much for a gargoyle to say this, for each and every night, dictated by the curse put on them so long ago, they were forced back to the heights among the buildings of the great city of RhyDin to change back into stone with the dawn of each new day.

Encased within such confines, torment resided. A gargoyle did not always sleep in such a state but was known to be awake sometimes and, for some, they slowly went made to struggle within it to try to get out without avail.

Isha learned at a very early age, with the guidance of her determined father, to talk to him through mind-speak of calm things until the lull of these matters brought the Sleep. And when they woke in the dusk of evening, she would feel her leathery flesh and wings again and the stone to dissipate.

"Stretch your wings out well, Isha"valt. Like this.? Her father would remind her in those earliest years in her memories. She remembered his towering form that was well over eight feet plant his clawed feet wide and arch to that his chest puffed out and arms went wide. Huge, leathery wings unfurled and their span was great. In this way, she remembered him well: strong and noble. Had he been someone grand among the Humans or Elves, he would have been called a King.

She grew under his tutelage she learned to look past his bitterness at other races and seek to find her purpose, if not among them, then for them. In time...she would find that purpose as a protector of them.