Topic: And now for something completely different.

Another Shiny Knight

Date: 2010-05-05 13:39 EST

The room was familiar and yet, not.

The bed itself was the central focus point of homely, comforting space. Four posted and carved with dragons that slithered in circular patterns up to the canopy that draped a shadow over homespun comforter. The fabric was simplistic and it flows down over the sides of the bed, tied at each corner. To the left of the bed was a large and spacious chest for belongings and clothing, to the left a wide and flat writing table. Tucked in under the table was a thickly padded tall-backed chair in wine colored material that matched the bed.

The massive floor boards had been swept spotlessly clean. He imagined the softly gleaming floor came from years of vigorous scrubbing with soap and footsteps of countless others who had paced this very ground. He stood for long moments in the hallway, skewed rectangle of light spilling inside, twisting the shape of his shadow. Behind him, the sounds of the inn and merry-making flooded inward. Cups and mugs chinking together, laughter, giggling of women and the rough baritones of men uttering things below all of it. Below him, life went on. Before him, things stood still.

Alistair's stomach twisted itself in knots.

Another empty room, he thought. He tried his best to push the fact aside as he stepped forward and inside. He shut the door behind him and locked it, carried the key to the table near the bed. He wasn't surprised to find dust-free vellum awaiting him and an ink pot with brand new quill resting beside. There were small drawers hanging to the underbelly of the table. He opened one and dropped the small key to his room inside of it and shut it.

Glancing upward, he noted that positioned wisely above the table was a single window. Glass was not a common for most in Ferelden, so he was distantly pleased to note between the lattice works of metal, diamonds of milky glass had been fixed. Reaching up and over, he lifted the latch which kept it closed and opened it.

It was a beautiful night. The sky had not turned an ominous black, instead, it had greedily held onto the deep blue of summer nights. Sprinkled liberally within the soft depths of night, white-silver stars twinkled merrily. There was no moon tonight, but it did not really need it. The star-shine was bright and illuminated much in a wash of grays. And he remembered a promise, then"a pact that he had made. He did his best to try not to, but the human mind was very good at sabotage".

Another Shiny Knight

Date: 2010-05-05 13:39 EST
She was always delicate. It was a mix of elven heritage and he always thought"part of being a mage. Magi weren't really known for their broad shoulders and hulking presences anyway.

It didn't mean she wasn't strong. Half the time Alistair swore she was made of stronger stuff than he could ever be, she'd faced down Darkspawn by his side, made the hard decisions when the time for them came and lead a party of mis-matched people across half the country to save a kingdom and kill an Archdemon.

If that wasn't strong, he did not know what was.

And she was standing there before him now, the wealth of her red gold hair braided in twin spirals away from her drawn, pale face, trying to be strong again. Her hands were clutched before her and tilted eyes wide. Her skin had gone so pale again from staying in the castle or maybe the choice of a drab grey wool gown is what made it seem worse.

She was trying to be strong for the good of Ferelden and everyone else. Never herself. The words , "I'm leaving," still echoed down the stone hallway as he had walked past her, the rose he'd picked in Lothering still in her palm after her attempt of giving it back. He was tricking her into thinking she'd hurt and made him mad enough to let her just walk out of his life without a fight. Honestly, he was more hurt over the fact she thought she could do that to him than anything else as he took two steps back and stopped. Leaning down to place his mouth dangerously close to the dainty point of ear, where memories of his mouth lingered anyway, and spoke softly.

"We are not over," and he heard his voice in his own ears, hoarse and gnarled.

He reached forward, touched her fingers. They were long and beautiful even scarred now from the many daggers, arrows, and sword cuts deflected across them. He closed them over the red of the rose trembling in her hand with no resistance from her. Then, he pushed her hand slightly back to her. He would not take the gift he'd given her out of love.

She'd shut her eyes then, and it was all he could do to make himself watch tears slip down her face.

"As long as you drawn in breath, as long as you remain under the stars, the sun and the sky"I will not stop fighting for you"for us. No more than I would stop fighting the Darkspawn.

"I will not lie down and let everything we have done and said fade into bitter shades of once-was.

"Go if you must. But go with the knowledge that I will be in your shadow and that I will not give up.

"If this is war, than I shall win it," said he. And in that moment, he was not Alistair the idiot. He was Alistiar, the man and Alistair, the King. He wrenched his hands away from her with visible effort and bade himself walk away, as she wished him to.

Another Shiny Knight

Date: 2010-05-05 13:40 EST
He pulled away from the memory to realize he was leaning with palms spread on the table and head down. His Templar disciplines scattered, he found his breathing ragged.

"Maker, damn it. Why?" And pounded the table in frustration. It rattled loudly against the floor and wall. He'd made a promise to her that he would not give up, and now what? He'd made a promise to Ferelden and its people, despite not wanting anything to do with the throne. And now what?

For all anyone in Ferelden know, he disappeared in the middle of a battle. The Reluctant King who didn't want the throne anyway, had disappeared. Rumors would arise, horrible, awful rumors. He just could not remotely fathom the uproar left in his absence. A country recently torn by war without its King and?

And her, without him.

He'd made a promise to all of them and he broke it.

Alistair sunk down into the chair pulled near the table and put his head in his hands.

Above him uncaring, the stars continued to shine.