Topic: Arriving (Sexual content and themes)

Crow Sabre

Date: 2015-04-30 23:18 EST
"This obsession is sick Nikki....Even a necromancer knows when dead is dead and they've gone too far." The country draw and sweet tone was covered by the essence of disgust in the cloaked woman's voice. Cloaked and pale the two women hovering over the bone hawk alter created in the belly of an abandoned subway terminal moved decayed bones and flesh mummified over more than a century into the shape of a human form.

"It's love, Bray. You would never understand." The soft touch of a scoff was hidden under the calm and similarly southern accented voice of the more curvaceous woman. The way her hand placed such soft touch on the body they created was exactly like the soft loving touch she placed on her bumped belly. "It's a goal I can finally meet." The grace of violet eyes on pale flesh fluttered while she held her lip between teeth in an expectant and giddy nervous tick.

The woman hiding long burgundy hair behind the loose hood of her cloak, Bray, clasped a decayed forearm in her small hand and ticked her eyes to and across the face of the other woman. Her eyes wandered her but she soon returned the wandering orbs of teal back to the woman's face. "What if Y'noal finds us" The last punishment will be nothing....You're already marked from it." Her eyes slid to the woman's stomach in pained lethargy and disregard. "You're marked for life, love." She lowered her voice as her own hand slowly slid the round tips of fingers over Nikki's satin black cloak.

With the smoothest of dips the woman grumbled under her breath and drew back keeping the tips of her fingers on the shriveled and shrunken forearm she had held. "No, Bray, not in front of him." She looked up and into Bray's eyes with the twinkle of joy hidden behind her violet gaze.

"Not in front of him?" Bray held her breath a moment before catching her lip between her teeth. "What do you mean.." As she asked Nikki placed the forearm in place with excitement and slight awe at the large form even when shrunken.

Rockets of crimson and white static crawled across the completed skeletal being and alter, a glow warm and welcoming began to radiate from the heart of the altar before a rush of wind blew over the two women in enough force to cause them to reel.

"Somethings wrong Nikki!" Bray huddled low with back bent and eyes hidden behind her wrist to the glowing and growing force of energy and overwhelming force. "Nikki!"

"So this is the horde spell" So much power?" With eyes on the building glow slowly enveloping her Nikki took a step into the blinding light of her creation and felt the slow stream of tears begin to roll down her cheek as the bright glare of a passing subway car exploded by on the tracks. "I" I'm here baby. My love, I'm here for-" The harsh spray of blood that threw over Bray and the aluminum frame of the subway car astonished the necromancer in its" suddenness and the commuters now blinded by a crimson coated window.

Crow Sabre

Date: 2015-04-30 23:34 EST
Cold winds blew the curtains encasing the cobblestone window with each chilling gust of translucent eggshell fabric. Wailing echoed down the dark hallway carrying with each deep breath of morn. The conditions called for the dainty shape to slowly move down the hall toward the sound still covered by the silk near see through gown. Shoulders clad over by long brunette curls like a whisking cascade rolled forward softly as a soft hum left the form combatting the wail leaving the wooden door just down the hall.

With a shoulder to a musty and molded door the woman made her way into a dark and hallowed room without furniture but a single chair hidden in the shadows and crib. The crib held a babe of dark ebony hair wailing with that ghastly echo to the sound.

With a harsh huff the woman unbuttoned the single button at the collar of her gown causing it to drop to the ground in her wake. "Such a noisy babe you are?" The woman turned her eyes down to the infant hidden away under blanket and shadow under her pale bare form. "Just how much life do you plan to suck from me"..." She smiled soft and menacing down to the wailing child before sliding her hands under him and pulling him from his swaddle to her pert and bare chest.

Knowing this as habit the child silenced and began searching with toothless mouth for the fountain of nourishment he had come to rely on. The moment he found them the woman laughed softly and moved toward the chair in the corner. "Just like your father you waste no time finding them.? She smirked as her eye narrowed in annoyance to the sting of pain but the lyrical hum of her voice had already begun to coax the baby back to sleep.

"Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep and carry you down into sleep." Her head turned slightly as a loose strand of hair was pushed from her face behind her ear. The almost dim glow of scarlet eyes creased from closed eyes up to the woman from her baby as she sung her lullaby to the child.

"Guileless son, I'll shape your beliefs, and you'll always know your fathers' a thief, and you won't understand the cause of your grief but you'll always follow the voices beneath." The babe continued to drink while his mother gazed down with a strange glower behind her stare. She didn't love her child but she felt something.

"Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty, loyalty only to me." She was brainwashing the infant already.

The babe finished his meal and laid his head on her breast bobbing it slightly at the weight.

"Guileless son, your spirit will hate her, the flower who married my brother the traitor, and you will expose his puppeteer behavior, for you are the proof of how he betrayed her loyalty."

"Loyalty, loyalty-" She continued for some time as the child slowly drifted with only a single hiccup and whimper. With a small motion the woman was standing and making her way back to the crib with the drifting son.

"Guileless son, each day you grow older, each moment I'm watching my vengeance unfold, for the child of my body, flesh of my soul, will die in returning the birthright he stole." The final of her lullaby was sung with her eyes wide with anger as the child was covered and left to the darkness to dream of a future his mother planed for him....

Crow Sabre

Date: 2015-05-01 18:32 EST
A daydream interrupted caused the mound of flesh shriveled and slowly healing to scoff disgruntled at the news report over a dented old radio about a coven of necromancers put to rest in the night. Teeth bared from a near fleshless skull turned back to the man opposite him at the stall counter.

Insatiably the man gnawed on a piece of gum the same color as his gums, smacking with each gnash of yellow mangled teeth. Sandy blonde hair pulled back in a slicked mullet glistened in the sun light that turned forest green eyes a paled teal. He was a simpleton that had to be delt with in this city.

The smacking grew louder as the man's eyes lifted to the living corpse, the maddening sound causing unhidden brows to twitch in annoyance. "Crow Sabre".." He leaned onto slim arms smacking his lips and tapping his pen on forged papers, "Nothin betta?" He smirked and rolled his lips to a purse forward like the Buffoon he was, "Make ya Somin betta for four crowns, Rattles."

"Rattles".....Oh. A bones joke, how clever of you. Monkey." The distinct British accent he spoke with told volumes of his heritage. "Do the service, no extras or addons. Thank friend." Had the skeletal creature in ebony armor had eyes they would have surely rolled. The creature laid a clawed gauntlet on the stall between them, the rapping of his fingers in time with the music played.

The man spit at the skeletal creature, the glob sailing by his cheek bone as his head canted. "People don't like your kind around here rattles, don't be steppin out place or we'll put ya ass down."

"Oh please monkey then who would pay you for your services" Hmm?"

"Don't know, plenty of single mothers with pockets full of change." He shrugged and checked off a few boxes on the sealed papers. He was simple but a damn good forger.


"Right?" The man scoffed and slid the papers to the skeletal being. "Crow Sabre, janitor extrodinar from tha dead. Sound bout right?" He looked up again tapping the pen.

"Perfect." The being took the paper from the stall with a snatch and strode into the markets crowds.

"Welcome to Rhydin Rattles, you're gon need it."