Topic: Attack at Wulfgrimm Estate

Broddi Grimm

Date: 2010-02-24 20:38 EST
Broddi was seated in front of the library's fireplace the floor around him was littered with piles of books. The only sound in the large library was the occasional crack and hiss from the fire. He looked up at the portrait of his uncle the original owner of the estate. His gaze moved towards the clock which read 3:34. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, he tossed the book onto one of the other piles of books. Standing up he glanced around the dark library which was lit by the fire.

There was a loud crashing sound which echoed throughout the library shattering the silence. Broddi turned towards the entrance of the library where the sounds came from.

"Who there" he asked the sound.

Silence was the only response the library could offer. "Gavin was that you?" This time his question was answered by a low growl and the sound of nails scratching along the marble floor. The mysterious growl grew closer and closer.

Broddi took a step back nervously, his eyes widened freezing in place. The werewolf slowly crept out of the shadows into the firelight, it's eyes trained onto him.

"Uhhh...nice doggy..."

He glanced around himself for a weapon, anything but there was nothing but piles of books. The wolf looked up at the portrait of Lord Wulfgrimm that was above the fireplace, leveling his gaze back to Broddi.

"Ah hello cousin."