Topic: Back on the Market


Date: 2010-03-02 12:56 EST
Things had been fairly quiet for Eris. She'd been a relatively good girl. As good as a girl with her specific job description could be. Staying low on the radar, relaxing at home and doing Zues' bidding on the few occasions he risked bringing her back to Olympus. For every favor she did for him, she'd usually put in place a grenade joke that exploded only after she was gone. Like the time she told him there was a golden haired maiden in the olive grove waiting for him and Eros had relayed how much the girl love orange roses and champagne. When he got there, Hera was waiting. Who despises orange roses and won't drink champagne to save her own life. Busted!

On this day, she sat at home eating chocolate chip cookies while watching what appeared to be a soap opera involving a dragon clan. With much drama, the girlfriend of what she supposed would be the sexy, male lead informed him..and his mate..she was pregnant. All hell broke lose. There was tears and crying, gnashing of teeth and slamming of tails. Eris laughed her butt off. This was comedy in her neck of the woods anyway. Whether two legged or winged with scales.

As always, the unwelcomed interruption that is Eros poofs in. "Don't you have anything better to do than watch this crap?"

"No. Besides, no one has crapped yet though it might just happen." Flipping a cookie his direction. "Forgot to knock again I see."

"Ugh, you want one of them to take a dump" You're so uncouth." Catching the dessert in his mouth to crunch loudly. "Why should I knock" No one is ever here but you."

"I might be naked."

"Been there, done that, got the polaroid." Chuckles. "I keep it posted on my front poor with a sign that reads. Warning, resident attack biatch. People do linger to gaze upon it though."

"You better not." He was about to get something heavier than a cookie tossed at him.

"Hey, hey now, easy girl. Down..sit.." Amazingly, he didn't get hit with anything. Had to remember that trick. "I was just thinking that you need to get out more. Put yourself back on the market. Date a little. Maybe try a centaur this time or one of them male mermaid things. Another human. I don't know. Quit letting yourself go. Look at your hair! Has it seen a comb this week?"

Eris rose up from the luxury of that comfy couch, sending cookie crumbs to the floor. "Letting myself go' I've done no such thing..I..well.." When did she brush her hair last' Shower? Ooooh, he was right. "I'm not dating a centaur. Talk about dating a jackass."

"You know that Aaron guy was a ja.."

"Don't even go there." Casting a menacing glare his way.

Eros backed down real quick. "Sorry, just saying. They don't have to have the tush of a mule to be one you know. I happen to know some fine, upstanding centaurs. Best thing is, you can ride them all night long. They never get tired."

The menacing glance morphed to a deadpan stare.

"Ok, ok..I get it. Get out. See ya Eris!"


Date: 2010-03-05 13:35 EST
Zeus had kept her up all night making a special delivery. At first blush, it seemed like an easy task. Take part A, deliver it to part C and don't let part B find out. Easy as pie. If part A hadn't been on of his little tarts. Always blonde, always big chested..and always, always easy as butter to spread. "You're kidding me right?" shaking her head no but knowing she'd have to say yes. Part of the recently amended contract between the two of them. So long as nobody died, she'd do what he asked in exchange for a few favors of her own to be determined at a later date.

Her job was to safely sneak the strumpet, known as unfitting..out of his chambers on Olympus without Hera's knowledge. The woman knows EVERYTHING or has the means to find out. Which meant turning blondie into a kitten, shoving the noisy, flea bag into a burlap sack and heading off somewhere where she could disappear without being detected. Then said bimbo was to be delivered to her home and placed in bed with her husband. Who was herculean in size by the way. Without him ever knowing she was gone. Turns out the heavy man was a light sleeper. He'd be waking up in the morning with one hell of a headache from where she'd knocked him out cold with a solid punch.

Of course, when she brought the ever, faithful wife back from pussycat to human, the woman was all up in her business over the lump Eris little tap had left behind. "What's gonna hurt more" Me hitting him or your screwing someone else? Why don't we wake him up and find out?" Grabbing for a water pitcher when the girl wailed "Nooooooo!"diving to stop her. Eris smiled wickedly. "I see you got your priorities straight real fast. Tell him he fell." Out she went.

Naps were hard to come by when she could get them. Just barely got settled down when there came a knock at the door. "What the hell?" Nobody ever knocks around here. Imagine her surprise when Eros waltzed through the open door. "Did you take an etiquette class?"

"No. But I brought you flowers." Drawing a bouquet of daisies from behind his back. "For you my lovely."

"I don't like daisies. I'm not your lovely..and why are you acting so strange?" About to kick him right out the door.

"Strange" Moi" Nevah! I was trying to be nice. Geesh. You've been down so much lately. Thought I'd help. So how did your date go?"

"Ugh.." Flopping back on the couch, pillow pulled over her face. "not helping.." that pillow was yanked right back off at his question. "What date" I haven't been on any dates. I'm not going on any dates. I don't think it's funny that you're teasing me about my lack thereof."

"The know..surly fellow in the bar. Bit of banter between you. Seemed to get along well. You've always had a thing for hot blooded Roman soldiers. " Shrugs, attempting to sit on the couch by lowering himself on a small parcel of couch beside her. Only to get knocked to the floor. "Oomph..what? What did I do?"

Was a kick of her foot which caused his decent to the floor. "You spied on me! You little rat! Don't you have better things to do' ...and it wasn't a date. Was the usual conversation between two strangers in a bar. When he found out who I can't date your followers. Bad protocol. You've seen how that turns out."

"Everybody else here does it. Why can't you? OOOOH, because you've never had any before! hehehe..OW!"

"How many more feathers you want to lose before I rip of a whole wing?" Fanning herself with the handful she'd just plucked while he gloated like a fool. "I don't know anything about him and I don't need to. Cause it's never going to be like that."

"You want to know? I can tell you. Boys been around awhile. Had a rough life. I've given him love but it hasn't worked out too well. Though he was in a relationship recently..haven't checked in for a bit, maybe I can look....YIKES!! Holy Buckets woman!" More feathers lost. "Gonna look like I"m molting."

"I don't need to know anything. Please go."

To save himself from any further plucking, Eros marched back out the door. His destination may not please her too much but he wanted to check out this Roman guy a bit more.


Date: 2010-04-14 11:49 EST
*Thump, thump, thump!* came a knock on the ceiling. The ceiling of all places! Rousing Eris from a drunken slumber. Hidden beneath the down comforter, head buried beneath a pillow, all she had to say was. "Eros, this better be good." Before giving a languid stretch of all four limbs, of which only a hand appeared from beneath the bedding.

"Well, I have a wee bit of a problem. Seems someone withdrew a large sum of money from my bank account last night. Very large. And I have a rent check due tomorrow for my beachfront condo in Bermuda." Banging again as he hovered near the ceiling. She'd clearly fallen back to sleep. Lazy butt!

Groaning, a pillow was launched and missed the target. Her aim was off today. "Stop that! Look, I'm sorry to hear about your little problem. What's it got to do with me?"

What's it got to do with her" Everything!! "My wallet is on your bedside table, open and empty! You borrowed my money!"

Pssssssssh..right. "I didn't borrow anything. As I have no intention to pay it back. Now if you'll go away. You know better than to wake me up before noon."

*Slam, slam, slam!* "Excuse me! You took fifty thousand dollars! What the hell did you do with that much money in one night?"

"Spent it."

"Sp!...Sp!...spent it on what?"


He almost swallowed his own tongue. "You spent fifty grand on beer in one night?"


?"?"..he was speachless. She wouldn't replace the money. He knew that because he had 'borrowed' a good deal more from her to throw the biggest toga party Miami beach had ever known. So now he had to dig up the rent money or lose his bachelor pad. "How?"

"You said I needed to get out more. So I went to a few bars. Bought a few rounds. People loved it. I danced, I got drunk, think I got felt up a few times. Was just like old times." Yawns, curling back up.

He was about to have a conniption fit. "Do you know how many beers it would take to blow that kind of dough?"

"Well for a little while there it was dollar beer night..and uhm..let's see, I hit a few places. So..8, 9..maybe 10 thousand..give or take." Eris was enjoying this. Wasn't only his bank account she'd taken control of.

"Good gods almighty. Well at least I have my credit cards. Maybe I have enough to charge it." Reaching for his wallet.

Eris beat him to it. "Yeah, about that." Yanking the billfold into her comfy domain, returning it sans credit cards. "I have full body massage and facial scheduled this afternoon with me and a few of the demi-gods. A little wine..a little music. Live of course, then dinner at the most expensive restaurant in New York City. I think I'm going to need these."

Cupid's face paled. "You!..You!...You are gonna ruin my credit! Do you know how long it took me to get a FICA score that good?"

"Well I don't know how long it took YOU but Mr. Howard Dailey has been a good example of fiscal responsibility for about ten years. I thank him for that. Cause there's this Porsche I'm looking real keen on him buying me."

"You wouldn't!"

"You spent three hundred thousand dollars on an around the universe, mock space invaders game convention!"

"It was the Interplanetary War Games Consortium and worth ever penny of your money!"

"Get out before I wake up enough to kill you."

"You can't kill me, you're still too mortal."

"I can hire someone that can." Holding up his platinum card.

"Oh your such a bitch!"


Date: 2010-04-17 22:40 EST
*Click. Click. Click. Pause. Click. Click. Click. Pause. Clickclickclick* "Ugh! Television sucks here. Where's unemployment tv" What if I want to know how to sue someone?" Tossing the remote across the room in bored frustration. Being human sucked sometimes. Laying with her head dangling off the bed just to feel the blood rush. Anything to break the monotony. "Maybe I should become a crack head. They see all kinds of crazy things." Who was she talking to' The guy who lived on the ceiling. "It's like you never leave anymore Eros. You're always there. Like a stain bleach won't remove. Don't you have somewhere to be?"

Yep, that was him. As permanent as the burned out lightbulb she'd never changed. To be honest, he was starting to get worried about her. When Zeus had no hairbrained assignments to send her on, she grew restless. After restless came depressed. After depressed came psycho bitch. Psycho bitch was normal. Wasn't the least bit scared of her. But this depressed phase was disconcerting. She was suppose to be ERIS..*lightning cracks, thunder roars*..oops that's Thor. All the same, the woman always had such fire in her eyes, full of piss and vinegar, ready to strike a blow to anyone who got in her way. Right now, all she wanted was rocky road icecream by the gallon. And she was talking to him like a person instead of a pest. SCAREY! "I found you a date."

"Not interested."

"He's cute."

Long, lamenting sight. "Puppies are cute. Babies are cute. Men should not, under any circumstances be cute. The very fact that you say this guy is cute turns me off."

"Does anyone turn you on anymore" You go out, put on a smile and party with strangers each night. Then you come home and crawl into bed alone with the remote. Gonna need a new one by the way." The other lay splintered on the floor. This was number ten that he knew of.


"No' Did Zeus remove your libido' God, that's worse than making you mortal or stripping your of your powers. Who doesn't want to have sex" That's ludacris! Why I'd march right back up there, bang on his golden doors and demand to get my groove back!"

Responding with only a groan as she rolled, tugging the blanket over her head.

"See, this is what I'm talking about. You're like jello. Poke it and it wiggles but otherwise it's not good for anything. ..Eris.." Easing himself on the bed as she was the most unpredictable minx. "Orion is the cute guy I was talking about. Don't you want to try and rekindle that spark" You two were something else back in the day. "

"No. ..Oh and here." Reaching into the sidetable drawer. "Give Orion's belt back. Tell him I said shove off."

Oh dear, she was in a mood. "You know, I don't think human feelings and hormones are really your thing. Maybe you should give up this mortal venture. You're lonely Eris. It's time to go home."

He'd get no answer.