Topic: Barriers Touched of Liquid Glass

Optimus Prime

Date: 2014-05-16 19:52 EST
"Redemption is not perfection. The redeemed must realize their imperfections." —John Piper

The libraries were extensive, more so than the Cybertronian had expected. It was good, in a way, this extensiveness. The Prime stood or sat according to his whim, and read through reams of history. Records, events, notable people. It all had shaped this land he now found himself in, this land called Rhydin. It was a fluid land, one whose fluidity puzzled the Prime. At times during his reading, the former archivist occasionally touched random points in the air as if he could feel the flimsy boundary that made this world so transient. In the back of his head, the Prime had the thought that this very transience could send him home. Back to Omega One. Back to his team. And eventually, back to Cybertron.

Optimus left the library complexes in silence. With barely the echo of an engine, he left to first procure an energon cube. It was fuel, life-blood, currency. It was everything to a Cybertronian and while the Prime would never admit it openly, he enjoyed it. It tasted good, simple as that.

...all are One.

The whisper was always there, tickling the back of his mind. It had been since the Matrix had been granted to him. It had been present on Cybertron, on Earth. Now it was present here. He finished his cube and left again, going seemingly nowhere. This time, the Prime didn't drive. He chose to walk, taking care to moderate his step. Stepping lightly had been a necessity, one that was becoming second nature to the titan among men.

'Til all are One

In the warm night air, Optimus Prime stood on a cliff's edge, experimentally fingering the air around him. His hand curled around some spot in the air that felt...different. Thick, somehow, as if the air contained something within it. This grasp of air sent a minor chill through him, for in the span of time it takes to blink an optic, the Prime felt an unbearable wash of pain followed by a fading sense of peace.

To no one in particular, he whispered. "I am here."

Optimus Prime

Date: 2014-06-01 17:59 EST
"Beauty awakens the soul to act." —Dante Alighieri

"Who is this" How fluid is this place?"

The Prime wondered aloud as he stood under this foreign sky. The air was sometimes thick, sometimes thin and there was at least one time when he fancied the air wasn't present at all. This fluidity was unnatural, yet it was the very nature of this place that held it together. It was something he couldn't wrap his processor around, honestly. How could a place so fluid remain cohesive without falling apart" And why did the whispers within proceed so"

Optimus fingered the air here one more time, then turned around. A hunch occurred to him, a question formed. The archives couldn't answer it. Perhaps the denizens could. The Cybertronian transformed, driving leisurely back to find the Red Dragon Inn. During his journey, the Prime noted many beings pass him by " Dragons, unicorns, pegasi, humans, elves, giants almost as massive as himself " and within each one, he found the spark. Even in those most deemed "undead", he found the spark that signified life. The essence that was the red flag, separating the animate from the inanimate; the thing that highlighted the living from the dead. Except sometimes, the spark wasn't there. In places, as if the absence followed him, it seemed utterly absent. It was as if a being followed him, yet this being wasn't here. Wasn't quite alive. It didn't have the spark.

The anti-spark"

No, not here. The anti-spark is not here.

When the sun crested the horizon, Optimus Prime parked in front of the Red Dragon Inn. Perhaps he could find that fae-woman, that femme again. Yes, he could ask someone here, a denizen who knows this fluid world far better than the Prime ever could.