Topic: "Bella Luna"

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-10-14 16:03 EST
~~~~As Lash rose late in the afternoon, staying up late after she left the Inn. She did so with reason...knowing that tonight will be a FULL MOON.

Perhaps it was her vampire days which remained within her memory. Or the fact she was of Druids ancestry, and many rites were performed on the new full moon of each month.

She had not been practicing her customs and rituals handed down to her by her elders. Perhpas she should begin again. As since returning to Rhydin from Caledonia, she has ached inside from the one who once shared her life....and her love of the Full Moon.

Lash preferred to gaze up at the moon in its heavenly realm...millions of stars shone all the brighter. Where as the sun was the sun. She didn't even like it to shine on her body. Thus the darkened interior of her coach, with window covers. Only late in the day would you find her riding her mare Daisy.

Prayfully she wished the full moon would recharge her "batteries", so to speak. Tonight she would be in the glen, alone with her ancient friend...the Olde Oak tree. Perhaps she would prepare a ritual and perform it before the tree. Not until the moon was the only light upon the whole town to do so.

Knowing her she will return back to her Castle overlooking the towne. But tonight, instead of her stepping out on her balcony to the south of her retreat...she would remain out upon the front balcony...where forever you can see nothing but the forests, glens, mountains...undoubtly bringing up olde memories. Perhaps the ritual tonight would bring to her some new ones. Mayhaps even her once beloved to seek her out.

Ah...but the Roman's say "The moon brings the woman to the man". She wasn't ready to risk anything like that. If he wanted to see her...even to just sit together and gaze up at the perfect moon, hanging with all its splendor and glory. Perhaps. She doubted it...but...these days she seemed far less "lucky"....and more like cursed.

After a light lunch, she would begin to prepare the tools necessary to perform the ritual she had in mind. As well as the attire...especially her hooded robe.

"Oh, please let him come to me. For I know that I cannot go in search of him. Had he wished me to "find" him...he would have allowed it to happen." She whispered lying alone in bed. Then slowly she rose up...and as she descended the stairs she called out to "Cookie"....her cook to prepare something light, yet would give her sustenance for the evening she'd prepared. Along or not.~~~~