Topic: Beware the Pale Horse.

Paden Ulyssess

Date: 2010-03-28 17:33 EST
Charlie Murphy glanced about his surroundings. Ed, Neil, Barker and William lay dead around him. Blood dripped from the holes in their bodies. His breath was unsteady, panicked possibly. Eyes large like that of a deer's as they looked left and then right. He tried to swallow that lump he felt in his throat with little success. And then it came. That voice. That unmistakable deepen tone.

"It's time, Charlie."

Charlie turned slowly to face that voice. Like a calling from the past it pulled at him. Drove fear into his bones. " can't be here. You can't...It ain't possible....I'd seen you! I'd seen you die!"

"Every dog has it's day. Time's up Charlie. You knew this day would come. You gonna be a man and own up to your fate, or lay down like a dog and cry for mercy's hand?"

Charlie licked his lips slowly and then lifted his gun to level at the man before him. A shot rang out from the strangers pearl handled .45 colt. Charlie groaned as he clutched his hand. His pistol laid in the dirt while blood spilled from the hole in his palm. "This ain't right...this can't be's not supposed to be like this. I don't deserve this...."

"Deserve's, got nothing to do with it." A pull of the hammer back upon the colt pistol.

"I'll see you in Hell....Marshal."

"Already been there..." A single shot rang out and Charlie Murphy lay dead in the street.

Paden Ulyssess

Date: 2014-05-17 07:07 EST
"Ain't see you in a long time, Paden. You been doing the good deed?" Inquired the man behind the bar, a Inns were open at such an early hour in Rhydin City. After all, all sorts came to it. "Yeah.." Quietly uttered the tall man who seemed dressed right out of some old western movie. A bottle of whiskey was set on the bar for him by the bartender, along with that of a glass.

"I heard you were gonna lend a hand to that Rhydin Detective. Chase Remington was it?" Paden glanced over the bar at the man as he lowered to the stool. His long coat easing open some. A pearl handled colt rested upon a holster exposed now at his side. "A little...she wasn't one for...the unusual though. Got a visitor while back. Seems her partner is more into investigating the...odd."

The bartender chuckled as he had begun stacking clean glasses behind the bar. "Oh yeah' What's his name, Paden?" A light shift of his head in shake, the brim of Paden's hat shaded his eyes for a moment. "It's's another damn woman. A Detective Brooke Rossi. She seems...more into the ways of things other then human." Paden lifted the glass before him after pouring from the bottle on the bar. A drink taken, sip really, before tossing the glass back and settling back to the bar's surface to pick up of the bottle in filling once more.

" gonna help her" Or just grumble and look mean?" Inquired the bartender.

Paden narrowed his gaze at the man behind the bar. "You know what Sal, don't like you." The bartender chuckled and nodded over at Paden. "You don't like much about anyone, Paden. I think it's too much death and destruction by that burning side of yours. You're a good, um, sort...Paden."

Paden lifted the glass from the bar and paused before taking a drink.

"Sal....screw you."