Topic: Black Lightsaber Massacre

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-06-30 11:34 EST
"I am the one, You will bow before my authority or, well I like dismembering tiny little wannabes so the choice is entirely up to you." Bob said in a meek voice to the crowd of people who stood before him with torches and various bladed weapons. Apparently these people had finally decided to rise up against the famous supervillain and attack him with everything they had. "We will not stop until you are dead, fiend. You have killed to many!" The farmer or whatever he was screamed, then the rain came.

It came in cold steel sheets of ice cold water and it was almost blinding, almost. "Too many, you insult me with your modesty and restraint. If you are going to do something I will even let you have the first attack, bring it on worm." Bob was unusually cruel as an everyday habit, but usually to people who deserved it, so why was he going after rebellion factions like this?

"No mercy, Kill him!" The group charged through the rain, torches dead and smoking from their former light. The ground quickly turned to mush and there was almost no way for them to get traction in the with out sliding around. Bob laughed at their pathetic approach as they looked as if they were mere children trying to tackle him. One of them managed to be some what quicker and made it ahead of the group, Bob smiled. "Come get me." He whispered and thunder screamed through the sky as he did, if it was his doing or nature could never be known.

The kid was soaked, his clothes old and torn were not meant for battle of any kind at all, but the blade would have done nicely against an average enemy. Bob was no average foe. That sword sailed through the air, Bob simply stepped to the side and avoided the weak and untrained attack. "Clearly, you have no idea how to fight, let me show you how it's done."

Instantly Bob's hand was outstretched from underneath his cloak and from it flew a tiny metal cylinder. Ever so slightly his hand moved and a black beam of light came from the end of it and it hummed with a malign intent and the water sizzled against the power it had. It would be the last thing that nameless kid would ever see as he had time to turn around to see the black energy slice through his skull, the body fell there and he was scalped, there was no blood to speak of.

"This friends, is called a Lightsaber and this is called a chain...I want you to all watch this." The crowd came to a halt as soon as they watched the boy's head get sliced in half. Bob then moved the chain an the lightsaber together and connected them. He then began to twirl the chain in a circle and the black blade of death seemed to almost be hypnotic. " I could show you all mercy, but instead, I am going to kill you all because you had to force me to do it."

"He can't get us all, Charge!" The leader screamed and ran forward, the leader was a very foolish man. Bob knew that he easily could get them all. But he waited for the right moment. It was not a long wait for him until they were all in range. "Die" Bob said and swung the chain almost with no effort. It impossibly seemed to get a mind of its own and and instead of moving straight foward like it should have, it arched a complete half circle. It sliced the charging crowd in half at the waist with on fell swing.

"With one swing I have killed you all. Consider this my mercy in the event of a quick death." He said as the blade returned to his hand. Telekinesis came in handy sometimes. The Lightsaber retracted and it was put away then. "Very effective, but not messy enough." Bob willed the blood to flow from the corpses, some of whom were still standing in frozen death. They all would eventually collapse and the odor of burnt flesh would go with the wind to the town they came from so who ever remained would see the horror of their loved ones cut down so easily, they would have no choice but to submit to the power, Bob would make his presence known soon enough, but he would let the rain quit first and vanished for now.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-07-01 07:24 EST
Reappearing inside of the tiny village he had seemed to set his sights on, Bob made himself known with a fancy light show and some noise to attract the attention of the people, but nobody came out. He stood in a ghost town. "Come out, guys. I promise I won't hurt you, much." He said to nobody and anybody who would be listening to him. But nobody came out into the open, but somebody somewhere messed up and made a sound, the eyes of the monster averted to the source instantly.

"Come on out, I know that you are there. I can see you are afraid, but don't be. I promise if you all come out now, I will let you all live." It was with that statement when one of the people came out of hiding, it was a teenager who was scared out of her mind. Not typical for the teenager type but Bob just had that effect on people sometimes. "Ah, so your not all dead after all. Tell you what, if you accept me as your new...for a lack of a better term, Higher power I won't skin you alive. How's that sound for you?" She did not reply all at once. It was either death at the hands of the worst thing she has ever known, or live in service of it. Choices had never been easy, but this one was.

"I would rather die then do anything for you." Ah, that old teenage defiance that he was waiting for just showed up and he just smiled. "As you wish, but know your death will serve my purposes as well. So even in death you will do something for me. Now I would ask that you live, but it really makes no difference to me." Bob was far too prepared to be stopped by a mere mortal kid like this.

Her eyes went wide and she knew about him, the one thing he never did was lie, but his version of the truth was often twisted and darker then he said it was. She looked to the ground and closed her eyes. "If I am dead, there is no way I can mess up your plans now is there" For now you win, but only for now." She paused for a moment. "What do you want me to do?" She looked at him and asked at the same time.

"First I want you to get the others out here, I am going to need them as well, we have work to do. Second. I am going to have to get you into some better clothes, no employee of mine will be seen like that." He snapped his fingers and her plain old clothes turned into a black suit, average to the business world, but here it was never seen. "Welcome to the game. I will be back in a half hour or so. Those of you who have not come to terms with your new lord, will die, simple as that." He said and just as he came, he vanished once more.

The girl looked at her self and her new clothes, stunned for a moment but she had a sense of power now not there before, maybe this Bob guy wasn't as bad as they had said he was" He seemed reasonable, dangerous but reasonable. "Alright, anybody who wants to come out, do it now. I don't want to be responsible for any of you people getting killed." Responsible, she thought. Did she just say responsible, what was wrong with her she wondered, but then a part of her did feel as if it would be responsible if she did not convinced the people to come out and serve, at least for the time being.

If anybody had to ask why Bob would willingly give such gifts to people, then they really didn't know Bob at all, but these people would soon enough.

Darius Black

Date: 2008-07-04 00:53 EST
The recent activity from his Dad did not take long for him to notice, He could sense that evil anywhere. Darius wandered into that village shortly after his "Dad" vanished from sight. The place was a wreck and there was nobody there willing, or for that matter left to stand up to the thing. He shook his head and thought to himself that if nobody else was going to be willing to stand up to him, he would.

The fact of the matter was not that nobody would, it was they just didn't have the power, nobody did once Bob got serious about his work. Darius stopped just short of being noticed by Bob's new "assistant" And hid himself, waiting for the half hour to be up for him to return. There would be a wake up call for everyone involved in the situation.

Now all that was left, was the waiting.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-07-04 01:16 EST
A half hour passed, it seemed to take much longer then normal. Perhaps it was the situation, maybe it was something else. The weak minded people had come out of their hiding places and stood in a line, the rain still came down, but it turned into a drizzle, making everything miserable and the surroundings just a bit duller then normal. It was depressing.

"I have convinced them all to come out. Nobody will resist you here anymore, not even me, we do not wish to die. So, we have done as you requested, you promised not to hurt us if we did." The woman in black said with a hint of submissive trust in her voice, praying to some unknown god that the monster knew mercy. Bob just smiled and looked the people over. " I did say that you would live if you came out. And you did. I assume you all accept me as the leader, excellent"

"Now I want you all too..." Then he stopped in his train of thought, another came walking down the path, defiance was in his step, and his eyes were locked firmly with the ground.

"Well well, who is this, a friend of yours?" He asked his new assistant. ", I've never seen this one before. Not one of ours!" She said nervously.

Bob gazed down the path to the stranger and let him approach.

Darius Black

Date: 2008-07-04 01:37 EST
Darius came from his hiding spot and did indeed begin to walk towards the thing, being related to such a monster sucked, but what could he do. He was stuck with the family he had been related to and now it was pay back time, for him anyway, he would suffer.

"Alright, play time is over. Let the people go and maybe I can let you live, maybe." Darius had no issue when it came to killing his father, but now his one free shot had come and gone, could he do it now? Was he strong enough.

He raised his eyes and met up with the other, his pace of walking did not change however. He could do this. Yeah, no problem. This would be as easy as pulling teeth from a dragon. But he could show no fear, Bob was like a cosmic pitbull, he smelled fear, could even see it. No fear he kept repeating to himself mentally, even though outwardly he seemed confident. Not even shaking. Impressive by any standards.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2008-07-04 02:12 EST
(Battle scene written by me for us both, enjoy.)

Bob just laughed at this person's words, only a few people that knew him would have the courage to talk to him like that. It was either Theron or Darius, and the voice told him it was the latter of the two. "Kid, you have no idea what you are getting your self into here, go back home to your mother, before I send you back the hard way." Bob was calm and collected, and for the moment completely unaware of the people he had just seemed to collect for his own unknown uses.

"Stop calling me a KID, I am so not a kid. I can take you again, and any day of the week. Mom may like you for...well I have no idea, but I do not suffer from the same affliction. I could have killed you once, this time I WILL DO IT." Darius was no longer calm, now he was enraged at the treatment of the people, and himself. "Alright, I won't call you a kid anymore. How bout age challenged, I think that is much more..what do they call it these days PC I think, or something." Bob just laughed. He never really saw the kid as very impressive, but knew restraint was needed for this one because if he killed him he would never hear the end of it.

Darius's eyes flashed at that comment. Nope, there was no stopping him now, he was angry and that blade of his appeared in his hand. Leaping forward and closing the distance in a hurry, Darius went for the kill. It is too bad that his inexperience cost him this round, Bob had time to sigh, check his watch to see what time it was, then step to the side and wave as Darius went flying by.

So, maybe the plan wasn't thought all the way through and Darius landed just short of plowing into the woman in black. To her he gave a smile and tried to fight off the embarrassment of what just happened, not losing the momentum he quickly spun around and ran at his father yet again! He wouldn't miss this time for sure. Darius came within striking distance and swung his blade. The blade hit it's mark dead on, but it stopped on contact. "Too bad you don't even have the strength to cut me with that fancy weapon of yours. Tell you what. I will give you one free shot. Your fist right to the side of my face." Bob put his best smile and stood there waiting.

Darius, not understanding why this time he was so much stronger then before, figured it was him that was not putting the power into it, so he took the offer. His fist clenched and with all the power he had, he took his free shot, and it hit dead on once more. The shockwave that came from it blew out nearby windows and knocked the older people watching onto their backs. Bob did not move, not an inch. He had managed to flex his muscles and hold his ground this time.

Darius's knuckles shattered on impact and he screamed in pain and fell to the ground on his knees. "You see, you are not strong enough yet to take me on, and until you complete my test, you won't be, ever. But because you are my son, It gives me the right to do this." Bob raised his leg and delivered a kick to his kid's chest, it had enough force to throw him straight through a nearby building in one side and out the other.

He looked to the struggling people. "What' Trust me he will be just fine if I killed him I would catch hell for it forever." Bob shrugged. "But I suppose he won't ever quit until he is dead or I leave you people alone. So I suppose I already ruined the future of your little place here and you have nothing but misery to look forward to anyways, well see you around I suppose." Then Bob vanished to places unknown.

Darius Black

Date: 2008-07-04 02:21 EST
Well, that was fun. He just completely got owned and he made it look easy too. It was too bad he had that stupid test over his head, but he wouldn't kill an innocent person for no reason. He wasn't evil, bad, or his father. This much was obvious. He knew he would have been killed if it wasn't for his heritage, despite his condition he was already feeling better, the damage was not as bad as it looked. "Ow..." Darius said as he got back up, and then he saw his Dad had left, hopefully for good.

Acting the part of feeling no pain he stood up. "You are all free, have a good day." He was pretty much still dazed and started to wander off in the direction he came, nobody stopped him, but as soon as Darius was out of sight, he collapsed into a ditch and passed out to recover.

Rose Black

Date: 2008-07-04 04:53 EST
Having sensed her son was in serious trouble Rose had used all her will to find him and go to him. The angel would appear next to the ditch Darius had fallen in, wearing nothing but a big black T-shirt that it seemed she had thrown on in a hurry. She totally wreaked of alcohol and smoke, but her mind was clear enough to manage teleporting here at least. Her body was working hard to process the chemicals still remaining in her system, it was making things difficult for sure though.

Rose's emerald eyes filled with fresh tears as they fell upon Darius. She flew to his side and dropped to her knees down. Mud, rain, all she saw was her son unconscious and clearly injured, whatever front he had managed to put on for the onlookers. She cradled his head in her lap as with her fingers she brushed back a few wet locks of hair from his face.

Wiping a bit of water from her eyes she resumed stroking her sons hair as she leaned over him. Speaking in quiet, comforting, confident mother tones, "It's alright Darius. I'm here. We're going home."

A kiss to his forehead as she put all her concentration and power into bringing them both to the Island of the Rose. The only place that really felt like home to her.


Date: 2008-07-13 08:36 EST
He had been busy, but not that busy. He had seen the devastation that his brother had caused here and came as soon as the rest of the family had left. There was no real reason for this disaster and he had to fix it. Being the brother of the monster and no doubt his opposite in all things. He had no real choice but to fix this.

Consider this a miracle. He thought to himself.

He summoned his energies and created a cloud above the ruined village. "Let there be life, once more." The emerald cloud began to rain down upon the defeated and the dead. Despite their horrible wounds and fate. The damage was repaired, all of it. The group Bob had killed for no reason had their souls restored to them, death would not have its way, not this time.

As the people began to return to life, healed once more and returned to their families, completely mystified at the situation, but grateful all the same Theron turned his back and walked away from the place, unseen and unheard the whole time, and soon he was gone once more to where ever it is that he went to.