Topic: Blood of the Covenant; water of the womb.


Date: 2016-02-07 15:58 EST

He could taste his own blood.

The metallic tang filled his senses along with the visceral pain that wracked his jaw, the sensation of dread that followed as his body hit the ground and stirred the dust up from the dirt as Prikaza's body rolled from the impact of that last fist meeting his jaw. Beaten, and battered, but not broken. He was no weakling, just as he was no coward, but a smart man would have ran. The thing was, he was more loyal than smart, and to the side was one of the few friends he had on this dreaded place. Bleeding, his own inner fluids staining his jerkin, an arrow sticking from his side as the cause from it. They'd hunted them, and they'd struck his friend before they descended on him.

Prikaza could not run and leave him. He would not run, would not leave him. He was not the one to go as a dove, to bow his head and accept death gracefully. Deft, calloused, fingers grasped the shaft of his spear as he stood, whipping the weapon upwards to cleave the sharpened tip of that polearm in such a way to ward off the two trying to circle about him, warning the three behind those two that he had no such intentions on making easy.

No words, no taunts, no boasting. He'd let the spear in his hands do his speaking. A thrust, a feint, and another feint, he tried to back the five others away from him, from his friend but his broken ribs, the ache in his jaw, the thundering pain in his temple from the cut there...Their leader, Roshi, moved forward with that massive tetsubo gripped in his hands, bringing it down in an over hand swing, meaning to end the Romany where he stood, but he didn't, not today.

That spear lashed outwards, parrying the war club to the side only to lash to the side like a whip, bringing the edge of the head across Roshi's face in a splash of crimson, cutting him. It wasn't enough to end him, to kill him, but to blind him and hurt him' Certainly! It also left him open! An axe, from one of the others, cleaved through the shaft of his spear. A buckler from the off hand of another smashed into his jaw yet again, sending him off kilter and off his feet and into the dust again, grasping just the broken shaft of his spear, watching through bloodied haze as they advanced.

"That son of a bitch!" Roshi cursed him, clutching his face in such a way that it brought a smirk to Prikaza's lips. "You're fucking dead, Dog! DEAD!" The brute of a youth hefted up that Warclub once more, slinging it over his shoulder, clearly about to slam it down on the lanky Roma's head, intent on finishing the job..

maison kitsune

Date: 2016-02-08 21:11 EST
Her group tended to keep a schedule. Today was one of their off days meaning everyone was scattered. She told the others she would be on the edge of the woods in the city space to collect herbs and other things as her normal duties on off days. There was comfort in it. Guards roamed the woods every ten minutes, goblins tended to keep from even venturing near there, and if someone was attacked often there were others around to help.

Already she had taken on several goblins herself. It took them a while to get to that point but she rested assured of her own skill that she could settle into battle by herself if she needed. These thoughts were far from her mind this day. Instead, she was inside of the woods picking some wild onions from under roots, a few flowers from another patch nearby, and taking parts of plants needed for her garden. It became interrupted just as the serenity of the moment started to sink in.

The pungent scent of blood carried the air. It was always what she noticed first. The sound was the second thing that struck her. The smiting sound of metal on metal showing there was a battle. The first thought was some lone adventurer like her had become lost from the others. They recently had another group joined the island and knew that one goblin can be overwhelming if you didn't know how to battle. The bag of hers was dropped not even thinking of the money lost in its contents or the material used to make it.

It was then she came across the scene of the dog fighting with the swarm of opponents. Berry red liquid sprayed along the tree she stood behind. The blade had just been slashed in front of the group leader. She knew the men, at least, the one beating up the guy. They had harassed her and when they first got there one of the girls from the other group told her to keep away from them. They helped girls out in some ways and in others well; no one needed to explain it to her.

The choice was made.

Reaching behind her she took her instrument of choice. A set of battle fans was removed from the strap of her hip. Wrist was brought together allowing the set to spread along before her. Blades set between splayed apart from each other with her holding the hands so close allowed the circle drawn on the front to cast together.

"Earth 12, wind 53, fire 16, shadow 65." Linguistic workings on the spell allowed a certain one to be cast forth. Each point of the arcane symbol started to join together a stream of purple and black shadows mending into a physical format to leach her power seek the men before her. The darkness lunged forward capturing not one but two of the men within its grasp and subduing them for a time period.

Most of the magic the girl could work were stuns of snare like abilities. It allowed her to control the crowd and single out the ones she needed to work with first without having to dodge the others. Her frame lowered to the ground right after coming along the bushes. One of the men she couldn't capture came towards her hacking and slashing at the bushes.

Springing forward the girl barely escaped the blade which brought down on the arm guard of one of her leather binding destroying the plate brace hidden within. The pain was ignored as the short girl ran towards them the fanned blades whisking around as she did. The one with the sword was dancing with her it seemed to circle her body to try to get her.

The blade was used as a brace for the impact the metal acting in a way a shield might as she closed it. The other fan was sent forward along his fan cutting the biceps where he was free of armor and seeming to not do much damage. Not wanting to stand in his path again she fled from space as he jumped backwards at his attack. He couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Oh her pretty blades cut. I'm going to enjoy her. Let's capture the little one alive." There was something in the guys eyes that spoke of privileges the others tried to take often. Swallowing hard May found herself at one of the trees. Eyes came back to the one she cut who started to approach her. The man before who gave her orders grasped her wrist but she hadn't gone anywhere not yet.

"Three." Calmly she stated the number out loud to them. The others looked to her as if she was stupid. The two she captured still struggled to be released from the tangle of messes leaving the group still in disarray.

"Mmmm. You finish him off. I'll take my rights now for capturing my friends you little bitch." May only smiled to them as the one she cut before started to move to the man who'd be known as her big brother. He fell forward to the ground; coughing as the poison took effect to him. Foam started to leak around his mouth the group leader coming towards him to try to help him up.

Her wrist was released in the process and much like the first, who was teetering death, she brought the blade with the lack of feathers down along his flesh. Nothing was said to Prikaza in the process. Letting the man rest there with blood pouring from his wounds. Her frame leaped from the ground the wrist coming back together as she completed the circle on her fans.

"Water 7. Fire 64. Earth 13. Air 113." This time a gust of wind burst from the fans allowing the small girl to lift from the ground. The robes of hers came round her like shadows hands releasing to allow her to drift into the trees. Only her outline was left in the blood red moon causing a eerie glow cast on her peach skin.

Looking back she explored the scene behind her. The leader who ordered Prikaza's death was twitching on the ground, the other who threatened her was laying on his stomach blood spilling from his mouth, the last two were wrapped in shadows slowly having their life squeezed from them, and finally Prikaza.

She had nothing to say to him nor the other two she left in the snare. It was his choice to free the ones or take them into custody but she wasn't' staying to see what happened. A knowing nod was given to him as she placed her fans together giving another few words under her breath and disappearing into the night.


Date: 2016-02-09 05:44 EST
He wasn't scared of death, not at all. He never had been, probably never would be. He wasn't going to die easy, and even as he heard the sounds coming" He still never expected them. He'd been waiting for the fall of Roshi's Tetsubo. When it didn't fall. When those shadows caught the screaming men" He was looking up then as Roshi turned, his brows furrowing as he watched the one he'd one day call 'Pena' attack them. He'd heard stories of the girl, but he didn't know if they were legitimate, or out and out bullshit, but seeing the shadows, seeing everything else? His brows furrowed with concern and with that' He was slowly pulling Prala from his belt, grasping that dagger.

Roshi wasn't going to pull what he thought he was, not with this one!

Before he could strike though, the giant bastard fell to the side, fell to the side choking on his own blood. Poison' Something else? He didn't know. He didn't ask, just a quiet nod given to him that he returned with a small smile coating his lips. He understood, and he gave his silent gratitude before looking back to the chaos unfolding with the shadow traps.

Mercy' Fuck that. He didn't mercy, not with rapists, bullies, and thieves.

Wordlessly, he stalked over, right as the girl made her disappearing act. A quick stab and a twist. Two of them, enough to end the two in those traps before he flicked the blood from his knife, and moved over to his friend so he could finally attend to him.