Topic: Changes

Moon Lyght

Date: 2006-12-16 10:49 EST
It was unreal how she's gone from an outcast to having a family, though adopted, of over twenty members! There was Icer and her brood, and the generation after that, Not to mention the Ravenlocks, and some she had not even met yet! And Recently she had adopted Jorge into the clan. The bot looked about sixteen but some foul person had done something to his mind, rendering him, as he put it, "funny..weird.." She would protect this boy as she had the rest of her brood, but she had more than that to worry about as well now. She was pregnant by a halfbreed, Part drow, part...something else. His name was Anthen. The problem was he had no idea of the complication in her life. And it was complicated. For though Moon Loved him feircely, he was unaware of her feelings and the pregnancy. He'd made it clear he wanted no offspring, and had seemed almost panicked when he realized that after thier intimate encounter, it was a very real possability. Moon hadn't thought she would become pregnant, but she drank the Rhydin water and everyone knows theres just something in the water...Now Anthen was having trouble of his own, dealing with the effects of a werewolf's wrath. The beast had died, but Anthen had been injured and was now changing. He was a danger to her if she wasn't careful, she had to be careful, but she could not stand to be away from him. And, healer though she was, she knew no cure for him. All she could do is wait, and see. and untill he was somewhat stable, wait for the time to tell him he has sired a child. She had promised not to hold him to any responsability, she knew he didn't want to have one, but she thought he at least had the right to know the truth. Hopefully he would accept the fact, and go on with his life after all, she said she'd take care of the child if it happened, and she was more than capable, she'd raised a dragon cub and helped with countless grandchildren and great grand children. She would try to tell him, but she would not tell him of her love. If directly asked she would be truthful, but otherwise she would remain silent about it. He did not need anymore strain. after all, what else could she do?

Moon Lyght

Date: 2006-12-16 10:53 EST
::Moon had performed a summoning spell to request the aid of a fae...:: Moon Lyght: Mah name be Moon lil one an ah need ah favor o' y' iffin yer willin' tae 'elp" ::Arching a brow at the impetuious little creature:: GentleFrost: Moon' What kind of favor" And why should I" You did a summon and that's kinda rude y'know. Moon Lyght: Dear little pixie, please fergive mah actions, but 'tis ah rather important cause..Mah book says in order tae perform ah certain kind o' 'ealin' ah ave tae use fae dust, taken from ah fae willin' tae give it....ah'd be willin' tae comensate y' fer it... Moon Lyght: *compensate GentleFrost: ::She considers briefly:: What kind of compensation" Moon Lyght: Valuable precious stones" GentleFrost: ::THAT got her full attention! Sparklies were one of her favorite things and it was easy to bribe her for the trinkets:: You have a deal! Moon Lyght: ::Smiles, she knew fae had a weakness for beautiful things and this one had proven no different. She reached into her hip-pouch and brought out a small satchel, which to the fae would seem huge. It was filled with diamonds, opals, topaz, rubies, sapphires, onyx, amythist, jade, pearls, amber, garnets, Peridots, Emeralds and too many more to tell:: GentleFrost: ::Those blue eyes went wide at the gift. This was beautiful, it was amazing it was ALL HERS!. She giggled stashing the bag in a pocket of space-time where only she could get it:: GentleFrost: How much do you need" Moon Lyght: Ah'm glad y'asked thet..::She brings into view a smallish decanter almost as large as the tiny fae.:: Ah need this full, iffin y'can" GentleFrost: That's easy! ::eyeing the bottle, she fluttered up and went to work, wings shedding an ungodly amount of the magical dust, filling the container for the Big dragon lady:: Moon Lyght: ::She watched quietly as the fae worked, chuckling a bit because it was rather mess business, fae dust was making it into the decanter, but also it was going everywhere else too:: GentleFrost: ::Once the container was ful, (and the surrounding area also covered) she smiled up at the Beast-woman:: How's that' Enough" GentleFrost: *full Moon Lyght: Thet's plenty luv, thank y verra verra much. GentleFrost: ::Flutters away:: Moon Lyght: ::She stashes the precious stuff after sealing the decanter and returns to reading her tome..this just might work...:: Moon Lyght: ::Glances up as the fae leaves::