Topic: Beltane 2013 - Friday - Bonfire and Crowning

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-04-28 13:28 EST
Setting and event details will be posted here. Stay tuned!

Event will be in the Southern Glen and runs from 9:30 PM ET until everyone crashes.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 21:57 EST

South of RhyDin City, tucked between the verdant, wood-topped hills, the Southern Glen had been transformed. The slow-blooming spring had been helped along with a careful magical hand. Tree and flower had been coaxed to bloom: crocus, grape hyacinth, and dandelions mingled with low growing wood violets, lily-of-the-valley, buttercups, and snow drops. Around the edges of the clearing trailing dewberry brambles peeked shyly out of the green undergrowth. Their tender white blossoms and dark fruit showing here and there along the paths that lead away from the dell.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 22:02 EST
Evidence of the festivities marked the trail that led from the road to the southern glen. Triple swirls of chunky crystalline lightbulbs were woven in strands through the trees and on ornately carved metal poles. Each light began as purest white, but briefly morphed through every color in the rainbow (and perhaps a few not usually seen!), giving a gentle pulsating effect to the illumination and casting rainbow-tinged shadows down onto the path; and more, the pattern of the pulsating colors seemed to beckon the way forward, illuminating the way to the celebration. When the well-lit path widened, it opened first onto an arrangement of prize-heavy penny carnival stands. Booth attendants entreated partygoers toward dart throw boards covered with brilliant balloons, raised bottle-filled ring toss tables, precarious arrangements of china plates and cups for the copper toss, and milk bottle pyramids for the baseball throw. Their exuberant calls mingled with the lively folk music that drifted around the glen.

As merrymakers explored the springtime glen they would find along the southern edge activity booths and tables. Upon several tables rested a wide assortment of spring vines, flowers, rowan twigs, and fruit filled boxes for garland or May basket making. They were accompanied by paper cones, baskets, ribbons, feathers, floral wire, and glitter to decorate or hold each citizen's creation. After topping a head with a pretty crown"or giving a special someone a handmade nosegay or May basket"came the canopy for the face and body painters. Several persons manned this station ready to create painted masks and temporary tattoos, each artist able to transform parts of the body (or the whole thing!) with their skill.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 22:08 EST
Once through the receiving line of carnival games the crowning point of the celebration was clear: a mighty fire burned high and bright off-center of the clearing toward the eastern entrance. There was room enough around it for dancing, should anyone feel so inspired, or to sit on one of the many low log benches that surrounded it. The main fire was flanked to the north and south by two additional fires, each constructed from sacred wood (Rowan, Apple, Dogwood, Poplar, Juniper, Cedar, Pine, Holly and Oak ), and each adequately sized to jump over. On the western side of the main bonfire, between the two flanking fires, was a raised dais. Two flower bedecked thrones made of mage manipulated greenwood stood side-by-side for the May Queen and King to preside over the festivities.

Worried about burning the ol' bum' Don't be! A team of skilled medics were on hand to attend to any ill-conceived buttocks roasting. Their tent was conveniently located between the royal dais and the lake shore. It could be that a body just needed an extra something to get them going over the fires"to purge with the scarlet flame the illness and impurity of winter" For those individuals not quite ready to embrace the festive atmosphere, a visit to the tasting tables for a healthy dose of liquid courage might be in order! Adventurous souls can partake of a flight of brew either presented on a wooden round (8 - 4oz glasses) or mini crate (4 " 4 oz glasses). Mix and match between several alcoholic beverages or non-alcoholic pop to wet the whistle and wash away the travel dust"or to give that extra push to jump the Beltane fires.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 22:11 EST
North of the fires, along the edge of the clearing, merchants advertised wares and entreated celebrators to visit the vendor booths. A distance away from the main fire, the light of the flames was augmented with more of the triple-wound ropes of crystalline bulbs to produce a unique shopping experience. A variety of products were represented: mundane trinkets to mystical assistance. A person could find herbs, crystals, potions and spells as well as officiants to conduct impromptu wedding or handfasting ceremonies. Beyond this, toward the northwestern edge of the vale, dwelled the Fortune-teller tents. Brilliant gumdrop spots of rainbow colored canopies held card readers, pyromancers (fire divining), tasseographers (tea leaf reading), oinomancers (wine spill or sediment reading), numerologists, palm readers and crystal gazers.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 22:15 EST

On the western end of the glen, at the edge of the boat dock that overhung the lake, stood two barrels, a stack of buckets, and several tackle boxes. Revelers are invited to hook a fish from the lake or attempt to find one of the many hidden treasures sunk beneath the placid waters. One barrel held mundane fishing poles, and the other enchanted poles magicked to hook only special treasure-filled 'fish''shimmering spell woven facsimiles that behave like their ordinary cousins, but upon capture reveal the prizes they hold inside. They contain such things as whistles, coins, and small quartz figures.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2013-05-02 22:19 EST

As the night winds down, and sleep (or a more seasonal urge) begins to call, partygoers will find individual tents available hidden among the trees. Each enclosure is able to sleep up to four. These temporary shelters are positioned to give as much privacy as possible, and are outfitted with simple bedrolls. They are as comfortable as a tent in the woods could be! One should note, located around the treeline, are enclosed portable lavatories to see to other pressing needs as well.

After the night is through, and sun rises above the trees, that's when the unsung heroes of the party spring into action. The Trashmasters' team (along with several "volunteers") will be on hand to bring the Southern Glen back to its pristine state for the rest of the Beltane events.