Topic: Beltane 2018: The Blessing of Beltane

The Druid

Date: 2018-04-21 17:21 EST
Date: Friday, April 27th Location: Forest’s Edge

The invitation summoned the Blessed of Beltane to the forest’s edge in the Southern Glen, “to follow the woodland path, reach the crossroads, and turn left.” There were many paths that wound their way through the woods, but on that day they all led to the crossroads, and a left turn went deeper into the woods, where the canopy blotted out the sky above but the air itself was brighter.

The trees that lined the path were a disparate tangle of oak and ash, apple and hazel, alder and elder and yew with their roots and branches intertwined. But the space was very alive, for all its strangeness: there was birdsong in the boughs and fleet-footed creatures darted through the underbrush, nearly as swift as the curious pixies that flitted in and out of every mortal traveler’s periphery.

(Regarding immortals, the pixies were less curious, though a little easier to spot.)

The babbling of a brook followed the path into the heart of a forest, and though it could never be seen, crystal clear pools appeared nestled in great gnarled roots the closer one got to the center of things, each tended by a trio of wild-haired druids. They were gnomes and dwarves and elves, crowned with flowers and bird nests and clad in moss and spiderwebs, and they turned to stare and smile benignly at all who passed.

The path gave way to a great grove, as tall as a cathedral but closed off from the daylight, with the faerie lights glittering beneath the dark branches creating a starry sky of their own. The soft, mossy ground was pierced by circles of smooth white stones, among which dozens of druids danced and sang and communed with the spirits of the grove.

But all of it was dwarfed by the three massive trees that dominated this sacred space: a hawthorn, a birch, and an ash. Each tree was fifty feet high and shone with a strange silver light from its trunk that shimmered across its leafy branches, and emanated a pull that drew one’s feet inexorably towards the center.

Standing alone on a small hill between the three ancient trees was a grand old dwarf, as naked as the day she was born but for the flowers in her long tresses of silver hair, with ten disparate branches gathered from the forest forming a loose circle around her bare feet. “Merry met, thou Blessed of Beltane!” she cried. “We welcome thee to the Druids’ Grove. Now come forward, child, and select a bough for thy blessing, and we shall fashion thee a worthy crown!”

((Those nominated for May Queen are gifted with a Blessing for the duration of Beltane, associated with one of the trees represented in the grove, and with it a connection to the domain that each tree symbolizes. The trees are Hawthorn, for Passion; Birch, for Love; Rowan, for Protection; Oak, for Foresight; Ash, for Healing; Blackthorn, for Magic; Holly, for Rebirth; Apple, for Youth; Hazel, for Wisdom; Alder, for Change; Elder, for Prosperity; and Yew, for Eternity.

Nominees are encouraged to post their characters receiving their crown and Blessing, and spectators are welcome to participate as well.

ETA: Many thanks to Mallory's player for writing the beautiful description for this event!))

Mist Gul

Date: 2018-04-27 17:40 EST
The verdant woods lit up with song as the tall elf and not nearly so tall half-elf paladin strolled through the avenue of trees. He with a light tenor, she with a velvet contralto, their voices blended into the mystic place, gloriously sylvan in the golden touch of dusk.

"We were born before the wind Oh so younger than the sun Ere the bonnie boat was won As we sailed into the mystic.

Hark, now hear the sailors cry Smell the sea and feel the sky Let your soul and spirit fly Into the mystic.

And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home, mmm mmm And when the fog horn blows I want to hear it I don't have to fear it.

I wanna rock your gypsy soul Just like way back in the days of old Then magnificently we will float Into the mystic.

When that fog horn blows You know I will be coming home And when that fog horn whistle blows I gotta hear it I don't have to fear it.

And I wanna rock your gypsy soul Just like way back in the days of old And together we will float Into the mystic.

Come on girl Too late to stop us now..."

As they approached the heart of the woods, their voices trailed off, Halcyon puzzled a moment before her argent gaze turned upwards to the cathedral of trees, losing her gaze in the green antiquity. Mist paused, a hand held to a thick aerial root to balance him as he, too, found himself staring into the canopy.

They scarce noted the druids at their meditations and praises, but, eventually, Mist shook himself and nudged Halcyon.

"Daydream Believer?" she responded randomly.

Mist blinked a few times before he laughed, the sound carefree and childlike in that ancient place.

"Later. We're here."

"Oh. What do you do now?"

"I....don't know..." he admitted, only to turn his gaze to the trio of giants and their diminutive guardian. She grinned wide and warm as she welcomed them, and called Mist to her. Mist smiled, and stepped forward to settled to his knees before the elder, dipping his head reverently.

"Oh, tis an easy one for the larkspur elf," the old woman announced in a voice rich with humor as he handed her a bough of ash, "For ash is for healing, and I know that thee art skilled in that, child."

Mist flushed and flickered a warm grin to the woman. She deftly crafted the crown as she wished it to be, a twined work of supple young branchlets and leaves, the berries and catkins of the tree woven in with a few mushrooms which preferred to grow within the tree's circle of influence. "As thee heals the flesh, young one, remember also the heart and soul, and never forget that to truly heal, thee must start with thine own self," the elder assured him with a motherly smile, placing the crown onto his head, "Now go forth, and share thine gift."

"My thanks, grandmother," Mist responded, his head lifting, his smile blossoming into a vivid and beautiful thing, and for the moment, it did not fade. He rose gracefully back to his feet, and turned back.

Mist took Halcyon's arm once more, and they returned to walking through the ancient and holy woods, and once more, lifted their voices in song.

Into The Mystic (Van Morrison)


Date: 2018-04-28 13:03 EST
Sylvan song reached Mallory's ears as she descended into the heart of the forest, but she did not dare stray from the path. However merry the days of Beltane were, they did not change the nature of the Forest: ancient yet ever-changing, both bountiful and treacherous. She stuck her feet to the center of the path, only indulging her curiosity with her gaze and nothing else. She caught sight of a trio of druidic elves cooling their feet in a spring as they wound spiderwebs through one another's braids, and they smiled and waved, and the wave became a beckon.

The witch pressed on.

The narrow path gave way to the massive grove, the misty boughs of the upper canopy both protecting and enshrining the three grand old trees in the center. Druids danced among ancient rings of stone, holding out their hands, imploring her to join them; but the only invitation she regarded was the one given by the old dwarven woman standing among the flowery boughs arrayed at her feet, spreading her arms in a gesture of welcome.

Mallory had traveled light for the journey, without her usual backpack, and in its place was a wooden sword along her back. Its edge was thorny instead of sharp, formed by a dozen tough vines and boughs of belladonna, and its deadly flowers peeked out from the blade's poisonous core. She tugged it free from its soft hide sheath. She came to a knee before the druid, holding the blade aloft, her fingers perched carefully on its point and pommel.

"Come now, Belladonna Knight!" The old dwarf's voice was rich and full of good humor. "Hast thou truly come to surrender thy blade" Thou hast made it thine own. Were I to pluck it from thy grasp, its thorny pricks would be my doom." The talk of death did nothing to diminish her smile. "Dismiss thy blade and select a bough, and I shall fashion a circlet for thee."

The tough strands of her sword grew soft and slack, disintegrating into rich black soil that spilled through her fingers. The witch bowed her head and rose, moving over to the remaining boughs, identifying their distinctive flowers with ease thanks to her time at Panacea. She paused over hawthorn...

...and closed her hand over a similar bough, its white petals stretching further apart into a five-pointed star. Blackthorn.

"A crown of magic for the mortal witch." The dwarf took it from her hands and began to bend and reshape it into a circlet, though her gaze never left Mallory's as she worked. "What shape wilt thou take when thou returnest one year hence" Wilt thou return?"

Mallory said nothing, eyes widening slightly as the dwarf approached her. Then rich, warm laughter burst forth as she stood up on the tips of her toes to place the blackthorn crown upon her head.

"May the Blessing of Blackthorn reveal to thee a side of magic thou shouldst know better already, mortal witch....the magic of glamour!"

* * * * *

Mallory did not linger in the grove, nor did she converse with the druids here. She left by the way she had come, with her star-flowered crown tucked safely out of sight.

Lucy Mitford

Date: 2018-05-02 18:27 EST
Lucy stepped into nature’s cathedral just as Mallory’s sword was returning to the soil. From the center of her chest she felt a tug, as if her own magic wanted to expand to fill the space, wanted to reach out towards the leafy vault above, to reach and touch each of the towering trees. But she held it near, held it close, a crackling energy just beneath the surface of her skin.

Had she not been there to watch she might have been too shy to approach, but there was no escape once Mallory retreated. The dwarf waved her forward, “Do not be afraid, child. Come forward.”

And so she climbed the small hill and knelt at the dwarf’s bare feet. The dim light gave Lucy’s bowed head an ethereal glow seeming to emanate from her red hair. The dwarf smiled at her. “Choose.” She gestured to the branches on offer.

Lucy could not identify the trees from their branches or their blossoms. She knew only that it did not feel like spring had yet come, that it still felt wintry inside of her heart. So she selected a branch bare of flowers or greenery, a simple dark wood.

“Birch.” The dwarf chortled in amusement, gently taking the slender young branch from Lucy’s fingers. Lucy’s brows lifted in surprise, not having recognized the birch without its silvery bark. The dwarf smiled down at her again. “The birch is only painted silver with age, child.”

“What does it represent"” Lucy watched curiously as the dwarf began to work the branch into a circle between her short fingers.

“Why the birch is for love.” The redhead’s eyes widened with hope, and the ancient one laughed. “Thou art too foolish to be much of a witch. Foolish and greedy. Art thou not surrounded by love" I can see it in thine aura. Thou art surrounded by love and yearn for it yet still.”

“That’s not—-” Lucy protested feebly.

“Not all love is sugary kisses and blushing cheeks, witch. Love comes as it comes.” The dwarf gestured for Lucy to bend her head. “Thou must learn to cherish love however it comes.”

With surprisingly nimble fingers, the dwarf began to plait the birch circlet into Lucy’s red hair. “This blessing is not thine to receive, child. Tis thine blessing to give.”

The circlet secure in her hair, Lucy lifted her eyes to look up at the dwarf. Raising one hand to feel the top of her head, Lucy confirmed that she could not remove the birch crown, securely plaited in her hair.

“Go. Share thine gift for the month of May, witch-child. Learn to truly see love, however it may come.”

Eden Parker

Date: 2018-05-03 15:00 EST
As far as Eden was concerned, the forest was an awfully friendly place. She bounced along the path waving with enthusiasm at all who looked her way, offering a bright “Hi!” and a confirming “This way"” as she continued towards the clearing.

When she spotted the dwarf in the grove, she turned towards a nearby druid and whispered, “Am I supposed to be naked"” When the druid didn’t respond, Eden shrugged and started peeling off her clothes, leaving them in a neat little pile at her feet. That no one else seemed to be taking off their clothes did not faze her while she waited impatiently for her turn to approach.

“Thou art an awfully curious creature,” the dwarf chuckled as Eden bounced to a stop in front of her. “One who comes on foot when thou hast perfectly useful wings, hrm"”

Eden beamed her dimpled smile at the dwarf and reached back to touch one of her floating wings, “Oh, I don’t use these.”

“Whyever not"” The dwarf frowned at her.

“I don’t like to go too high.”

Laughter echoed amongst the towering trees. The dwarf reached down for one of the branches at her feet. “I shall select thine branch.”

“Okay!” Eden watched as the dwarf selected with purpose and began fashioning a wreath.

“For thee, a wreath of holly.” The dwarf gestured for Eden to lower her head so she could place the Holly atop her head. “May the Blessing of Holly assist thee in embracing thine new form.”

“It’s a little prickly.” Eden complained as she reached to adjust the wreath on her head.

“Thou hast been reborn, curious creature. Tis time to be what thou truly is intended to be. Yes"”

“Yes, ma’am.” She beamed her dimpled smile at her. “Is that it"”

“Yes.” The dwarf laughed.

“Thank you for the gift!” She waved at her then turned, the eyes of the forest watching as Eden bounced back towards her clothes, and eventually the path home.


Date: 2018-05-05 14:32 EST
The day before the Beltane celebration, Yasmin silently strolled through the Southern Glen’s forest taking in all of its majestic sights and songs. She felt at peace, as if all of the media and drama was long gone. Granted, the majority of the drama around her she herself had created, but it was now like a distant memory. Instead, a different memory came to light. In her mind, she went back in time, back to when her mentor had taught her about the various trees, shrubs, and flowers, teaching her which were edible, which could heal ailments, and even which just made a delicious tea. Occasionally, a stray pixie wandered close to her but both seemed to ignore the other. It wasn’t until she reached the hilltop grove and was greeted by the ancient dwarf that she was jolted back to reality.

When the dwarf instructed her to select a branch, Yas looked down at the variety before her. One stood out above the rest, a coniferous branch filled with green needles and dotted with bright red berries. The yew. Her mentor taught her how its sweet succulent berries were edible, but to beware the poisonous seeds within them. Aside from its fatal secret, the yew was known for its long life. The tree itself could live for many centuries and were rumored to live for over a thousand years. It could even live through being split in half by its own weight or being hollowed out by age. Despite all that life could throw at it, the yew would continue to live and thrive.

Yasmin knelt down before the inimitable dwarf, graciously picking up the yew branch. Bowing her head in respect, she offered it upwards.

As the dwarf handcrafted the bow into a circlet, she spoke with a tone of caution, “Thou may disregard thy fae heritage as thou endeavor to overlook thy Eternal inheritance, but each have crafted thee, Knight of Jasmine. Let the yew crown be a reminder to triumph above thine past. Thou must learn to accept thy history with all of thy blessings and curses. Only then will thou see the gift in thy…” As she placed the crown upon Yasmin’s head, she concluded, “Eternity.”

As the crown sunk onto Yasmin’s head, so did her heart. Sighing softly before rising to stand, she knew the dwarf was right. She had reached her limits and would never really be able to move on in her life without facing her past. She had done terrible things lifetimes before, but she strived to make up for them. Now, it was not enough. She would have to face them and face the people she had wronged, those that were still alive. She would not be able to forgive herself before asking their forgiveness. Ignoring them would not help any longer. With a heavy heart, she continued back the way she came, taking in the last few pieces of happy memories.