Topic: Feast of the Two Moons: Setting


Date: 2013-01-12 14:14 EST
The Feast of the Two Moons is a magical time, celebrating the annual alignment of the two full faces of Trebor and Arabrab in RhyDin's night sky. It is a night of omens, a night when fortunes are told and secrets are whispered, and when Fate's hand is strongly felt across the land.

Magical Lanterns Throughout the city, decorative paper lanterns go up the morning of the festival. They fill the streets with color during the day and flood the lanes with color and light as twilight approaches. While many are round, in imitation of RhyDin's two moons, they can be found in all shapes and sizes, and schoolchildren often work on their own lanterns for weeks before the event.

They shine for a night, but the next morning, they will all be taken down and burned. Tradition has it that a festival lantern burned in a hearth fire brings good luck to the home for the remainder of the year.