Topic: Forgetting Fate - SL Info


Date: 2013-02-20 12:14 EST
FORGETTING FATE - STORY LINE What if the gods of each race, each people and each aspect of power were real" What if Fate"or Destiny'suddenly forgot who they were" This is exactly what has happened, Fate has forgotten. What happens now"

STORY LINE INFO Fate has forgotten who s/he (open to character interpretation as to who and what fate may be or may not be) is, and so the many strings which are usually hers to play with may have become unwound, unbound, tangled up, broken or even worse'strings never meant to be tied perhaps are now knotted beyond repair. Perhaps even in the future, people who should not ever be together may end up together (to hilarious or disastrous consequences.) How will that affect the already chaotic realm of Rhydin" How does that touch the many lives within the realm or does it even touch anyone"

This is where you, the player, get to decide (as always!)

HOW TO PLAY ALONG" Forgetting Fate is a completely open-to-the-entire-site (DM & RoH) Story Line. Players are encouraged to role play, write or respond in any way (or not at all) that they deem best fits for them and their characters. This is an open story line for anyone interested. The possibilities for how it will play out are only limited by player imagination.

FORGETTING FATE PLAYABLES: A Minor Note (02/20/2013) The Softest Discord (02/27/2013) Three Eyes Blind (03/05/2013) A Little Froggy Out (03/15/2013) Missing Persons: Airissa Marrow (03/30/2013) How Many Hounds for a Rabbit" (04/19/2013) A Stink of Blue (05/11/2013) Sleepless Knight (05/20/2013) NEW

WHAT'S NOT COOL" Please do not immediately have a character point out the problem (revealing the issue), fixing all the issues at once, or solve the story line in one get-go/story/line sent into the chat room.

What you, the player, are reading here is out of character information. Please do not use this information in character"your character should not know who fate is, that she has forgotten, the source of the issue(s), story line source and so on. (Obviously, information in Playables are public to react to :) )

Please do not "cure" Fate or approach her with a character revealing said character knows who she is, what she is, everything about her, what has happened, and how to fix it. I do understand that some characters will be powerful enough that they should be able to do so"but I am asking, as a fellow player to another that you choose to respect other players choosing to write or participate in this story line. Give them time to write and play :)

SETTING THE PACE" This story line will be slow in order to ensure that as many people as possible, who want to participate, can participate. (It will also be slow because I have a lot of things going on in real life currently, and wanted to Role Play and engage the community a bit somehow :P) Please be patient . Pace will be dictated by Playables written by Sadhbh. For example: the first playable writes that only a few small things seem off"please follow along with playables to the best of your ability. (As in: The world should not be ending, for example, thousands should not be dying, kittens should not be kicked". Poor kittens D: )

If you are participating and would like, please feel free to share any forum threads involving Forgetting Fate so we can read your wonderful stories: Forgetting Fate SL ? Threads

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to PM me anytime or ask right here in this thread. I will try and get back to you as soon as possible.


Date: 2013-02-27 01:43 EST
A new playable is up! :)


Date: 2013-03-05 23:35 EST
Another playable is up! Seers, fortune tellers, prophets, woods witches, wise women/ones and those who rely on Fate/Destiny who are following along with this story line and wish too—should be feeling the effects fully now. Either being cut off completely from Fate/Destiny or nearly so.


Date: 2013-03-15 18:21 EST
Another playable is up. To those who worship, are connected to, made of or otherwise part of Chaos: if you are playing along feel free to note that Chaos has made his (or her. Much like Fate, I leave interpretation of how Chaos is seen or manifested up to the character and player) manifestation in RhyDin.

This can be played into any way a player sees fit, such as (but not limited to): an increase in powers, an increase in chaos, mistakenly thought to be the reason behind the sudden appearance of Ghosts, paths, gateways, rifts going awry or magic becoming even more random.

As well as things becoming even more crazier than usual in the ol' realm , A few grotesque, frog-like creatures have quietly begin searching for humanoids with white hair, white skin and violet eyes. These creatures are currently NPCs and at the stage where they will be attempting to try their best in stealthy in tailing anyone with these traits. Unfortunately, not all Slaadi are good at what they do, and they may be spotted eventually.

You are all more than welcome to write any encounters with these creatures in room or in the forums as you see fit. As they are NPC characters, please feel free to to write them (with a nod to their general characteristics) into your characters life as you see fit.


Date: 2013-03-30 17:18 EST
A new playable is up!

A small incident at the moment. It seems that a girl with white hair, white skin and purple eyes has gone missing, but not because of the passing storm, terrorist attacks. It seems a normal sort of case as people go missing daily in RhyDin.

If you have a character who fits this coloring (male or female), please feel free to begin to use the Slaad/Slaadi creatures in your room or forum play: You may write that your character starts noticing or feeling like they are being followed and may even write catching sight of one from a distance if you wish.

If you have a character that is an NPC/or you no longer play but matches this coloring, and are willing to be 'abducted,' please feel free to write a playable that they have gone missing, or please feel free to reply to this thread: A Piece is Missing, writing about your missing character.

If you have any questions or concerns about this SL or new playable, feel free to send me a PM anytime!


Date: 2013-04-19 03:14 EST
A New playable is up.

Players involved in, or interested in being involved with Forgetting Fate may now: Actively be aware if they have albinism traits, or white hair, pale skin and purple eyes they are being trailed.

Players can now address the situations in play, by either writing out a fight scene in game using the Slaad (Slaadi) as NPC's, or contacting me and I will be happy to play one for a quick thrilling scene when I can.

Players of Drow/dark elven races from the underdark are now welcome as of last playable to pick up the rumor that several of their sects are also looking for a girl with white hair, purple eyes. Rumors abuzz from it being something handed down from LLoth herself, to it being hunting down a half bred, to a troublesome contract. If your character is lawful evil, or chaotic evil, or evil, or hell—thinks there may be a nice fat drow prize in finding her, please feel free to start writing that.

Also want to apologize for waiting so long in updating this. I caught something this week that has made me feel blarg, and I've been packing up in ready for a new house.

If you feel any of your characters are in limbo, have waited TOO long to wrap up their stories to wait for me to end it, or are just bored waiting—please feel free to write them out as you see fit. I certainly don't want to keep people in a SL they might not be enjoying!

For the rest: I CAN'T WAIT to see what you do with this <3


Date: 2013-04-27 02:57 EST
Hello everyone! Just a quick reply to let all of you know that our move went 100% smoothly and we're in the process of settling in. Please give me some time to unpack, unwind and remember what feet feel like when they don't hurt :p

In the meantime, thank you all so much for writing with this SL so far and don't forget to check out the Beltane 2013 activities winding up! Volunteer to make Beltane Bel-tastic toodaaaaaay!


Date: 2013-05-11 23:40 EST
The Slaad have spotted Sadhbh at the Inn finally. Will they be able to finally catch her" Will someone spot the Slaad before hand"

The SL is coming to a close soon! For those of you who have stuck with me patiently and written with the SL and shared your writing, THANK YOU so much! It has been an honor!

I hope you will enjoy the ending I have in the works!


Date: 2013-05-20 23:39 EST
A new playable is up!

Where are we with the story so far? Players participating in the SL that would like to play off of this can note for certain:

*Fate (however perceived by your character) is no longer working at all. *Chaos, while previously strong in the realm, remains so—but distracted. *Originally, male and females with white hair and purple eyes appeared to be disappearing. This has shifted to females, relatively short, with white hair and purple eyes. *Given the current state of the realm, only a few have noticed the disappearance of the girls. Only a handful of members have been assigned to find them. Some are searching on their own. There is no evidence that the girls have been harmed, simply taken—but there's no evidence to suggest they will remain unharmed either. Their families are desperate but those who guard Rhydin are spread thin currently. *If your character can sense evil/are familiar with Slaad (Or Slaadi), they may have picked up on the fact there is a strange influx of their scent and presence around and about the Inn itself, but have been careful so far to avoid being seen.

Another Shiny Knight

Date: 2013-05-28 01:00 EST
The brothel this late at night was at full swing. Some girls hung of windows, some of the men hung out along the steps. Two of the ladies working that evening had their heads together to titter and talk to pass the time.

"Who was that?" The blond one asked the dark haired one.

"Dunno," the dark haired one admitted. "Every time he looked me way he stammered and stuttered, turned red as a beet. Cute as a button, despite all the metal he was wearin'." The blond girl shook her shirt of imaginary dust, winked at a drunken man that meandered by. Getting no response, she tipped her blue eyes back to her friends face.

"So he just walked you here" Right through all that ruckus?" the girl gestured toward the Marketplace. "and didn't...?" She raised her eyebrows and then looked up. The Pink Peony brothel's second, third and fourth floor spilled light tinted as red as the curtains that covered windows.

The girl's dark hair was curled and it bounced as she shook her head. "Shoulda seen his face when he read the sign." The both of them giggled. "No, he didn't. Didn't put a hand on me. Like I said, cute as a button. Blonde haired with eyes like honey almost. All that armor! He's been walking anyone who asks it of 'im. Back and forth all evening and night I seen him. I can't imagine what it's gonna be like in that armor summer time. Anyway, all he wanted to know was if I knew the where abouts of a bunch of girls.

"Seems like a few of them with white hair and purple eyes have gone missing. He called them Albin...Alb...Something." She shrugged and her friend did the same.

The blond one made a negligent gesture with her hand. "So many people go missing here, who has time to keep track?"

"Not me," the dark haired one said.

Their conversation was halted by the arrival of several rowdy and drunk patrons, signaling the time for talk over and the time for work to begin. Neither woman gave much thought about missing girls or knights that still walk people home after dark.

___ ((This originally was a playable entwined into the Forgetting Fate SL. It was removed. As I'm not sure what will or won't get deleted,I have reposted this here. I hope that this is alright' Thank you for reading. ))


Date: 2013-05-30 22:31 EST
The kitchen fires had been lovingly stoked, their wood fires once a blaze in the night. Metal pans, greased and flour-sprinkled with care line the counter tops. Half of them are filled with raw sweet-yeast dough ready to be placed in those ovens, the other half are filled with golden-butter patted topped rolls that had finished cooking.

The kitchen seemed half-finished. The cooking half-done, too. Whomever was in the middle of baking seemed to stop entirely in the middle. By the morning, the rolls would be over-risen, flopping sadly as if they had mourned the hands that formed them over their greased pans. The fires had died, turned into coals.

On the floorboards of the kitchen, a cloak pin with pictish' gaulish—celtic" carved lines of deer and little boy playing lay cold and alone near the half-finished rolls. The kitchen door remained propped open by a clear, glass marble...A recent gift.

The entire kitchen stunk of strange creatures. Of evil. (Of Blue Slaad for those who could sense it) and the ghosts of fear remained behind. Someone had been here.

And now, someone was no longer.

___________________ ((Sadhbh has been captured by the Slaad, as have the many girls who match her description. Characters who have met her should easily recognize the pin belongs to her. One character in particular should recognize the glass marble that is left propping open the back door. The scent of Slaad is hard to pick out in the thousands of other scents in the kitchen (as well as the overpowering stew), but it is there. It leads to the back door and toward the docks. Characters connected strongly to chaos might find their dreams strangely occupied with flashes or blurry outlines of a white deer.

If you are interested in being part of a rescue party thread this thread in Dragon's Tales is OPEN:

This SL and ALL playables are 100% open to the public to be played with, or not played with, as people see fit :) ))


Date: 2013-06-05 20:43 EST
The last threads here:"t=25678

And here:"p=179285#179285

These threads officially conclude the end of Forgetting Fate.

Please feel free to have your character(s): Feel the shift in balance during Chaos capture of Fate Feel Fate's anger and shift of power at the end Feel the energies wain of the death of both Feel the balance after React in anyway to the conclusion as they see fit (or not!) in the forums or in room play.

This was my first very large, complicated (to me) SL that I was finally able to see from start to finish, and I am so proud and so pleased to see all of you that participated in ANY way—be it writing, room play, linking too, discussing and sharing the SL.

I want to take a moment to give a very special thanks to these people (and if I miss anyone, I am SO sorry): Brian Ravenlock, Jenai Ravenlock, Pharlen, Dedenova, Thorn (TheRedneck), Bylah, Martyr, Myllyanna, Delahada, FuryRevisited, Chryrie Nightstar, FioHelston and last but NEVER EVER least, NightRunner for their amazing forum RP.

I have not had much of a chance to have played Sadhbh in the room as I wanted to, so I have missed much or any references to play in the Flash chat. For that, I am sorry, and I hope you know how much I am grateful for any IC mentions and wished I could list all of you.

And finally: Thank you for reading & sticking with such a long story line! It has given me something to look forward to in between a hectic move and this silly thing called real life, may it have done the same to you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!