Topic: Midsummer Mayhem: The Thinning of the Veil (OOC Play Along!)


Date: 2017-06-07 13:02 EST
Midsummer Mayhem: The Thinning of the Veil (OOC How to Play Along)

Every Summer Solstice, the veil between the worlds is thinner. This year, because of the actions of one petulant faerie princeling, the veil between one realm of Faerie and RhyDin will be thinner than ever and completely gone in places! — The Summary

Beginning next Wednesday and lasting for three weeks (from Wednesday, June 14th through Wednesday, July 5th) surrounding the Summer Solstice on June 21st, the veil between RhyDin and Faerie will be extremely thin and absolutely gone in places. It will start out slow on June 14th, reach a frenzy on the Summer Solstice (June 21st), and then slowly resolve after July 5th. There will be several repercussions (not happening all at once) to the veil being thin/gone: *An influx of fae and faerie creatures in RhyDin *The disruption of technology in places *The crossing over of parts of Faerie itself into RhyDin *The growth of Faerie Wyldes throughout the city *The ability to easily cross into Faerie These events will be paced/timed via posts in this thread. — How can I play along" I have tried to make this SL as open as possible so that everyone can play along (or not play along) in any way that they wish. I hope that everyone can join the SL in their own way. Here are some suggestions: 1) Keep an eye on this event thread. I will be posting playables, live events, board events, and vapored events throughout the week. 2) Have your character encounter some fae/faeries 3) Join in on one of the live events or board events 4) Have your character struggle with the disruption to technology 5) Have a part of your character's neighborhood/home/area of the city get taken over by Faerie or encroached upon by the Faerie Wyldes 6) Have your character stumble into/get lost in Faerie 7) Ignore all of this! If you have questions on what is okay and what is not, feel free to PM me. — What can't I do? While this SL is open, I am asking my fellow players not to do several things: 1) Please do not solve the issue that the SL has brought about. Do not fix the thinning of the veil everywhere (although clearly you control your settings). By doing so, you are limiting the opportunities of others to play along in this SL. There will be an eventual resolution to this problem; the veil will return to normal within time. You only control your characters and your setting; you do not control the entire SL. 2) I have given everyone a fair amount of OOC knowledge about what is going on during this SL including prior knowledge that it is going to happen. Do not have your character magically know all the things that you now know. No one should not know what is about to happen next week. — Final Comments I would really like for everyone to have fun with this and use it as a means to further their own character or just have a good time. Yes, I am giving everyone a lot of prior knowledge of this SL. There is a reason this is being done. I want people to be able to participate to the full extent they would like to, giving them enough time to plan, post, and play out the ideas that they think up. If you are writing posts related to this SL in your own folder, please share links to the posts right here so we can all enjoy them! Again, any comments or questions can be directed in PM to me. Game on!

The Halcyon

Date: 2017-06-15 18:02 EST
This is exactly why Hally doesn't like Fairies!

Lilith DeBrough

Date: 2017-06-18 02:37 EST
Lilith has noticed that her club lost power sometime during opening weekend. Thankfully, she already had backups in place since things in West End are usually wonky as is.

It's mentioned, albeit very briefly, in this thread.

Lilith DeBrough

Date: 2017-06-22 20:58 EST
Here is more of the wonderful time Lilith is having combating the problems that are plaguing her business and home.

A Test of Patience

Sapphire Ravenlock

Date: 2017-06-28 11:48 EST
Texting conversation between Mallory and Sapphire

Black Knives

Date: 2017-07-03 14:53 EST
An unsavory group doesn't like the Wild Hunt tearing through their playground, and decide that turnabout is fair play.


Date: 2017-07-08 21:58 EST
Texting conversation between Mallory and Sapphire

The misadventure resulting from that conversation.


Date: 2017-07-20 15:21 EST
Note: The end of this SL will be posted eventually. My apologies for it being so overdue.