Topic: The Cataclysm (open to any and all)


Date: 2014-05-10 19:06 EST
Deep in the caverns of the glenn the dead walked dutifully. They had been given a job form their master long long ago to watch this cavern, to play seal to the strange black rock that resembled ebony running along the caverns walls. Smooth like glass and pitch black the rock reflected the images of those who shambled pass, flesh long since rotted clinging to black bones with the remnants of cloth still hung on the occasional bone. But they couldn't possibly tell from this far away, the gap in dimensions blocking the feeling, their master had been conquered and the beast inside simply sleeping now. Atop the hill and above the cavern a strange molten orange flame lit on the black mound and cast a harsh orange light into the sky. The beast had awakened and was opening his eyes.

The black mound had completely caught flame and the surrounding collapsed in a fiery hell and magma sink hole. Long rivers of glowing orange streaking down the side the little remaining black rock and into the basin. A voice carried on the wind as undead spilled from the cavern and braved the magma to climb the black rock even among flames but the words the voice spoke had no sound only floated like the wind would. 'Pain....torment....I have slept for ten thousand years." A small pause and what could be considered a hiss sounded, 'This is my meal...That boy stole my crown....Denied me my throne....He thinks that cursed armor makes him matter to his dying world?' Again a pause even as the undead began to pound weapons into the mound as though spearing it. 'You are nothing boy...'

Violently the ground began to shake, from the mountains to Rhydin herself, crags tearing and throwing lava from it like boiling water and steam. 'The world heaves with my torment....It wretched kingdoms shatter beneath my rage..' The burning undead stopped and went still in the flames that illuminated their bodies so clearly in orange. One stood at the curving top with flames crawling his spine and blowing from unprotected jaw and eye sockets before he groaned and roared a scragling scream and burned to ash along with his brothers and sisters but the ash spun in the air until it collected and slammed into the top of the mound. Again the voice among the devastation occurring to the area surrounding them while a black liquidized rock, like melted rubber, began to lift from the tip. 'But at last...The whole of the world shalt break..' The liquid began to break over the face as a fanged and glowing molten eyed man with ink black hair stood under it, "And all shall burn...Beneath the shadow of my wings.." From his back rose large tattered wings resembling a bat's with circles burned out in the spread and just as ink black as the rock.

The distress of the ground never came to a halt and deep under the ground the plates that made the surface had been set into motion grinding over one another and shuffling, tearing the top ground to shreds and leaving trenches along the glen and Rhydin's streets and structures.

The ocean answered the call of the cataclysm and began to pull waves out to sea. The earth answered tearing asunder and shaking until the mountains began to crumble in certain spots. The lava he called answered bubbling through crags and chasms. The sky answered by swirling in dark furious clouds that angled in cyclones for the ground. And the herald answered by standing on his perch with eyes of molten orange piercing the dying night. "I am...the cataclysm..."

The cataclysm had begun, and its' fingers of trenches encircled Rhydin in a grasp aiming to choke her and collapse. This was far from over and when the beast was no more on his mound....The world could only scream in terror at what had awakened on her. The Cataclysm....Had begun...

Max Eisenhardt

Date: 2014-05-10 19:48 EST
The Cataclysm: Tsunami!