Topic: Confirmed Bachelor

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-17 21:39 EST
Da-dum da-dum

Hah hah

The slate colored sky with it's dark and threatening clouds lit up with a crack of lightning. A large branch from a tree fell.

Horse's hooves, thundering across the finely manicured lawn. Small divots the only evidence that he'd been there.

Da-dum da-dum

Hah hah

"Really, Cesare. I don't see what the worry is. Your father has been after you for years to find a suitable woman and settle down." Matthias lounged lazily on the leather chaise. As befit one of noble birth, he dressed in a poet's shirt, form fitting vest and dark trousers. Stockinged feet stuck off the end of the chaise. His heeled shoes had been kicked off the moment he entered the room. His chestnut hair, tied back with a leather thong at the base of his neck A lock of hair drifted over his face. He shrugged and grinned to his aggravated friend. "Sherise is not that bad to look at and it's her first season out. What is wrong with her?"

Cesare was agitated, indeed. The brandy snifter was held in his palm, fingers curled around the bowl. His dark hair was kept unfashionably short, but incredibly messy. Curls flopped this way and that, the light shining off of his ebony locks. He was dressed in a similar fashion to his friend, only his clothes were always black, except for the white poet's shirt with the ruffle down the front. That was always a crisp white. His heeled shoes echoed through the room as he paced. No, not paced, marched.

"I do not want to marry. Not now, not ever." His voice was a very deep baritone, and it had lowered to a threatening bass. "I don't care what my father thinks or says." Icy blue eyes glare down at Matthias from his intimidating height of six foot seven inches. "And she's a virgin, Matthias. More along your lines, I think." With a shake of his head, he turns his back on his friend.

"You can't hide here forever, Cesare." Matthias was finding this all very amusing. Cesare was trapped in a corner. The arrangements had been made between Cesare's father and Sherise's father and there was nothing Cesare could do about it. "Soon you'll be an old man, with younglings hanging about your ankles." The ridiculous thought had Matthias chuckling loudly.

Cesare did not find any of this funny. There was something he could do. Something that would break his mother's heart, but it was something he must do. He would not be trapped into marrying somebody that was not of his choosing. Throwing the brandy snifter, with what little was left in it, into the fire, he turned as the fire exploded in the fireplace. And then he was gone.

Da-dum da-dum

Hah hah

"Please, Cesare, Sherise is such a nice girl." His mother pleaded with him. Her care worn face crumpled as tears washed down her face. "Please, compromise with your father. I do not want to lose my bambino." She had gotten on her knees at his point, begging with her oldest son.

How could Cesare say no to that. Most thought of him as a man with a heart of stone. But his mother, his dear, sweet mother, he could never show her that side of him. So he conceded to a meeting. But the terms, he knew that Sherise's family would not accept.

If the marriage would take place, Sherise's place in society would be guaranteed. Her father was an up and coming baron, and a marriage into the Romano family promised lands, villas and titles. Just the thing the greedy man was wanting. The only down fall was the husband that his daughter would be laden with. Cesare had the worst reputation and never, not once, tried to clear his name. Only his title, Duke Cesare Romano, made him even fathomable for any of the society's young girl. Add to that he was older by eight years than most, and Cesare was not what a mother, or young girl, would dream of in a husband.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-18 08:51 EST
His father was sitting behind a large oak desk, in a well padded leather chair. He was the mirror of his son, Cesare, with about thirty years added to his face. His hands tented thoughtfully under his querulous chin. "Cesare, why have you gathered us here?"

Sherise's father, while not turned out quite as nicely as the other two gentlemen in the room, shifted uncomfortably in his wooden chair. He didn't like spur of the moment meetings. And where his daughter was concerned, he liked it even less. The plans had already been made. The betrothal was to be announced at the next social gathering. Already servants and the gossips of the town were wagging their tongues about the match that had been made. So what was the point of all of this"

Cesare considered his father, then Sherise's father carefully before he spoke. His tone was even, if a bit cold. "I need more time, Father. I'm not ready to settle down. Especially for a chit barely in the middle of her first season out." He shook his head and frowned darkly. A hand was risen to quell the angry outburst that he knew would come from Sherise's father. Truly, Cesare did not want to hear the protests.

"Cesare, you have brought shame upon the family for long enough. Your shenanigans have not only ruined your reputation, son, but have put a tarnish on our family's good name. Sherise is a good girl and you're lucky that her father has been kind enough to even consider allowing his daughter near you."

Both fathers exchanged a glance and a nod. The room fell silent for a moment, Cesare stood staring down at his father. "A compromise, then" Please, Father." He stood back and folded his arms over his chest. "A month's time. If I do not find a bride suitable, and to my liking, within that time, I will marry Sherise."

Sherise's father shook his head, his face turning red with anger. "Why should I make my daughter wait to announce the betrothal" You are lucky that she would even consider you at all, Cesare." Truth be known, Cesare was considered quite the catch from the young girls in the society whirl. His dashing good looks and dark reputation made more than one heart flutter and more than one set of eyes train on him. The elusive and carefree Cesare be tied down? Oh yes, he could have his pick.

But the social whirl and the girls within it bored him. Giggling pack of chickens is how Cesare saw them. He turned up his nose and glanced to his father. "One month, Father. And I'll go elsewhere to find my bride." Cesare then cast a cold glance to Sherise's father. "Where the girls have a brain, a backbone and can be admired for more than producing heirs."

With a disgusted look on his face, Cesare moved to the door. "One month. If this is not agreeable, I shall marry no one. Plan the wedding, for I will not be there."

Both fathers sat back and watched as Cesare left the room with a slam to the door. When Cesare set his mind to it, there was no bending him. With a sigh, they both shook their heads. Sherise would not be pleased.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-19 14:37 EST
It was the day before Cesare had planned on leaving the only home he knew. His mother had put up quite the fuss, not wanting to lose her baby boy to the wiles and wild world. She had the entire household up in arms with her calls for smelling salts each time Cesare came into the same room with her.

"Really, mother. It will be just a month's time. I'll be home soon." He kneeled at her feet, and held her hand between his own hands. A gentle pat to her soft, supple hand. "Please, do not be upset. I promise to come home, mother. You did not react this way when I went on the Grand Tour."

But his mother would not listen to reason, would not calm down with his pleas. "You will leave the safety of Roma, and will be at the tip of a blade within a week! I know you, Cesare! Do not go out into that world. It is no good. Stay at home, let Mother take care of you. Marry Sherise. She will take care of you. Please, Cesare, mi bambino. Stay." Her eyes shone with bright tears and her lip quivered in fear for her eldest son.

Cesare, always a soft heart when his mother cried, smiled for his mother. But there was steel behind his icy eyes and he kissed his mother's hand. "I am going to do this, mother." He rose then and nodded to the servants that surrounded the prostate woman.

The afternoon sun was hot when Cesare left the house. He wanted to wander around the grounds to his childhood stomping grounds one last time as a bachelor. He knew, just knew, that when he returned home he would be a husband. The thought of having a bride made him frown. He wasn't ready to settle down. Too many fish in the sea to just settle for one.

He found himself at the natural spring on the property. A warm dip would certainly relax his muscles and the stress would simply float away like the steam off of the surface of the water. Clothes were stripped and hung on a low branch. Then into the water he lowered himself. With a contented "Ah." he sank into the water. Lower and lower, until his hair floated upon the surface.

And, with a flurry of bubbles, that hair disappeared under the surface.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-22 16:35 EST
Tiny bubbles whirled around in front of his face as he was pulled further and further downwards. He twisted and writhed, fought with whatever it was that was pulling him quickly downwards. The pool was a shallow one, five feet deep, but the water remained over Cesare's head. He flailed about, kicking his feet to no avail. The bubbles continued to rise and tickle at his feet, sides and scrotum. They brushed along his chest and across his cheeks. Ever rising bubbles as Cesare was pulled down, down.

His heart hammered in his chest, his lungs seared at having to hold his breath. As he fought, his body screamed for the oxygen that he simply could not get to the surface for. His heart felt like it would rip out of his chest. Panic sunk in and eyes grew wide.

Kicking and flailing were steadily slowing as his oxygen starved body was pulled deeper and more quickly into the maelstrom he could see beneath his feet. A whirling of water and bubbles so fast in it's circular motion that Cesare just knew that he'd be dead in a moment once he was plunged into the vortex.

His body was no longer his own. Unable to fight any longer, Cesare accepted his fate with a silent prayer. To God" To the Fates" Even he didn't know. All he knew was that it was a sweet surrender. He watched the vortex as it swallowed him inch by inch. His body disappearing slowly, slowly. His eyes drifted closed as unconsciousness set in.

Warmth. Soothing warmth. Bright light just beyond the redness of the inside of eyelids. A heart beating, softly, steadily. A gasp of breath, sharp and gulping as dark eyes flew open and he looked up at the binary suns. He'd arrived.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-25 14:14 EST
Cesare lay in the twin sun's light, gulping for air on the beach where he found himself. Except for the two glowing orbs in the sky, everything looked just as normal and mundane as anything he'd ever seen. Rocks were gray, trees were green and brown, the grass green and the lake at his feet was a blue-green-grayish color. But he knew, beyond the shadow of the doubt, he was not at home.

Another thing Cesare knew: He was completely and utterly nude. The thought floated through his head that this was possibly heaven and that angels would soon appear to robe him with a golden halo, white gossamer wings and ivory silk toga. He even wondered if he'd have a golden harp.

Then he shook his head with a laugh. Laughter, even in his condition, laughter because he knew beyond a shadow of doubt that he'd commited one too many sins in his lifetime. Pride, coveting, gluttony he'd commited them all. And without asking for forgiveness while he was alive, he knew it was too late to beg for it now.

He curled his fingers into the powdery soft sand beneath his hands and turned his head. Glancing around at the immediate area, he seemed to be all alone. He'd never been so utterly alone in all of his life. Even when he'd visited the country home that he'd inherite some day, there was always somebody around, always noise that made him feel wrapped up in a security blanket.

But now he only heard silence. Crickets had struck up their song, as well as the tree frogs that whined to complain about the heat of the day. But human noises, horses, carriages, none of that was to be heard. Maybe hell was made to be spent all alone.

So when the grass crunched in the not so far distance, his head whipped to the side. Deep, midnight blue velvet skirts swept nearby. There was a laugh from the female above the skirts. A finger pointed and Cesare felt, for the first time in his life, shame. He curled his body, grasping his private area.

The woman finally introduced herself to Cesare as Lady Ashford. She was kind and took in the naked stranger, giving him a roof over his head and clothes to wear. But, to Cesare's chagrin, she expected payment. And it was not a price he was willing to pay.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-08-26 14:33 EST
"Really, Cesare," Marie spoke with a bored tone as she lounged upon the couch near the makeshift desk that had been set up for Cesare's needs. "You pay more attention to those ledgers than you do me." She bat her brown eyes, flipping her mousey hair over her shoulder.

Cesare grit his teeth and did his best to ignore her. He had agreed to get her accounts straight and handle her affairs at the banks. He did not agree to anything further. He kept making that a point, when Marie went into one of her moods. Today, he was ignoring her. Tomorrow, he'd explain that as her accountant, it'd be a conflict of interest to give in to her advances.

Marie held a glass of sherry in her hand, her nails meticulously done and matched the liquid in the glass in color. The fire flickered in the fireplace. She'd done everything she could have done to make herself more alluring to the handsome Roman that she'd discovered by the lake that day. He had looked like a drowned rat, then. Now she dressed him in the latest styles, and paraded him around in front of her high station friends.

Cesare knew Marie did not have a high tolerance for alcohol, so he plied the juice as often as he could. Once she would become frustrated, she flounced her way up to her chambers for the evening. And thus it went, their routine. What may look to the outside eye as a cozy little arrangement, was far from it. There was a key element missing: romance.

"Why don't you go to bed, Marie. I've got a good bit of work left. Your dead husband, God rest his soul, left these books in a mess." He looked up and rubbed the back of his neck. "And before you ask, no I will not be joining you. This is a business relationship, Marie. Nothing more, nothing less." He shook his head and went back to work.

Cesare Romano

Date: 2009-09-03 14:52 EST
"Is she gone yet?" Cesare lifted the curtain just a bit to take a peek outside. Unfortunately his room faced the rear of the house and it did not offer him a view of the front of the house. The front is where the carriages picked up and dropped off passengers. For all he knew, the dowager widow might still be seated in the parlor, entertaining her gentleman guest.

Cesare was relieved that Marie finally found somebody, other than himself, to ply her feminine wiles on. With her dead husband's estate, plus the money that Cesare had socked away for her, she'd be a catch for any man looking to settle down. Again. By no means was she young enough to find a husband looking for a first time wife. Add to that the fact that she'd been a mistress to more than one married man of equal or higher rank than her dead husband. Cesare began to rethink his impression of Marie. He was now surprised that she'd have a single gentleman to entertain at all.

He peeked, fruitlessly, out of the window again. There was nothing to see but the dark sky and the crescent moon, reflected on the little pond in the back yard. A sigh escaped his lips and he sat on the windowsill with his arms folded across his chest. "Why doesn't she just go?"

Cesare had taken to sneaking out on the nights that Marie had either gone on trips or had gone out herself. It was easier than arguing with her and dealing with her pouts, flailing arms and faiting spells at the thought of "her" Cesare going out on the town. No, Cesare had enough. His personal life was his own, and Marie would be none the wiser.

Finally the stable boy who was his lookout ran into the house and smiled up at Cesare. "She's gone, m'lord." He bowed politely and then held out his hand. Cesare admired the boy's pluck and dropped two silver coins into the boy's palm.

Cesare took his leave of the house, his destination already set in his head. There was a small place not that far away that served brandy as it should be served, allowed him to smoke his cigars and had all the ample bosomed women that he could handle. And Cesare could handle quite a bit.

He opened up the doors to the Widow's Peak Bar & Grill and disappeared inside.