Topic: Conversations with the "REAL" Nexus


Date: 2007-09-12 15:12 EST
Kalis-Nar taking time from his duties decided to go and speak to the Nexus again, to complain about the seemingly long time it was holding Miko, Kalis's beloved, in its vast grasp. Not to mention to give it tips on its fashion sense. "Oy there, Nexus, you and me gotta have a chat. First of all i really don't like the fact that you seem to steal my fiance for any length of time. Course to her it could be thousands of years, of being trapped in a viod, having who knows what done to her. So you if you don't coulda send her back, thanks. And another thing, you really need to hire a fashion consultant, cause your taste in clothes is really bad. I mean clown outfits and pink tutus, are you like trying to win the "Worst Fashion Sensible Entity in the Universe" award or what?"

With that Kalis waited to get a response from the Nexus. As he waited he saw some poor soul being sucked up into the Nexus and a few moments later another victim of the Nexus being sent back as a teddy bear, with a big pink bow on its head. and Kalis wondered "Whats up with the pink?"

So he summoned up a large wooden chair and waited for an awnser from the Nexus, no matter how long it took, after all he was a Deity of Time, and could go back to Rhy'din, just a second after he left.

The Nexus

Date: 2007-09-13 00:13 EST
A voice disturbed her work, she noticed a visitor as she put the finishing touches on her letter of complaint to the temp agency that had sent that wierdo to cover for her. SO hard to find good help these days. I mean really, trying to collar a vampire for his own uses!!

In a soft feminine voice with a slight Brittish accent, she answers, "'Ello' Ah, Kalis, yes."

She appeared before him as a swirling, dark tornado wearing a large straw hat with a giant ostrich plume sticking out of it, and pink gloves. "Yes, about your fiance. I AM sorry about that, you see I went away on holiday for awhile, and that bloody temp agency sent me a megalomaniac as a replacement. I am still trying to set things right, and that poor vampire woman, and all those people covered in green slime. My my, I left imPLICIT instructions that the goo was to be pink in color...tsk tsk" She makes clucking sounds, and in order to summon a chair for herself, she sucks up a bathtub from the Red Dragon Inn, complete with a poor, unsuspecting occupant and is unfortunate rubber ducky. They become a large, pink ruffled recliner.

Sitting, she asks, "Tea?"

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-09-13 00:25 EST
She appeared, hesitantly, her hand at her throat, expecting retaliation for her suicide attempt. In her hand was a note, on scented stationary. It appeared to be an aplogy and a request to see her," What was going on.

She floated in...nothingness, amazingly still dressed as she had been, and said quietly, "Um...I got your note. Hello' Er, Bo..oh, er...yes, it says here that he was acting in your place. Good, well then...Nexus" I am here!" She made swimming motions with her arms and kicked a bit, and found that she propelled quickly through the nothingness, or at least, it felt that way. There was nothing really to SEE to judge if she had moved or not.

Spotting Kalis in a chair, she grinned and waved, and noticed the beside him. Did she smell...tea?


Date: 2007-09-13 04:49 EST
Kalis sat in his chair waiting for a response and much to his surprise he got one. He was actually quite shocked when he saw a dark tornado wearing a ostrich plumed straw hat and pink gloves appear before him and talk to him.

"you talk with a british accent' who knew. Holiday you say, didn't know vast entities took holidays. Well anyway -looks and sees her" create a pink, ruffled recliner out of someone taking a bath with a rubber ducky- Yeah so how long you keeping my girlfriend" anyways, Ms., Mrs. or do you prefer to be called The Nexus" and i see you have a thing for pink too, that would explain the pink tutus

Oh and yes i would love to have some tea, thankyou. Has Kalis sat there with the Nexus, he saw Belle pop in as it were and he smiled.

Hello Belle, how are you my dear, me and the Nexus who appearently speaks with a british accent, are having some tea, care to join us" How are you, Rie and Xander doing" With that he sat there and waited for Belle to speak, and drank his tea, hoping it was not someone, she" The Nexus had sucked up and turned into tea.

The Nexus

Date: 2007-09-15 18:30 EST
If she had a face, she would have been smiling sweetly to Belle. "Ah, hello luv. I did send for you, yes. I wanted to apologize in person for the ah...nastiness you had to go through because of my temp. I am SO sorry."

She summoned a chair for Belle, sucking up a toaster from someone's home, and morphing it into a comfortable chaise lounge. The chaise lounge was, also, pink. "There you are dear. I was just having a little tete a tete with your friend here, Lord Kalis-nar. As I was saying, I am so sorry for the problems that obnoxious idiot caused. I am currently drafting a note to the temp agency, complaining and advising them to never sent him on work ever again!"

At her anger, the dark tornado-like figure swirled and began to glow faintly green. "I mean really! Don't those people ever check references?!"

A cup of tea floated over to Belle. "Here, dear. Have some tea. It's chamomile."

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-09-16 15:52 EST
She fell into the chair as it hit the back of her knees, and landing with an, "oof."

Completely shocked, she glanced at Kalis, what was HE doing here" And then at the..swirling vortex of British politeness. "Um, yes, well...Kalis here helped me out with that, er, mishap. Did you say he was your TEMP?"

She had a look of complete confusion on her face, and accepted the floating cup of tea without realizing she had. She leaned in to take a sip, lifting the cup to her lips, and then realized what she was doing. Taking a double take at the cup, she sniffed it and lofted a brow, staring into it's depths. She set the cup gently in her lap, and smiled sweetly, but NO one was going to get her to taste that. Who know's where it had come from"

"Well, while I'm here, I have a few complaints for you, Miss Nexus, er, if you don't mind."

She went on, "What is up with all the costume changes you keep putting people through' And I am STILL missing my leather jacket. I know I packed it, and my trunk appeared covered in pink slime, and full of pink frosted cupcakes. Now WHERE is my clothing??"


Date: 2007-09-16 16:07 EST
Looking at Belle, seating in the rocking chair and drink tea with the Real Nexus, he sighed "It seems Belle that i am not the only one with a complaint or two. I seem to have lost my girlfriend, well now my fiance, i was asking the Nexus here if she?, knew were Miko was, i have not seen her for days. Sorry to hear about the leather jacket though, pink slime and cupcakes you say. Hmmm, it seems our friendly neighbohood Nexus here has a sense of humor, and appearently its a British sense of humor.

Hey i have an idea, excuse Ms. Nexus, but could you do a huge favor for me and suck up all those damn Federation people in my Great Dinning Hall for me, and we can put any hard feelings behind. I'd much appreciate it, i'll even buy a new tele for you if you did."

The Nexus

Date: 2007-09-16 18:17 EST
Soft ringing chimes of what was probably laughter, the Nexus leaned her tornado-like body back in her pink, ruffly recliner and sipped tea from a delicate cup covered in pink roses. "Well, you see, Lord Kalis-nar, I don't generally do favors for...whatever it is you are. I am a force, a necessity, and a balance to the creation and order of things. I, in turn, destroy them and warp them, and generally muck things up. It's my job, it's my joy, and no, I will not suck up the people living in your home. I would have to send them back, for I cannot really keep things here forever, you see. This is nothingness, and soemthing-nesses cannot exist here for long. I CAN, however, make things difficult for them."

Then pink gloves make a shimmying motion, "You know, shake things up a bit." She sips her tea.


Date: 2007-09-21 10:52 EST
With her eyes clenched tightly, she "poofed" into the body, home, or center of the Nexus, she wasn't sure what it was called.

"Hello' Nexus" I need to talk to you about a soul. Do you know where they go' Can you help me find one that has passed on?"

Looking around, she spots floating furniture, upholstered in garrish pink. She shrugs and grabs a chair as it floats by, and sits to wait. She wasn't sure how she was going to get home, but her conscience would not let her rest until she had done what she could for Chiana.

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-09-21 22:12 EST
Screaming her head off, she is tossed into a floating abyss, darkness surrounding her, she thinks she may be blind.

She had heard her own voice, though, so at least she wasn't deaf.

In the distance, which once she focuses on it, gets much closer quickly, are several figures. Suddenly, she is among them. Well, almost. She looks down at her hands, and can see through them. Great. She must be still dead. Was this a new torture for her in the Shadowlands?

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-09-24 18:16 EST
She saw Chiana's transparent self appear, and gasped. Rising to her feet, she rushed to her side and tried to embrace her, but her arms went right through her. She sobbed, and turned from Chiana, calling out as she flung herself from the Nexus back to Rhydin, "Oh, Chiana, I am so sorry! It's all my fault!"

The Nexus

Date: 2007-09-24 18:20 EST
"Come, sit, poor dear. It must be trying to travel all that way so unexpectedly. I hope I did not take you from something important?"

The swirling tornado-like figure shoved Belle's vacant chair at the spector of Chiana. She clucked like an old nanny over a boo-boo.

"Your friend here was just asking about retrieving souls. I had been reading memories off your other friend, and in hopes to make up to poor Belle for her troubles, I thought I'd see what I could do for you. Were you in a...happy place, dear" Or would you like to come back. To Rhy'din?"

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-09-25 01:02 EST
"What"! HAPPY"! Of course I wasn't in a happy place! I was DEAD you...wait a minute. I am talking to a dust dervish wearing...a hat."

Shaking her head, she dropped into the chair recently vacated by Belle, whom she had a few things to say to, but that was not to be, obviously, and fell straight through it. Oh, of course. Wonderful. Ghosts can't sit in chairs.

"Who are you and why am I here, and not stuck in a boat, in a land of rainbows, happy monkeys, and small children dressed from different countries singing to me about the size of their planet?"


Date: 2007-09-26 15:33 EST
"Eep!" She peeped at the sight of Chiana, ghostly yet definately there.

"You did it!" She spoke to the Nexus, wondering how she/it' had known Chiana was the one she wanted to bring back. "Can I take her with me" Is she real" Is she alive again?"

Clapping her hands, she stared at her lovely friend, tears shining her in ice blue eyes. "Oh Chiana, I'm so sorry about the sucker! Can you forgive me?"

The Nexus

Date: 2007-09-26 15:36 EST
Rising from her pink ruffled recliner, the whirling dervish approached Chiana's spectre. She spoke, however, to Valentine. "She is but a soul, dear one. She retains this shape because this is how she sees herself. She is not alive. If you bring me a body for her, I can place her inside. Belle wished for this, yes?"

She swirled and rushed around Chiana, gently touching the spirit's energies, as if to pet and soothe.

"Chiana, do you wish to come back?"

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-09-26 15:39 EST
"What' A body' What are you talking about' Where is MY body' Can't we use that?"

Looking at Val, she smiled,"It wasn't your fault. It was an accident, I choked on that stupid sucker and I was alone. I was still weak from Belle's attack. You couldn't have known."

Back to the...Nexus. "I want to come back. I hate Hell! I have to sit on a stupid kiddie ride from one of Earth's amusement parks! And when I'm not doing that, I am forced to paint pictures of kittens and puppies on black velvet!!"

She pouted, and looked sadly down at herself, wondering what sort of body they would find for her. She had been rather fond of this one.


Date: 2007-09-26 15:41 EST
"You let ME take care of that!" Grinning, she used her new control over herself and whatever plane of existance she happened to occupy (A demonic gift from her Sire, Belle de'Morte) and popped out of the Nexus.

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-09-27 15:31 EST
"Wait, Val, wait, I don't think I..." But Val had disappeared. She thought about it, floating there in the silence. No. No, she didn't want to come back, she was miserable here. At least in Hell, she had a nice spot up front.

Screaming out at them, she raged and went ballistic, shaking in her fury,"LEAVE ME BE! I don't want to come back to this world, don't you get it' I died and you couldn't leave me there, you took me from my resting place, now I am here! Get my body back from that...thing...that buried me, and put me back in the cemetary!!"

She sobbed, collapsing into a heap, floating in the nothingness of the Nexus.