Topic: Dark Steel Glinting in the Light


Date: 2009-10-11 01:54 EST
Six years in this city....You would think I would come in here more...

Draco, let the heavy oak door close behind him. His mind wary and aearching the room for any hint of danger. Enemies, rivals, even a simple drunk stumbling about, he wanted to avoid them all. He wasn't here for that kind of trival, business, or even any kind of business. He was here because his neighbors were fighting....again. He just wanted something hot to eat and a place to sleep with thicker walls.

As he found a place near the fireplace and a server that would take his order for food and drink, and his coin, he couldn't help smirking.

If this place was just a little different it....I would be sitting in the old legends. The Ancients, Eight's Haven, their advemtures, stories that blurred the line between myth and history...

Sipping ale and shifting his sword to lean against his leg, he shrugged. Maybe that's why I stay away....Ending up here is adventure enough.

Eyes like the base of flame looked into the hearth. Though it was a small blaze, underfed in the comfortable weather, it seemed to swell as his gaze lingered on it. Its light caught the jewels in his articfacts, and glinted on the polished metal between sword guard and padded grip.

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Profile postd on account, with some refinements to mechanics and additional details.