Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2009-04-10 22:43 EST
She was dead, of that there could be no doubt. The delicate slit across her throat was a clue, but the dagger buried nearly to the hilt between her breasts left no room for misunderstanding. The dagger was his of course. It's twin was still lying on the pile of their clothes.

He had brought her to his bed in the early hours before dawn. The mating had been passionate and fevered, just as all the other times. They exhausted each other and he had watched as she had fallen asleep. Her deep rhythmic breathing was the last thing he heard before finding sleep himself. He looked at her now, surprised at how beautiful she remained. Even death could not rob her of her beauty. Leaning over to kiss her, feeling strangely emotionless and detached, he yanked the dagger free from her chest.

He twisted himself up in the bed, wiping the blood from the dagger with the coarse sheets. Her assassin had been elven. Few others could have entered and did the work with no disturbance. Now he need to figure out who and why. Who could have wanted her dead" Who even could have known she was here in his bed" These questions snapped at him as he roused himself fully awake.

He felt the footsteps before he heard them, keen elven senses felt the vibration of many feet and they were coming closer. It became clear then. They were coming for him. A flicker of a smile crossed his lips as he shook his head. How stupid he had been. Surely they had planned this for some time. He had played right into their hands. They would find her dead in his bed and he would be imprisoned and executed. They would care not that she was dead but they would care that she was human. That alone carried a death sentence.

He quickly dressed, slipping a dagger into each boot and grabbing his traveling cloak from it's hook. He stood just as they arrived at his door. Scrambling up the stairs, he perched on the window sill and turned to watch them come through the door. There were many, just as he knew there would be. Dressed in black, some with bows and others with daggers and clubs, they poured through the small doorway. He grimaced a bit as they roughly dragged her from the bed and tossed her to the floor like a rag doll. Where is he? The first drow growled as he spun on one directly behind him. You assured us he would be here. Even from a distance he could sense the fear in the second elf. He...he was here commander, I swear it. I followed them here myself. I watched... The sentence was never finished as the dagger took the subordinate drow just under the chin. Let this be a lesson, the drow captain glared at those gathered before him. I will not tolerate incompetence. He gestured at the naked woman on the floor. Get that trash out of my sight.

With silent and fluid motion, he leapt from the window onto the lower roof and then to the ground. It was child's play to silence the drow guarding the horses. The same dagger that he had just moments ago pulled from his lover's breast, was shoved through the back of the guard's neck. Cutting the leather thong holding it to the post, he slipped on the back of the dark pony and guided it into the night. Questions answered, he who would be Prince had become a fugitive.

Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2009-11-22 00:14 EST
" Here, it's for you and I'm glad to be rid of it," the woman hissed as she shoved the neatly folded paper in his face. She hesitated for a moment as he took it, perhaps thinking there might be some reward for her. There very nearly was, though nothing that she could have anticipated. The dark eyed elf wrapped his hand around the razor sharp dagger secreted beneath his cloak. This one would be easy, he thought to himself as he eyed the soft skin of her neck just below the jaw. Easy and quick. He was outraged at the impudence of the female. In a different time, a different place, she would have paid with her life. Here and now, the elf couldn't risk drawing any attention to himself. He who was once a prince, was no more than a street beggar now.

The woman must have seen the glint in his eye, somehow sensed the hidden rage, for she dropped her hand and quickly disappeared back into the crowded street. He turned the paper over in his hand and read his name and address. Only one person knew the address of his most recent residence. Ixora. His fingers moved to break the wax seal, hesitated, then stopped. He slid the letter into the inner folds of his cloak. He couldn't risk standing here along the street and reading. Too many eyes, too many strangers. Strangers were dangerous. He didn't know who searched for him. He stayed in the same place for no more than a day or two then moved on. He was on the move now.

The horse tied to the rail was a beautiful animal. It appeared well cared for and, if he gauged correctly, it could run. The fact that it belonged to someone else was of no consequence. The dagger was out and slicing through the leather thongs with no notice. He was on the horses's back and away in seconds. Closing his eyes, he pictured himself soaring on the back of an ancient golden dragon, the clouds almost within reach. Those days were over for him. A dragon rider no more, the memories would have to do.

He pushed the horse hard until the pair had escaped the confines of the city. Now, he guided the horse slowly through the heavily wooded hillside. He found a spot that was both clear enough for camp and secluded enough to avoid detection. Sliding from the back of the horse, he placed his hand against the animal's forehead. He whispered a few words into the horse's ear, words from the language of his people. The horse would stay, it would wait.

It didn't take long to build the small campfire. After securing enough wood to get through the night, he removed the letter and spread his cloak on the ground beside the fire. Settling down onto it, he turned the letter over several times in his hand. He used the dagger to break the seal, reading the letter by the dim light of the fire.

Short and to the point. Ixora, it seemed, was not one to use two words where one word would do. Ixora. She was outspoken, flirtatious, even brash at times. He sensed much more about her. She harbored something deep inside, something she protected. He couldn't begin to guess what that something might be and he knew better than to try, at least for now. Yet something about her made him trust her. A risky proposition considering that his only interaction with her had been at a tavern. Nevertheless, he would trust his instincts. They had kept him alive this long.

He finished the letter, using the dagger to trim her address from the bottom and tossing the rest into the fire. Tossing a few small branches on the fire, he curled down into the cloak and pulled the sides up around him. The stars blinked through the trees above him. How he wished he was soaring among them. Sleep found him a few minutes later, taking away the sting of the memory. He had already made up his mind. He would find her again. Ixora.

Dimi Vashti

Date: 2009-11-22 00:47 EST
Watching from the darkness of the tree line, the moon elf smiled. She had found him at last. It had taken months to find him here but she was good at her work, very good. She could have taken him days ago but she wanted to wait. After all, there was some history.

Now as he lay there by the dying fire, she found herself wondering how it had come to this point. Arixi Darkgem, future prince of his clan, a hunted fugitive. She had been commissioned to hunt him down and bring him back or kill him. Either way, she had received a very large sum of money. It was more than she had received for any contract, more by a large margin. Now, as the opportunity presented itself, she hesitated.

She had loved him once, a long time ago. He had loved her too, at least that's what he had said. She had believed him. He was very convincing in both word and deed. That was the past. She had never defaulted on a contract and she wasn't about to start now. As soon as the fire died, she would simply walk in, slit his throat, and be finished with it. So, she waited.

It was another hour before the fire sputtered and died, leaving the forest in a sea of black silence. She could see fairly well in the darkness, the outlines of the small camp were clear. Her senses were heightened now. They were always this way just before a kill. She could hear the soft, rhythmic breathing of the sleeping elf. Slipping a dagger from her boot, she moved silently into the clearing. She was as quiet as the night, her mission just as dark.

Dagger in hand, she knelt beside the sleeping elf. Knowing it was wrong, she brushed a finger across his soft dark hair, the same hair that she had caressed so many times in the past. She brought the dagger to his throat. One swift motion and it would be over, his life blood draining into the soft forest floor. It was not an all together bad way for an elf to die.

Yet, she hesitated. He looked so peaceful there in the darkness. She knew that he must have very few peaceful nights. He was always on the run, moving from place to place, doing what he had to do to survive. And now it was over. Yet, she hesitated.

Leaning down, she kissed him softly on the forehead. The elf would live for another day. With a single tear on her cheek, the moon elf melted back into the darkness.

Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2009-11-22 21:41 EST
He stirred from the dream, one of those dreams that seem just outside the waking grasp. Reaching for it in that last second of sleep, it escaped him. There was a message in the dream, he was sure of it. Perhaps it would come back to him later, his dreams sometimes did, but for now it was gone.

It was still a little before dawn. The stars were fighting to hold their places but it was a losing battle. In less than an hour, dawn would announce the new day. He didn't want to be here when that happened. Unwrapping himself from the cloak that made up his bed, he stripped his clothes off and headed for the small creek a few hundred yards away. The water was clear and cold, very cold, and it took a few minutes before he was able to lower himself into a deep pool. Using handful's of soft sand from the creek bed, he scrubbed himself clean. It didn't take long and he was soon dressed and back at the small camp.

Taking a few moments, he brushed clean his traveling cloak. It needed to be washed but he didn't have time for that now. He wanted to be well clear of this spot when the sun came up. The cloak was quickly rolled up and tied. Several more minutes were spent cleaning up, making sure that anyone short of an elf or expert tracker would notice nothing changed here. It wasn't until that moment, the moment he was ready to leave, that he noticed. The horse was gone.

He slipped quickly into a crouch and slowly moved into a thicker section of trees. Someone had found him, it was the only explanation. Otherwise, the horse would still be here. The words he had spoken should have practically glued it to the ground. Despite the coolness of the morning and the affect of the cold water, he found beads of sweat forming on his brow.

It was now that the sun chose to make it's appearance on the horizon. It would be hours before the sun was high enough to penetrate the canopy of the trees, but a ray or two found it's way in. The glint from the other side of the small clearing caught his eye as if it were a signal fire. Whatever was making the reflection shouldn't be there. He worked his way around the clearing, staying within the tree line and moving very, very slowly. Several minutes later he was standing near the tree where he had left the horse. He saw instantly what was reflecting the sunlight. There, stuck in the tree, was a small silver dagger, Elven runes inscribed on the hilt and blade. It was a ceremonial weapon made for just one purpose, killing.

He had no business being alive. The owner of the weapon, for some reason, had chosen not to kill him. Instead, whoever it was, they had chosen to leave him this warning. With a quick glance around, he yanked the dagger from the tree and slid it into his boot. It was too late to run now. He would have to find out who was tracking him and take care of the matter.

He was nearly half way back to town when the vision from his dream returned. "No, it couldn't be..," he whispered aloud as it started to become clear to him. "She can't be here...."

Dimi Vashti

Date: 2009-11-27 18:09 EST
Darkness, and the moon is full. The humans would, this time of year, call it the Hunter's Moon. Perfect.

She had waited at the Inn for a glimpse of him. The place was crowded and it had been easy enough to conceal herself. So many people, loud, intoxicated, rude. She didn't care for crowds, there were too many risks with crowds. So she waited a while and, when he didn't come, she left to find him. The night air was cool but the full moon energized and strengthened her. She was at her peak tonight, it would have to be done tonight.

Not worrying about being seen, no one here would see her again after this night's work, she simply walked through the city. Checking stores, shops, taverns, anywhere she suspected he might be, she softly whistled her way through the streets of Rhy'din. Although there was no pressure, there was an issue of expediency. With the full moon, she wanted to spend some of the night in worship. Perhaps this would be the night Ithil would forgive her.

Her light laugh, like the twinkle of the stars overhead, carried on the soft night breeze. A tea house. Rix, the elf who would be Prince, at a tea house. If it wouldn't have been so laughable, she might have cried. Instead, she chose to watch for a few moments. He was obviously out of place, an elf among humans. Sometimes it worked, most times it didn't. Even from this distance, through the glass of the door, he looked uncomfortable. The woman he sat next to...human....not entirely it appeared, took little notice of him. Good. It would probably hasten his exit, for it appeared he had little use for anyone else gathered here.

The breeze picked up, softly playing through the silvery brightness of her hair. The full moon was nearing it's zenith, her passions and desires were strong now. Pale blue eyes were fixed on the elf as the memories came unbidden. He was beautiful and strong, a wonderful lover. Their life together would have been perfection. He the Prince and she by his side forever. Then the human woman interfered. The human woman died, murdered. Rix disappeared the same night, killing two dark elves in his escape. It hadn't taken the Council long to send someone for her. They had the money by the time she arrived. When they told her who was to die, she showed no emotion, yet inside she screamed to the depths of her soul. She had only seconds to decide and, well, it was a large sum of money and he had been given his chance with her. She had taken the money and left the Council without a word.

Now, as she watched him coming out the door of the tea house, she banished the memories and all the emotion they stirred. The light, razor sharp dagger was in her hand as she melted back into the darkness. She had picked the spot. He had to pass here to get back to town. If things went as planned, he wouldn't make it. There would be no time to bury the body but that was of no matter. She would simply take the finger with the ring of the dragon rider as proof. That would be enough.

Quickness and strength, those had always been her weapons and both had served her well. As she sprang from the darkness, she knew this time would be no different. He went down with barely a sound, her knee driving the breath from him as they sank together to the soft ground. She let him break her fall, her hand sinking deep into his dark soft hair, yanking his head to the side, exposing the veins she needed to open. The dagger was against his throat in a second, the job was nearly over. Then her eyes found his, found the deep brown pools that she had once loved, and once again she hesitated.

Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2009-12-04 23:10 EST
That moment of hesitation was all he needed. Using silent and fluid movement, his leg came from behind her and took her across the neck. She was strong for her size but he was stronger. He toppled her sideways, the dagger spinning from her hand. Finally able to draw a useful breath, he rolled between her and the knife, driving an elbow back into her taught stomach. It was her turn to have the breath knocked from her and it allowed him time to both grab the dagger from the ground and spin himself around and atop her.

Silver hair matted across her eyes, she sensed more than felt the dagger at her throat. The assassin had become the target. "Finish it Arixi Darkgem, finish what you started. Right here and now." She hissed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. His lip quivered into a sneer as he looked down on the now helpless moon-elf. ]"Say a quick prayer to your goddess Dimitria for you will be seeing her very soon."i] He spat as he wiped the sweat from his eyes and then reached down to push her long hair from her face.

He wanted to see fear in her eyes, some sign of emotion, but the moon-elf would not allow him that pleasure. She simply stared up at him, awaiting the death that was promised. Her pale blue eyes were lifeless in anticipation of the fulfillment of that promise.

He shook his head in anger and flipped the dagger at the nearest tree. The razor sharp blade buried itself up to the hilt in the hard wood. " Get up Dimi", he growled as he separated himself from her and stood back. ]"You'll not die by my hand".

She didn't reply. She simply sat up, brushing away the leaves and sticks tangled in her long hair. When she did speak, her tone was matter of fact. "I could take your finger back with me Rix, that would settle it, at least for a while." Her eyes sparkled as if she had just come up with a perfect plan.

"Sorry Dimi, I'm partial to all of my parts", he shook his head. "You're going to need a better plan".

The next hour found them sitting on opposite sides of a well fed camp fire. They sat for a time just staring into the flames, each wondering what was going to happen next.

Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2009-12-04 23:16 EST
(( Thanks to D-mun for allowing me full license. You need to get here more.))

Arixi Darkgem

Date: 2011-03-08 19:03 EST