Topic: Decisions


Date: 2014-09-26 22:36 EST
Sweat glistened on Raytheon's bare chest as he brought his sword up to parry a blow from the burly man attacking him, then swept his arms up in an arc to barely push aside a thrust from a second man approaching from the side. He exhaled quickly, breath frosting the dawn air, then took a step backwards to keep both opponents as much in front of him as possible. The pair glanced at each other and then burst forward in what, to a normal observer, would look like a simultaneous attack. Raytheon, however, noticed that the burly man had moved an instant earlier. Taking advantage, he sidestepped slightly, blocking the man's overhand blow and then dropping him with a kick to the back of his knee. In the same fluid motion, he switched his sword to his left hand, instinctively swinging it around to where he expected the same blow to come. Sure enough, metal clashed with metal, and he had a split second to drive his right elbow into the second man's skull, knocking him to the ground. As both men struggled to stand, Raytheon tapped both of them lightly on the chest with his practice sword. "Well fought, Danem and Matias." Dropping the sword at his feet, he jogged to the fence surrounding the practice ring, nodding to the next pair up. He grabbed a clean towel and wiped his chest, then pulled on a shirt and a sweater while he waited for his next match.

As Raytheon leaned against the fence, watching the two spar in a one-on-one battle, his friend Gavin sidled up to him. "Nicely done, Ray," Gavin said, keeping his eyes on the sparring. Ray nodded appreciatively, glancing over at the tall, thin man next to him. His short-cropped hair had started to turn grey, and he might look like a lanky fellow, particularly given his penchant for wearing his oversized Warder's cloak and baggy pants that seemed at least two sizes too large for him, but Gavin was a blademaster like Ray. In fact, he had been Ray's instructor when Ray had first taken his vows as Warder a few years ago.

"To be honest," Gavin continued, "I wasn't sure you would be up so early this morning."

"I arrived a few hours ago," Ray admitted, adding, perhaps a more defensively than he had intended, "I had to take care of something in Rhydin."

Gavin chuckled, raising his hands to indicate he meant no offense. "It's none of my business."

Ray glanced back towards the sparring match, saying nothing. The two men in the ring were evenly matched, and they continued to circle around, each seeking an advantage to exploit.

"I heard that they may allow one of the Aes Sedai to take you as a Warder," Gavin said softly. Raytheon started, then glared at Gavin.

"They cannot do that!" he hissed angrily. "I am Warder to Valucia."

Gavin shook his head in resignation. "My friend, nobody has seen or heard from her in more than a year. You may be the best fighter among us, and you have skills and knowledge that are too valuable to waste. How many other Warders have spent a year among the Aiel, for example, and can call many of them friends?"

Raytheon shook his head firmly. "Valucia still lives" I can feel it through the bond. I will not allow anyone else to bond me while she lives." But, even he had begun to doubt whether she was still alive. The bond was so faint that he wondered if he was just imagining it.

"Ray, it may not be up to you," Gavin said. "Marita told me that they are openly discussing what to do with you. There are several Aes Sedai interested in bonding you."

Raytheon glanced over his shoulder at the different groups of women standing a short distance away from the ring. Although they appeared to be engaged in private conversation, he noticed that they kept tabs on what was happening in the ring, particularly when their Warders were sparring. He spotted Marita, Gavin's Aes Sedai, wearing her green shawl and talking with a couple of other members of the Green Ajah.

"Apparently, given your fighting ability, it has been decided that a Green sister should bond you," Gavin added. The Green Ajah, also known as the Battle Ajah, were the most tolerant of men. Many of the Green sisters married their Warders, and even those that did not marry their Warders would invite the men to share their beds. Raytheon recalled what Gem had asked him last night, and, despite his frustration with the direction of his discussion with Gavin, he could not contain the giggle that escaped. Yes, Greens would probably not mind if their Warders had "thoughts of hot wild sex" with them.

"You would be okay with that, then?" Gavin asked, misinterpreting Raytheon's laugh. "Anabel apparently has first dibs."

Raytheon's gaze swept over to Anabel. The Domani had chocolate skin, a figure that even her cloak and the Aes Sedai cloak could not hide, and wavy dark hair that fell halfway down her back. Anabel met his gaze, her full lips curving into a warm smile. Raytheon flushed red and averted his gaze.

"I have no interest in becoming Anabel's Warder," he declared. "Besides, Matias is already her Warder." As he looked in Matias" direction, he found the man glaring at him.


Date: 2014-09-26 22:42 EST
"That may be," Gavin responded with a chuckle, "but Anabel has no qualms about taking a second one, it seems." Lowering his voice, he added softly, "And she wields great influence within the Greens" it is said she may even become the Captain-General in the near future. But you didn't hear that from me."

Ray ran a hand through his hair. Was Valucia ever coming back" He recalled his conversation with Gem last night, and the way he had reacted when she told him that Valucia had been training her. Why had he tried to put distance between them' Perhaps it was because he did not want to grow too close. Perhaps it was the impression that the Aes Sedai just saw him as someone to be manipulated into doing their bidding. Even Valucia, who he had trusted completely, seemed to always be concealing important things from him, offering him just enough information for him to carry out his assignments without ever allowing him to connect the dots or understand what the purpose was.

In short, Raytheon was a tool of the Aes Sedai. He had a choice to make. Would he reject their manipulation and control, trying to find his own way and, perhaps in time, a little bit of happiness" Or would he accept his role, acknowledging that the danger they faced was significant and that the best way to fight it was to remain"

He came out of his reverie upon hearing his name called, followed by the names of two others. Ignoring the practice sword that was offered to him by a young boy, Raytheon called for a spear instead, although the blade was made of wood rather than metal.

As he gripped the wood in both hands, he bowed his head slightly. "I'm sorry, Valucia," he whispered softly. Then, in the next instant, and without fully understanding why, he added, "I'm sorry, Gem."

When he looked up again, his eyes were filled with determination. He was not just their tool" he was a weapon. He would accept their rules and manipulations, in the name of the greater good.

As he stepped into the ring, he called out to the Warder in charge, "Two opponents are not enough. Add three more." The Warder studied him for a second, then nodded. "Timmons, Sam, and Sparo, jump in the ring."

"Knock his teeth out," Matias called. "It will be impossible to miss that big head of his!? Other Warders joined in, launching derisive comments at Raytheon.

Raytheon ignored the insults. He was not cocky. He was a weapon, nothing more and nothing less, and he needed to be ready for whatever was coming. As his five opponents took their positions, Raytheon crouched down, holding his spear out in front of him as the Aiel had taught him. They raised their blades and, growling, he launched himself at them.


Date: 2014-09-26 22:43 EST
As Raytheon trudged away from the practice field, he heard a voice calling him. Turning, he spotted Gavin approaching at a trot.

"Hey, what happened back there?" Gavin demanded.

"I thought I held my own," Raytheon responded. Sure, he had not been able to defeat all five Warders at once, but he'd taken down three and held his own against the last two for several minutes before one of them finally caught him with a blow to the leg.

"I'm not referring to that," Gavin responded. "When did you become an arrogant prick" You are one of the most modest and humble men I've ever met. What was that' demanding to fight five Warders at once?"

Raytheon dropped his gaze, ashamed. "The Last Battle is approaching, Gavin. I cannot afford to waste any more time" I need to prepare."

"Aye, but these lads are on your side, Raytheon," Gavin retorted. "You can't be antagonizing them either."

Raytheon remained silent, remorseful for his earlier behavior but unwilling to admit fault. Gavin sighed, then said, "What's troubling you, lad?"

Raytheon glanced away, watching a group of Aes Sedai walking briskly by. He waited until they were out of earshot, then said softly, "I feel like I have no control anymore. Valucia is gone, you're telling me that they want to assign me a new Sister, and I'm still not sure what I'm doing here."

Gavin laid a hand on his shoulder. "Look around, Raytheon. Everyone here has fears, doubts, and secrets, including them." He jabbed a thumb in the direction of the group of Aes Sedai that had just passed them. "So why don't you tell me what?s really going on?"


Date: 2014-09-27 21:53 EST
Raytheon met his friend's eyes. "Tarmon Gai'don is coming, Gavin. The Last Battle. Darkness spreads across the land and innocent people are dying as a result. We need to prepare for the Last Battle. I need to be the most powerful weapon possible. Nothing else matters."

Gavin shook his head, his gaze never wavering. "I disagree with you, Raytheon. Everything else matters. If we are merely weapons to be used in the Last Battle, then we're no better than our enemies. Our capacity to love, our willingness to sacrifice gains on the battlefield for the greater good" that is what sets us apart. Do you know why you are such a great asset to the Tower, eh' It's not just your fighting prowess. It's your compassion for those who are struggling and your willingness to risk your own life to save the life of a defenseless child. You inspire others with your example. However, if you shut out the rest of the world?" Gavin frowned, continuing, "if you do that, then you've already lost before the battle even begins.?


Date: 2014-09-27 22:15 EST
Gavin clapped Raytheon on the shoulder again, then hurried off after Marita. Raytheon stood there, alone in the courtyard, then turned and walked back to the practice ring. Resting against the rail, he almost didn't hear the approaching footsteps. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed the young boy " the same one who had handed him the spear " tentatively approach. Raytheon smiled and nodded at him. The boy hesitated, scuffing the ground with his boot and refusing to make eye contact.

"Good morning, lad," Raytheon said. "Is there anything I can do for you?" The boy looked up, his eyes reverent.

"I saw the way you fought those five Warders at once, sir. Will you teach me to fight like that?" Raytheon started to smile, but he saw the earnestness etched on the boy's face.

"What's your name?" Ray asked.

"Dallian, sir," the boy answered.

"Well met, Dallian. How old are you?"

"I turned nine years old last week, sir." There was a challenge in Dallian's eyes as he finally met Raytheon's gaze.

Raytheon nodded solemnly. "You will soon be a man, Dallian, but not yet. You should enjoy your childhood. There will be plenty of time to teach you to fight when you are older."

"But the Last Battle is coming!" Dallian yelled, his nostrils flaring. "I need to be ready!"

Raytheon stared at the nine-year-old in front of him, who was making the same arguments that he had just tried to make to Gavin. If this conversation had occurred a few minutes ago, Raytheon probably would have consented to Dallian's request.

"I promise to teach you, Dallian, but not until you are older," Raytheon said with a gentle smile. As the boy began to protest, Raytheon held up a hand. "There will be time, lad, I guarantee you."

"But the Last Battle could come any day! It could start tomorrow. How can you be so sure?" the boy demanded.

"I know there will be time, Dallian," Raytheon said firmly, his expression matching the conviction of his words, "because I am sure that we will win the Last Battle." He smiled again, and this time Dallian cracked a smile as well. "Now run off and have some fun."